How much oxy is Nancy on?
How much oxy is Nancy on?
none.. she is good congresswoman and it is fucking awesome to see her sitting behind the sexual assaulter Trump. There is some hope if we can get Trump locked up soon.
Oh quit you fucking cunt.
Shit posting behind that sheet of paper?
what are you on about nutcase.. Nancy is the only reason I am watching the shitty state of the union.. i hate Trump and his white trash supporters so damn much.
go back to discord tranny fag
You could just as easily look at a picture of her then. Kek
what synagogue do you attend?
i'd still hit that shit
I am not jewish now get back to impregnating your cousin in the back seat of your Camaro
who the fuck is she talking to? retarded bitch is seething so hard she can't not mumble fuck drumpf
>put 1500 traffickers behind bars
>picking at ear
female leadership jesus christ what a joke.
If you've seen the liquor bill from her government payed air travel, she's probably lit af.
she's trolling
ignore here
delete thread
She is messing with her dentures.
>none.. she is good congresswoman and it is fucking awesome to see her sitting behind the sexual assaulter Trump. There is some hope if we can get Trump locked up soon.
This nigga woke
She looks like she's about to have a stroke. She keeps fidgeting and her mouth is restless like an invalid.
Trump handed Pelosi and Pence blue envelopes when he got to the podium. Nancy has had permenant bitchface since she started reading it.
all of it
If you want to start a conspiracy ...that's not one....He gave them signed copies of his SOTU speech
She is sedated.
>she’s messing with her dentures
She's looking pretty good for her age.
I am a little aroused.
Also: Democrat meme Flag
sick post cuz
She clapped to the USA chant. Thats how much.
I didn't read it. Reminds of the Bush funeral.
She's swallowing a bunch of a different kind of white stuff if you know what I mean
This jewish bitch is a literal demon I swear Litral lizard
She's a meth head
Bitch looks like Lucille Bluth