He's a Jew

>He's a Jew
>Accomplished what Jow Forums dreamed and claimed they'd do for nearly a decade
Yeah okay lol theres no denying it anymore. They're richter, theyre smarter and they're natural born leaders. Jews are superior to whites

Attached: ben_shapiro_1.jpg (1862x1048, 80K)

Jews are self isolating whites. They have the stuck up "us" vs "gentile" mentality. As a white from a minority denomination of Christianity, I can say this phenomenon is true.

Can't buy your way out of hell

Nice bait faggot

>it's true
Spoken like a true cuck. Just shut the fuck up and stand down cum skin. The Jews got this.

>>He's a Jew
>>Accomplished what Jow Forums dreamed and claimed they'd do for nearly a decade
did he gas himself or something?

>he’s a jew
Stopped reading after that.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-10-19-at-3.27.14-PM.png (710x357, 160K)

Sage isn't a downvote newfag. And Jow Forums isn't your personal army or hivemind.

epic meme my dude I've been here all summer too puddi puddi, but I don't know what Ben has accomplished and how you're comparing that the accomplishments of the singular browser of Jow Forums