What's the best age to become a mother?
What's the best age to become a mother?
mmm big boopies
Probably mid 20s to early 30s. Whenever you have your finances in order and aren’t too old to have kids safely.
>social + economic
30+ some people become mentally and economically stable and settle down even at 40...
Surely you can see the clash of the two.
I'd aim for late 20s, early 30s. Gives you time to live a bit once your out of school without having to worry about the associate risk factors of waiting much longer. Still young enough to do shit with your kid, and get out and about once they're able to look after themselves a bit more. Then they'll in theory have a decent job by the time you start shitting yourself, and clinging onto the sad hollow shell of a life you have left, so you can get into a decent care home that won't make you just want to end it all.
When you get married.
These days girls get married around 18 -20
Back then it was 14-16.
Nothing wrong with either.
Are you a time traveler from 100 years ago? These days girls get married around 28-30.
>these days girls get married around 18-20
Where do you live?
It's not where, but the community.
Sadly my church isn't as big as pic...
You're practically infertile in terms of healthy offspring from you early 30s on and have a massive chance of birthing autists and chromosonic anomalies due to your aged eggs. Your skin will also more likely tear, as it doesnt produce enough elasticity components like in your youth. You will also heal slower from any tears. Don't fall for the financial stability meme and getting kdis once you have everything else. Your best time to get kids is biologically 17-27.
>My gf is already 27
Guess our children will be our dogs, cats and ponies
>hese days girls get married around 28-30.
Outside church yea...
girls getting married at 25 is fairly late here.
But I'd say the current generation/age group of girls here at my church would probably get married then since there's less males and most girls a fairly average here.
Sadly for them I'm interested in certain facial features/phenotype which they don't have.
I have the option to visit other churches in my country or go to europe to my ethnic country and look there or other countries where I know there is the same denomination and similar ethnicity.
I don't live in Yemen where you apparently live. Look it up. The average age for marriage in western countries hovers around 30.
Do you live in an Amish community?
>practically infertile
>early 30s
You can't be older than 16.
I'm a 32yo woman. Sure you can get healthy offapring, but tehre is a reason why autism, allergies and birth defects are on the rise since we made women believe they need to work and live before maybe getting kid at 38.
In a western country, in a city.
most older members migrated decades ago fleeing persecution at home.
Most people that come now are from another country in europe. (something along the lines of their ancestors going to my country and moving back to theirs and now they come here.)
Saw this in the papers years ago.
20 to 30.
Anything later and you have to ask yourself if you really want to be dealing with the drama of a teenager in your 60+ years?
>don't change it goy
What a surprise.
Look up your country's average marriage age here:
You will find that you are in fact completely wrong unless you live in Afghanistan.
They should be ready and eager to move out at that age if you raised them right.
I'd say late 20s and early 30s are the best choices, best mix of biological and economical posibility.
My mother had me at 32.
I never said that it was that low in my country.
It's that low in my community.
In my ethnic country it's about 25 but it's obviously less in similar communities/churches.
So you are an afghani refugee?
This is the only right answer. Look up the age of Chris-chan's parents when he was born.
Chris Chan is clearly result of inbreeding though
Chris Chan is clearly the result of Satan's influence. Even his moniker refers to his status as the antichrist.
>Me in the back-left
Depends what you mean honestly. Youre never fully mentally prepared for a baby, but you can be fully emotionally matured and ready to put your child first, be able to deal with a lot of screaming and crying, cleaning up after it, the gross things it does, etc. You can be ready to actually handle that on your own from 18+ depending on personal maturity, but then finances are the big thing people always talk about. Have a good chunk stored away, but most insurance covers her prenatal appointments so most of that saved money is for clothes, food, toys, and general baby items like a crib or changing table. You'd be best off 24+ if you really want a lot saved and you start early, but if you wait too long then yeah your female will have difficulty conceiving and giving birth. My sister in law and my brother started around 30 and it took then 5 years to finally conceive, and a lot of doctors appointments. They also say if you wait too long you risk higher chances of autism and other abnormalities because as stated, eggs age and they don't age well. Its really just a personal thing, can YOU handle a baby by yourself? If you said at least 75% of it Definetly and you have a supportive partner you're ready mentally. Can you pay for everything it needs without cutting into your daily life's needs and only cutting out wants like going out often or drinking? Then yeah you're ready financially.
>Surely you can see the clash of the two.
Letting women into the workforce was a mistake. Bitches should be getting married at 16 and getting their first children at 20.
Take out half of the populations's workforce. Sure, that will help the economy.
>Take out half of the populations's workforce
Which simultaneously liberates employers from retarded quota's that force them to pay the same salaries toless productive workers, while at the same time raising wages. How horrible.
Furthermore, you forget the massive advantage it results in: women who don't have careers, have children. This means that in the long term the workforce grows. This means you no longer need women to work in order to replace the workforce that doesn't exist because they didn't have children.
Even if we presume the short term effects are negative, the long term benefit is priceless: non-migration dependent population growth.
biologically? 15-22
Socially? 28+
>thinks a higher GDP is more important than stable families, healthy babies, and a birthrate at least at replacement level
What school of economics did you get your degree from?
>taking women off the workforce will result in more stable families
>taking women off the workforce will result in more stable families
That's generally how it works since you make her financially dependent on the man
I don't think "afghanis" are this "white"/european
Productivity is getting higher and higher but the wages stopped growing long time ago.
In the past man's wage alone was enough to support him, his wive and bunch of kids. These days both of them work and majority of population cant even afford to live in city or have children...
Lmao why the fuck would you wait till 30? You'll have one, maybe two kids? Wow, good one, replacement level.
What a lie lmao
Ideally before 30 if you're in a stable marriage.
you need to focus on your career and having fun when you're young
22 and 138 days
this, stop creating more spergs
22-26, which is the age range of the most successful marriages when other factors are held constant. If you're unmarried when you have the kid, you have much greater problems than your age. Also, don't rush into a marriage for the purpose of having a child--that's self-defeating and will ultimately come around to hurt them as well as your marriage.
Pure bullshit. It was extremely rare in Western Europe, going back to the middle ages, for the average age of marriage to be below 20. In some cases it was almost as high as it is now.
Marrying at 14 would have been an aberration for practically any time in the West in the past millennium, with the sole exception of dynastic games played by the nobility and royalty.
There are enough studies that have shown that women in the work force, that actually work full time over a period of 5-10 years, have a delayed menopause up to 5 years.
Have yet to see a marriage that young not go to shit, or not have messed up kids. Locking a woman down in her early 30s looks best if you want to have kids.
Be securely married first. I'm my opinion, do your late 20's, early 30's
That's because you probably live in a city without real values and those marriages mostly consisting of retards doing it for all the wrong reasons. If you raise your kids right and teach them important shit like putting ones family above oneself and other things of sacrifice instead of "ME ME ME" a marriage will last as long as it did 100 years ago. It's purely a problem of education and societal norms. Beeing able to get divorced just because you'Re bored doesn't help either. Its a question of the mindset of those two people.
That's because other factors come into play for real people. With the ones that get married that early nowadays, they're either very religious (and I doubt those are the ones you're meeting) or they are degenerates convinced that they'll be together forever with their first partner.
As for my age range, I should mention that it is weighted towards the later end of it.
Also, I was wrong about the "most successful" group bit. That would be 28-32, according to the same source I use for my stances on fornication and promiscuity (although the biggest degenerates aren't going to get married at all). The issue of kids still comes into play, of course, so I'd say a better balance would be 24-28.
Subtle bait thread and/or self-loathing thread.
Oh look its this fucking username.
Why is this piece of shit still around
It's not a username, it is a tripcode.
t. Teenager virgin thinking he's an expert on relationships.
26 is not late 20s, right?
Because I came here just to reply EAT SHIT to anyone who'd say my age
Why would you want more than 2 kids?