Yeah whatever Donald, I think I'll just pretend to read this document while you spout your bull shit.
Yeah whatever Donald, I think I'll just pretend to read this document while you spout your bull shit
Nancy's gonna pay. Have no doubt.
she's trolling
no attention
delete thread
What, even Trump is afraid of "Nancy". She doesn't even have a nickname yet.
She is having her ass handed to her.
>mfw USA gets yelled out in Congress
Its like they care
Looks like she's sitting on a casting couch, which I would enjoy watching if you know what I mean
Trump just got Democrats to chant "USA, USA, USA!"
What timeline is this?!
Stop saying Donald is worship the Jews, he does not to worship, stop say such thing
Donald gave her a bogus speech, not the one he's delivering, she's seething.
such a disrespectful brat
Nancy controls the House. If Donald plays tough with her she'll convince Adam Schiff to subpoena Trump's taxes.
Its honestly pathetic how little power lil donnie has
I'm actually thinking Trump might become the unifier he said he would on the campaign trail
This is that final two year comeback.
I'd like to see Congress become more animated like the House of Commons in the UK.
no those guys are a clown show. it's bonkers.
Lol he’s been playing tough all night faggot
She's an idiot
That's what I did, so I understand
Yeah, only because they thought they were sticking it to him on the "more women in employment" bit. They sat stonefaced when confronted with the idea that they wouldn't be allowed to a kill a baby at the moment of birth. They are scum.
Doesn't need a nickname. "Nancy" is an insult enough.
Whatever Donald.
>They sat stonefaced when confronted with the idea that they wouldn't be allowed to a kill a baby at the moment of birth
What did i miss, can someone plz help with the backstory behind this?
can someone droop her left eye lower?