He's a Jew

>He's a Jew
>Accomplished what Jow Forums dreamed and claimed they'd do for nearly a decade
Yeah okay lol theres no denying it anymore. They're richter, theyre smarter and they're natural born leaders. Jews are superior to whites

Attached: ben_shapiro_1.jpg (1862x1048, 80K)

Jews are self isolating whites. They have the stuck up "us" vs "gentile" mentality. As a white from a minority denomination of Christianity, I can say this phenomenon is true.

Can't buy your way out of hell

Nice bait faggot

>it's true
Spoken like a true cuck. Just shut the fuck up and stand down cum skin. The Jews got this.

>>He's a Jew
>>Accomplished what Jow Forums dreamed and claimed they'd do for nearly a decade
did he gas himself or something?

>he’s a jew
Stopped reading after that.

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Sage isn't a downvote newfag. And Jow Forums isn't your personal army or hivemind.

epic meme my dude I've been here all summer too puddi puddi, but I don't know what Ben has accomplished and how you're comparing that the accomplishments of the singular browser of Jow Forums

Jews are gods chosen. White cucks keep crying

Seething. Cope harder NPC.

This is factual

fuck off, Bitchtits Ben

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epic troll haha xDDDDDDDDDDD

Goddamn you're mad as fuck mutt lmao. Keep "downvoting" fatso I'm sure you're getting lots of discord cred.

Ben is handsome af

I'm not saging ya mate I want as many people as possible to see this piss weak bait

please find attached an image to prove I am not saging your dumbass

Attached: 450155.jpg (192x266, 15K)

Where do you get the natural born leader part?

Get out kike. What has he achieved lol hes not richer than me, not smarter than me, and hes a kike

Butthurt incel is angry >:(


Fuck off , JIDF

>you will never be this mad
>you will never be a shitskin aussie

Shut the fuck up Aboriginal nigger

Jews are only popular because theyre naturally cuter and are chosen over whites

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Imagine getting bored enough between r/faggotraphouse posts and sucking nigger dick to come on here and get told that you're a dumb communist faggot...jesus. Get a hobby OP. You're pathetic.

As always, (((OP))) is a raging faggot and will get the rope.


Imagine being so disgusted at your own shit coloured skin you have to try insult white people to make yourself feel better.

It's always the same and we're here forever brother

>Literally living in his self made fanfiction
The rope will never come you pathetic fat faggot lol. You niggas won't do shit

>he says as he replies
Cope harder.

You mean like snowniggers on Jow Forums?

anyone find it odd how Richard Spencer is called controlled opposition for "popping up out of nowhere" despite the fact that he has been active in wn circles since at least 2010, whereas people like Ben Shapiro and jordan Peterson literally popped up over night out of nowhere, but are treated as organic and grass roots?

really makes you stink eh

OP is a memeflag faggot

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Jow Forums hasn't existed for "nearly a decade" kike redditor

>m-meme flag
I used it just to trigger faggots who'll use it to disregard an argument they don't like.

Gamergate redditors still here I see. What happened to moving to your cripple chan haven faggots? Lmao.

>he doesn't know about /news/
Kys faggot redditor.

>all of the butt blasted mutt flags

Compelling argument newfag

ever heard of a sage and hide?

>Implying /news/ was ever like Jow Forums
>Implying that you aren't a faggot redditor from some subreddit that asks for dick pics

Helicopter ride for you, nigger cum dump

Attached: 1541458186940.jpg (630x473, 100K)

Not a down vote newfag


You must be one of the dumb kikes.

Attached: 9A2B6B17-C6B1-4377-ABB8-B4DCCC782737.png (274x320, 78K)

>stormnigger buttblasted and resorting to /b/ tier gore posting
>stormnigger is retarded and thinks news was nothing like Jow Forums
Back to R/TheDonald faggot.

Looks like yet another Jewish affirmative action bum. Why is a group that has been so overrepresented for so long still stealing from both the white goy and the black goy with government policies and hand outs they have no business receiving?

>This chimpout
You're a nigger
