Im a FtM trans who regrets transitioning


Here's my life story if you're interested: I was born high T female, I never quite looked like a girl, especially after puberty. If I didn't dress the part, only my feminine voice gave it away. I grew to 6 ft tall and was stocky and awkward. It was hell. I never connected with girly things, and though I was gay. My parenting was pretty bad, weak douchey dad and drunk absent mother, they got divorced pretty soon after I hit puberty. I was really mad all the time about the lack of maternal involvement and basically used drinking and girls rugby team as outlets. I had a girlfriend for a while and then got in trouble for being physically and emotionally abusing her, but basically skated with a slap on the wrist because I was a girl. I was spiraling pretty bad, the drinking was constant and I was resembling my mothers alcoholism.

I was 23, I decided to take control of my life, which I did to a degree but rather than deal with underlying psychological issues all I did was go sober, try to focus on being "positive", and the coup de grace: conclude I was a man. After all, if anyone is a viable candidate for transitioning it'd be me right?

So I started the process, took a few years in total, took testosterone and steroid based hormones, got top surgery, and did everything I could to be passable. My voice got way deeper and I gained about 20 lbs of muscle, got acne breakouts all the time and hair basically fell out so I shaved it. I definitely was passable, many people were surprised when I told them I was born female.

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This was about 10 years ago, I'm mid 30s now. And yeah, I can honestly say my worst times as a female were better than my best times as a man. Pussy pass is real and I miss it. Women are wonderful bias is real and I miss it. Everyone is just nicer to women, even hyper masculine women; everything is easier socially, the only downside is having to work harder to be taken seriously and respected. Honestly though, everyone has to work hard to be taken seriously anyway so it's a moot point at best.

Since my transition I've done a lot of therapy work. I was largely driven by resentfulness towards feminine women not being loving, catalyzed by my mothers dissociation. It drove me to transition basically out of resentment to all things feminine, and looking back, transitioning wasn't necessary at all. I totally bought the liberal hype and had a social circle that applauded me for it. It just seemed like such an easy "one size fits all" solution that I just ran with it. Looking back my conviction to gender dysphoria being the root of all my problems was very cult-like. Had I knew then what I know now I would have just accepted who and what I was without having this massive hormonal and biological upheaval. Plus I would still have all the social and cultural benefits of being female. Ironically it was becoming more male that made me realize how very female my zealotry for transitioning was.

So much of what I see in the trans community is people acting out unresolved issues with their parents through the lens of a gender identity struggle, just like I did. Sometimes they are so transparent about it I just want to shake them. I think it's why the whole thing has this hair trigger rage behind it. I'm sure there are legit cases but this has been my experience for what it's worth.

TL;DR Don't do hormonal drugs.

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I know this is a bad attempt at LARPing, but

>pussy pass is real
>everyone is nicer to women

This is disgustingly transphobic, just because you're too selfish to make the right decisions for your life doesn't mean that everyone else has to live tortured by the gender misalignment.

Are you ok OP?

kek post it on Jow Forums for a shitstorm.

I made a thread on lgbt once to ask passable trannies how people treat them differently after their change and the most agreed on by the mtfs was that people in general are nicer to them

>gender misalignment.
You mean body dismorphia or a misconception that liking stereotypical things of a gender makes you that gender?

Understand why people think it’s a mental illness now? Also understand why so many trans people end up suicide

>a bunch of mentally ill people on Jow Forums widely agree on a sweeping generalization with little, if any foundation
No shit, eh?


This is why society should not encourage sick thinking like this.

This. Also there really aren't many long term studies on this shit and if you transition you need to realize you are being experimented on. You are just a guinea pig for the doctors to watch what happens. Do you want that out of your life?

The problem is people are so eager for it to be the true fix-all that they're shilling it really, really hard despite the demonstrable negatives.

Yeah it is really disgusting because this isn't just some new psychotherapy technique. It is a permanent life-changing drug that will destroy your reproductive organs not to mention the social consequences of transitioning too.

Yeah, well, and it's gonna be a huge bitch when we figure out it's flawed and we start having "generational" trannies.
1st gen trannies, without working parts or functioning psyche. Boy howdy, we're-- they're-- entering a dark age.

You got poisoned by the Jew

yikes mate, but serious question do you still take hormones ? if so what if stop ? im curious...

to me in my opinion i think because in our society i think we see mental illness as something else. i think when it comes to trans folk they dont really act like there mentally ill, they just say " i feel like this gender" and poof there they go and act like shit is normal. they probably dont even feel mental ill. it's like what these trans kids are doing now, im not even trans but i think these kids say they feel like the other gender cause of there parents simply encourages just cause. these kids probably never mental in the brain but because there mom told them their special they think there really trans.

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>implying your statement is anymore founded / should be lent credence

>Since my transition I've done a lot of therapy work.

So you effectively took transitioning as a quick fix for your deeper problems?
Holy shit, youre dumb as fuck. I'm glad as hell that my country still demands that you go into years of therapy before even considering transitioning, that sjw bullshit destroys lives - though it is entirely your own fault of viewing an incedibly invasive medcal process as your magic bullet.

it's pensive bait but I was no joke thinking about this earlier with some friends. I think some people legitimately have fucked up genetic stuff that transition is the cure for, but an attention-seeking echo chamber screaming that you're closeted trans the moment you mention you have some unresolved gender-related trauma probably isn't the healthiest thing. (You know instead of encouragement to first seek out if there are underlying illnesses or traumas that contribute to those feelings)

Just start eating tons of onions... Will eventually block your test etc... Good luck

Onions not onions transautocorrect.

Just eat tons of Soya onions SOYA

The question was how they felt that they get treated differently. That was their answer.

the absolute newfagging lol
on topic. can trans people go back to their original gender or nah?

>serious mental problems
>lop privities off instead of treating said mental problems

Sounds hot, OP. Would you let me dress you up in heels and fuck you with a dildo?


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When a baby is born, they have no concept of self. As far as they know they ARE their parents. Eventually there comes a point in the baby's development where the baby recognizes its individuality. At this point it is ESSENTIAL that the child has two well adjusted parents so they can properly associate themselves with the correct one regarding their sex.

This is where 99% of dismorphia originates.

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Come on. OP is a transexual and admits what she did was a mistake because of personal/mental issues. Half of trans people attempt suicide. They're clearly not in their right minds.
People like you encouraging transitioning is just making it worse because you're making more people end up like OP who very clearly regrets her decision.

>genetic stuff that transition is the cure for
Such as?

is.... there a question here?

This is Jow Forums, not /question/. Advice can be offered.

This again huh.

There generally needs to be a request for advice with SOMETHING. Not just a fucking blogpost.