Hello, Jow Forums

Hello, Jow Forums.
I need some cruel, harsh truth from a stranger.

I'll keep the story brief.

>meet guy 4 years ago
>right after breaking up with my first (abusive) boyfriend of 5 years
>sleep with him
>become friends
>sleep with him occasionally
>become good friends
>talk everyday
>play video games together, build blanket forts, fall asleep cuddling
>fall out over a conversation of 'what are we' and me proclaiming that I can't be his friend anymore
>calls me selfish for not being his friend when he's struggling
>calls me fake for 'pretending to be his friend when all along I wanted to date him'
>oh my god it hurts

How do I deal with this? Can anyone share their experience?

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Sounds like you got manipulated. Oof.
Just tell the dudes that he’s equally selfish for leading you on. Go for what you want and never settle. Talk to different dudes and maybe it’ll show him that you have options

So wait, who wanted it to be a relationship?
It sounds pretty relationship like.
Did you have sex or is all of the sleeping mentioned just sleeping? (Not that sleeping with someone isn't equally as intimate, if not more than fucking)

If she breaths she a thot. Ok now imma read your bullshit.

This Story makes no sense.

Ah. That is a very gentle way to put it. Thank you.
It seems that I should just move on.

We had a friends with benefits (lol) thing for a while, but quite on and off. Then, he kissed me a different way one evening and when I asked him why he did that, he said 'he felt close to me and it felt right'. Then fucking apologised for it. Holy shit, it sounds like Mind Games 101 when I type it out.

I told him I wanted him to at least acknowledge it was romantically inclined, and he dodged the answer.

>sleeping with a man you just met
>sleeping with anyone you dont love period
Even as a married man, this shit just convinces me women aint nothing but thots.

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There are a lot of reasons why someone would decide one or the other way, I wouldn't shame anybody for how much experience they have, little or a lot.
I could have accepted it being just sex in the beginning, but when you start spending entire days and nights together, it's not insane to think there's something more.

That being sad, I see your sentiment, although perhaps poorly worded. Thank you for replying.

>>calls me fake for 'pretending to be his friend when all along I wanted to date him'
Women say this to men literally all the time

He doesnt want you as of now

youve been treating him like a bf without being a bf, so why would he willingly sign up to be one when he already gets the benfits?

I don't think they do in situations like mine.
And if they do, it is equally as manipulative.
I'm quite certain hurt is unisex.

Do men actually, positively think like this?
It makes love sound bleak.

its just a matter of cost-benefit analysis

being official will have its own problems and obligations and rightly its own rewards

if youre giving out the rewards, theres less of a chance they will make it official because the rewards can now be held hostage....

Xanax and a pepsi

Your pussy is valuable and women nowadays give it out for free. My sexual DNA as a male is millions of years old: I will take what you give me and move along to the next dumb slut who puts out. The one who doesn't gets a ring on her finger because males all across the world universally ask for chastity, virginity, and femininity in a wife. Men who value you beyond the sexual do not want a slut who sucks off their "friends". Any questions?

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>Being a pepsipleb

You know what, I understand it. Women have their own way of weighing pros and cons in their head, so I'd be a hypocrite for critiquing this further.

Noice. Catch me in that Mario Costume heelying around

I would not want a man that fucks his 'friends' either, hence my overall confusion. ;)
In truth I would prefer to not see anybody at all, if this seems to be a widely shared mindset.

>In truth I would prefer to not see anybody at all, if this seems to be a widely shared mindset.
It is definitely a widely shared mindset, rooted in evolutionary, reproductive psychology. Humans have spend the last few thousand years creating a moral structure that combats our primitive desires that cause us so much pain, and now it is being completely thrown out in the name of hedonism. I can understand your frustration as it is quite difficult to find someone who is not a drunkard abortionist whore, male or female. Certain groups have less of them than others and those are the ones I surround myself with.

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def the xan and heelies

>people this pathetic exist
For me its scissors and stone sword. Lmooaing @ your life op retard.

Fucking try to catch me with your lame ass weaponry when I'm making rounds around you on my Heelys.

It is quite difficult to find worthwhile people, but are you saying you are anti-abortion? Would you care to share as to why you would have a belief that one should be forbidden the freedom to make that choice?

I don't want my wife killing my kid obviously. I am against abortion but I am solely speaking on a personal level here. I want kids so why would I want some insane slut who thinks killing my kid is no big deal?

We need families, wives, and mothers; not hookups, sluts, and abortionists. Whites are on the decline worldwide because of this insanity.

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But of course -- this is assuming it is your wife who gets pregnant. As it is your wife, you would have discussed the possibility of pregnancy and discussed potential outcomes. If I were, say, to get pregnant with the man I described in this thread, there is no chance in hell I would carry that child.

>Whites on Decline

Oh God this shit again. White men have always been a minority on a big planet. It's good. We aren't supposed to bully our neighbors out of misplaced and eccentric fear of being wiped out while they're minding their own business.
It would be good to purge ourselves of people who think the color of one's skin determines anyone's worth.

This sounds like you both friend-zoned each other by accident. Then confused because you saw the friend discover passion then instantly pulled back to keep the relationship. A defensive wall has now grown.

>AND THAT'S A GOOD THING!! As a white person, of course (;
Die screaming

Right. Maybe women should stop fucking their friends and getting pregnant by people that don't care about them while complaining that there are no good men left. Luckily whites are the least likely to get pregnant outside of a marriage and kill their kids so there are plenty of traditional girls out there. You just have to know where to look.

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Whites are going to be a minority in every white country on Earth by about 2050. That's not "minding their own business" per-say. Nonwhites want a piece of the European pie of knowledge, technology, and wealth and will not simply leave us alone.

The color of your skin does not determine your worth. All races have a right to exist and to rule over themselves as a majority. That includes whites.

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Alright. Let me flip this on you. If your best friend of many years, you've experienced so much together, she watched you get the last three promotions at work and celebrated, you both share the same friend group, wanted to fuck you, what would you say? 'White populace is on the decline and I fear you might abort my child, let us not engage in this wrongful intercourse'?

Why would his best friend be a baby killing whore?

Xanax and the children's scissors. Is this even a question?


It is never just sex.

>I would not want a man that fucks his 'friends' either
Except you do.


I want nothing to do with a slut who wants to have sex with her friends because he got a promotion. I mean, really, that was a very greasy way to present this argument. Do you think this girl is going to morph from a whore into an actual wife once someone puts a ring on her finger? No, she will be a whore with a diamond now.

I do not want a woman who sucks off her friends, I want someone with actual worth beyond the sexual, period. To avoid being a prude, I can get better pussy from a committed relationship. Men better than me will absolutely refuse whores like you described. Sex is far more meaningful than your Jewish women's studies professors tell you.

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>tfw no cute traditionalist gf

Nice dubs.
Also, it depends... what race is her?

Because I feel like a fucking retard, no need to reiterate it really but it does help drive the point home

Yep. That's me getting got.

I never said it was because he got the promotion, I meant that more as a milestone thing, as in it is something you would have both seen each other through.

I can appreciate your stance but I am left wondering why on Earth you would attach pictures of literal children to your posts.

Friends have a lot of experiences with each other. In fact, you will continue to have experiences with your friends when you are in a committed relationship and even in a marriage. That does not mean you should suck off your friends. Sex is not like popping open a champagne bottle. You deserve bad men.

Yes, some of these women are younger than you but none of them are children. Life goes by very quickly when you waste it on people who don't value you.

In the context of evolutionary male sexual selection of women, we select you for beauty, weakness, femininity, and neoteny. The most neotenous group is Asian women. Youth is beauty and you only have so much.

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Okay, random person.

You have been posting pictures of barely pubescent women. Just to compare -- I, as a woman in her mid 20s, do not even have a single picture saved of a teenage boy.
How old is your partner, if I may ask?

>barely pubescent women
Lol. Do you even know what the average age of puberty is? These are women 18 to 25 years old. Women's infertility begins increasing by age 30. Maybe you are confused because you are used to caking on make-up like a clown. I am chuckling in my basement right now.

Men are more visual creatures than women; it's no surprise that you don't do this. My girlfriend is 19.

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OP don't listen to these virginal creeps

FWBs can be hard but not everything is meant to go on forever. just remember the good times you had with him, try to mend what friendship you had, and go your separate ways.

you didn't do anything wrong besides let a guy hurt your feelings.

Oh my fuck, thank God for this.
I was starting to lose my marbles with this virgin shit.

I know this has been done before but I do appreciate you reinforcing my belief. It helps when you feel like you are being irrational.
I suppose I didn't pick the best venue, but I did not expect a borderline pedophile and a bunch of 17 year olds to respond to me.

I'm actually and I was only samefagging to bump the thread. Old whore. Lmao

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>I suppose I didn't pick the best venue, but I did not expect a borderline pedophile and a bunch of 17 year olds to respond to me.

Using this site requires learning to parse the real responses from the fake. It's a good skill to have online, though frustrating to have to do constantly these days, both here and elsewhere.

is right. Anyway, good luck.

Doing God's work for actually bothering with this mentally retarded slut. She seems to lack basic logic that even children have and her vocabulary consists of only buzzwords.


If you want an actual relationship then here's some cruel harsh advice: Tell him to get real or fuck off. If he doesn't want to be your bf that's fine, that's his decision, his life. You want a real relationship, and if he doesn't want to give you that then it's over. Easy as that.

> every white country

Does this mean all the countries where whites are native or all the countries they've spread to?

Judging by the pic you chose, all you want is a woman who is really a child.

The countries they've spread to as well. "White country" in the political sense: Australia, Canada and the USA are clearly white countries in that they, as civilizations, were built from the ground up by and for Europeans with a clear European majority (for now).

All women are emotionally children. Some are more well-behaved than others.

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Xanax and the Heelies are the only proper choice.
The xanax is a valuable commodity in an apocalyptic scenario. Trying to get it from a drug store and trade it would be near-suicide, but if you had some stashed, it's useful.
The heelies will help you conserve energy in urban areas.

>All women are emotionally children
Says the grown man shitposting on a scandinavian hackey sack forum about how much better he is than everyone else.

Nice argument kike. Now go rebel against daddy's wishes by fucking niggers and dying of AIDs. You and your future spawn are genetic sewage.

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>Nice argument kike
Says the guy who thinks spewing Jow Forums memes is an argument
>Now go rebel against daddy's wishes by fucking niggers and dying of AIDs
You seem like a real fun time. I'm sure you have a lot of people in your life that really love you.

There's nothing to argue here. Which part of your strawman am I supposed to respond to?

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I pick the mario costume and the heelies. It is the best option for survival.

No bully Pepsi

Mario costume and the minecraft stone sword, BUT only if the sword is made of real stone.