Cryptofags BTFO


*breaths in*


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Other urls found in this thread:

So its over?

>buy crypto
>"""currency""" deleted

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Dunno if it's over, but it shows the utter foolishness of it

fake and gay keep mining guys!

actually the exchange scammed its customers, they never had that money and used user funds to pay for withdrawals.

never keep your crypto on a exchange and things like that won't happen.
if you don't own the key you don't own your coins.

yup it's over


this related to the guys brother involved the crash in california sunday?

Good news for me since lost coins increases the value

but it wasn't ever hacked!

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>Canadian crypto exchange QuadrigaCX
LMAO, day of the rake confirmed lads.

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Don't think so, it's a leaf


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This. Coins stuck in a wallet means they can't be sold. Big win for BTC holders.

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hey moron; not your keys, not your coins

>Good news for me since lost coins increases the value

doubt he's dead ... does the public even know the addresses of the cold wallet?

This is how you know BTC is just gambling and not a real currency.

If it were a real currency the value would go in the trash, because its reputation for reliability would be damaged, leading less people to accept it for transactions.

But because it's just a commodity to be gambled with the price will go up.

BTC is Digital Gold.

Pro tip:
Bitcoin would be heavily employed by insurgent groups in then West

>If it were a real currency the value would go in the trash, because its reputation for reliability would be damaged

You're retarded. That's like say you shouldn't trust gold because a ship you hired to move it sank.

>Some exchange going bust means the currency they're dealing with is at fault
Why are nocoiners this dense?


lmao and here am I buying actual gold that is physically i my hand, I must be a retard

It fluctuates heavily because there is very little money invested in it, compared to fiat currencies, making it easily manipulated by millionaires. But billionaires do the same thing to fiat currencies. Just look at what George Soros did to Russia's economy. The real difference is that crypto doesnt give power to (((banks))).

>Man with crohns dies traveling to poo-India

If you wanna find the coins find the man who bought this poor fuckers plane ticket.

No, instead it gives power and profit to (((BTC exchanges))).


>and another


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>“I had all my cash in a safe because I didn’t trust the banks, and that’s now burned down,” Johnson said, adding he now only has $20 and the clothes he's wearing.

Retarded or a boomer

>what is a fire-proof safe

>counts my 10 grand in gold

I am sure as fuck a retard

>man smart enough to not trust banks doesn't know how to scam insurance
>other lies you'll believe

desu this is the exchange's fault, it's like storing your gold with one of your friends and having the faggot run off with your gold instead of giving it back. Moral of the story: don't use crypto exchanges.


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your gold could be easily stolen or confiscated by governments, goons, banks.
the key to your bitcoin wallet and your coins is literally a password inside your head.

Wow, cryptofags are literally delusional

>*password deleted*

>could be confiscated by governments
yeah - they want it because ITS VALUABLE

Attached: Gold is confiscated because its valuabe.jpg (671x1004, 191K)

>$180 million in a laptop
so, Crypto One Piece?

But that password, much like the wallet and coins, is literally worthless.

wtf are you saying

Except crypto exchanges dont get to be bailed out by the FED

>it's like real money, except you can get scammed!

bitcoin is not private, they would all get rounded up.

also buying bitcoin litecoin and zrx looks great right now.

>implying senile boomers like you won't just get scammed into giving your cash to pajeet instead of your BTC password

>Letting some guy with Crohn's hold on to the one key that opens a magic money pile

So why hasnt the price spiked?
Was there a sudden loss of BTC in 3rd quarter 2017 that made the price go from $1k to $20k?

Youre just involved in a get rich quick scheme and need new comers

This shit literally happened the other week ago to Venezuela. They got denied their 1.2 billion in gold withdrawal from the bank of England. They learned a hard lesson that day. If your money is not in your possession, it's not yours. Same thing can happen to your bank account. Do something wrong, bank account frozen. At least with crypto, I have control of my own money and don't need a bank, These faggots don't understand that the dollar is primarily digital today. They also don't understand that the people who lost money in that exchange, were people who never actually had possession of their own crypto.

Gold actually goes up in value, unlike your shitcoins.

Gold isn't a bad investment either before any sort of crisis.

>what is fractional reserve banking system and abolishment of gold standard

What would happen if your bank account was frozen?

Im guessing wife and her new boyfriend are enjoying that $190 million right now

>At least with crypto, I have control of my own money and don't need a bank
Crypto isn't money.

pass is 12345678

>leaving coins on an exchange

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This is the ultimate HODL.

That's why I don't put everything into the bank. But I certainly don't throw my money away on digital nonsense.

Go peddle your pyramid scheme somewhere else

answer the question faggot

Straight bullshit. How do you receive your paycheck? I don't care if you buy crypto or not, im not peddling anything.

Bitcoin loyalists will HODL until they die.

Let me know how it works when there is an internet or power outage.

Nice one . Like it

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Are you implying that you can receive a paycheck in bitcoin?

BTC is digital Goldberg

based and high IQ

>Crypto isn't money.
Can you buy something with it? Can you exchange it for a good?
Seashells were once money.

The cope in this thread is incredible.
Imagine losing everything because some guy dropped dead.
hahahahahaha you dumb faggots.

For fuck's sake people, do NOT park your money on crypto. It's viable for transactions but as soon as you get your money, use it to get real cash. People who call crypto an investment are insane.

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No, I am saying you receive your digital dollars every couple of weeks like the rest of us. The difference is that you don't actually own that digital money unless you withdraw it in cash.


He's on some Caribbean Island or something

You actually think he died? He probably faked his death.

Cryptocurrency is an honest cause.

Nah just kidding it's a scam.

I thought no more about it after I read the headline, it just made me burst out laughing, but yeah i guess its just as likely

>Can you buy something with it? Can you exchange it for a good?

Except USD is actually worth something. BTC is backed by nothing, while USD, as the only currency with which you can buy american goods, is backed by the US GDP.

>implying fiat currency will be worth shit if the power/internet go out on a scale wide enough to not access your crypto

that said is right, crypto is way too volatile to be a reliable investment

and never move all your coins at once, never test depth of river with both feet.

It has all the good traits of gold and is better because see you are responsible for your password, don't be like a nigger with it and think about a way to keep that secure.
really not that hard to do.

but they can't confiscate your crypto.
this makes crypto superior.

but this is wrong. Blockchain technology is worth billions.
it obviously has a much higher value than you think or else kikes wouldnt invest heavily into it.

It goes up in fiat money value because the government prints more of it.
1oz of gold is 1oz of gold. the government can't print more gold.
the government also can't print more Bitcoin.

Internet and power outage worldwide?
we will have much bigger problems if that happens.
But its unlikely that the internet will just go down everywhere.

this too, BTC is controlled by the Bilderberg homos and Rothschild goons.

>gives total stranger his keys
>is shocked when his ride gets stoten

the only thing that matters is how much confidence people have in it

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crypto is the NWO dream system you fucking retard

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It's this. Now that the banks are all bankrupt, they need to work their old scams on the new medium.

Fractional reserve crypto lending when?

>He's never purchased anything with crypto currency
>Says you can't buy things with it
Why the small brain?

>Except USD is actually worth something
Unless you are a bad goy like Assange, then it's worthless. Gold is worth something, try talking to Maduro in Venezuala about that.

>using an exchange to store funds

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It's backed by the US military, Jose.

That's it.

>People who call crypto an investment are insane.
its a good hedge against the economic decisions of governments.

the Confidence in Bitcoin is really high.
In the last 10 years the Blockchain was never hacked or fucked up. It works thus it is the next step of money.

no shit. its the foundation of the mark of the beast system.

>its the foundation of the mark of the beast system.
So why are you promoting it?

>Take your cryptoshekels with you to the grave

Oh guess I'll just go buy my groceries with Bitcoi...oh.

Much like you've been saying this whole thread, there is inherent risk in not having possession of your assets. The difference between gold or USD and bitcoin is that gold and USD are both worth something if you actually have control of them, while shitcoin is still worthless.

A damn fine standard, if you ask me.

Long term crypto or at least BT is extremely viable, there's a finite amount of it and since it was the first one it's not gonna be forgotten like dogecoin or other bullshit. In 50 years it will be worth a lot.

Gold is centralised?

BTC is backed by electricity purchased in all the dollars.

society will always be a pyramid, I prefer to sit closer to the top in the future.

>Oh guess I'll just go buy my groceries with Bitcoi...oh
I didn't say you could buy anything you want with it. You can certainly buy goods with it online.

Blockchains were never meant to be used for currencies.

Not yet. Need the crypto social reputation scoring system. Prices change based on your 'reputation score'.

How is crypto currency a Jewish or NWO thing? People claim this a lot but I've never seen any compelling argument as to why.