Is it reasonable to try and get a virgin gf now that I'm 24? Yes I'm insecure. I don't know how so many men either don't care about it or don't care enough about it to refuse a gf who isn't. Literally Hitler, you can fuck off, you're annoying.
Is it reasonable to try and get a virgin gf now that I'm 24? Yes I'm insecure...
It's reasonable to try but unlikely to succeed
the reality is getting laid is a developmental milestone and you're the weird one for not hitting it when you were supposed to.
I'm not a virgin. Yes I'm a hypocrite peice of shit.
it's going to nigh impossible since that rules out religious girls.
The horrible thing is it's very easy to lie about it.
yeah you should probably just give up on women.
I was going to listen to you, but then I saw .
Just popping in to say you should go fuck yourself.
Fuck you man
>virgin gf
But why?
more affectionate and capable of emotional connection.
virgins are no use other than fucking her and being able to receive the praise of a king. which is literally the most insecure thing you can do. if I had the chance to choose if I was a man I'd never take a virgin as gf solely for the reason that i'd love to fuck someone who dont act dead
Um, no? Where did you get this retarded idea from?
Common sense.
You seem to be lacking in that department.
Got some very bad news for you then
Such as?
you’re either a female who isn’t a virgin or a guy who settled for a non-virgin. either way your opinion is biased and shit.
You are obviously a kissless virgin sperg incel who knows nothing about women.
But hitler is da maaaan
Literally Hodor got brainfried by a timewarp warging and the only thing his mind can process is meme charts.
Virgin gf = she doesnt compare you to her past partners
non-virgin gf = compares you to her past partners. Easy
There are a good portion of women who are virgins for a variety of reasons. You aren't going to find one that values virginity like you do though, she wouldn't want to date you because you are not a virgin.
I got a virgin gf who was 18 turning 19 soon as a 23 year old, so yeah its possible, just seem experienced and hot. lol
Literal kissless virgin sperg thinking there.
>non-virgin gf = compares you to her past partners
If you're a good dude I fail to see why this is a bad thing? Isn't using comparison to differentiate the quality of people and things how human beings work?
not if youre gf got alpha-widow'd
shut the fuck up beta white knight roastie cuck. all you do is throw ad hominems, idont see a single argument from you
where did you meet her?
You are the one throwing ad hominems. When you write about things you obviously have zero experience and knowledge about, don't be surprised people point it out.
>not if youre gf got alpha-widow'd
I have no clue what this means.
>beta white knight roastie cuck
Wew lad. You are dripping with autism.
oh really?
An alpha widow is a girl who gets pump and dumped by an Alpha Chad and never truly gets over him.
So you admit you have zero experience about dating and women.
>Alpha Chad
I have no clue what this means. I don't use memes in real life.
First post of this thread but I gotta tell you man there's no such thing as an "alpha chad" you've got a warped worldview
>don't care
Youth ends up being a lot of decisions you think you want to make for a lot of people.
My girlfriend had one partner before me and I one partner before her. If that's enough to ixnay us from your list, that's fine, but we've been faithfully together eight years and it's come up multiple times. It sort of works since it really does bother us both a little, but since it does, neither of us really have any room to care so much.
Besides, virgin doesn't mean she's not a slut. I know virgins who spread their nudes like it's fucking peanut butter on bread online. Sure, nobody's taken a crack at her puss yet, but so many more people have seen it that I could fill multiple rooms with the people who did, shoulder-to-shoulder. Myself included.
Tell me: what does that virginity mean to you, why, and why is it so valuable that you would ignore the obvious game that is 'don't have sex, but do sexual things'? It's not like it takes a huge mental leap to get there. If you've been on the internet... ever, you've seen nudes and if you've seen nudes, you know some people just serially spread their own nudes. It's not just aggregation from people who share nudies they were supposed to keep a secret.
Yes, it's reasonable. It is not easy though simply due to rarity.
My husband is the first man I ever had sex with.
You can relatively easily, but you would have to be active and living. Your chances of finding one go off a cliff in you spend the next 5 years lazing around your house.
>Be a shitty person
>Haha I'll just find someone that doesn't know I'm a shitty person
based and redpilled
You are physically repulsive
>this is your mind on Jow Forums
based hitler
put your trip back on fag
Not a
OP but I'm a 22 year old virgin. Can someone explain to me why it's any more wrong for me to persue virgin girls as opposed to attractive girls or something else.
Why is wanting a girl who makes a choice you agree with morally this evil thing to you people.
I feel like I have nowhere to turn to because any community that values chastity is either religious and packed with old people or turns into some kind of haven for incels.
It's infuriating that I cant put value on chastity without immediate ridicule or anger.
It's fine if you put value on chastity, but all you end up doing is greatly limiting your pool of potential partners (doubly so if you're not a religious type), just for that one detail that may or may not mean shit to the relationship in the long run.
You'd be advised to rather put value on faithfulness and commitment or whatever that represents the qualities of chastity in your mind.
Youre implying that every virgin girl sends nudes like mad, which in reality it is only a tiny minority of them, when virgins are already a tiny minority
>what does that virginity mean to you
Female virginity is prized throughout the world in various cultures for many reasons. For one, a womans virginity is a one time thing, once its gone theres no taking it back. secondly a womans body is physically different before penetration and after. Thirdly sex is dominant for men and submissive for women (generally), and thus sex is a lot more emotional/impactful for women than it is men, purely based on the mechanics of sex (being penetrated is a very submissive concept) whereas penetrating someone is less "invasive" so to speak, and detachment/compartmentalize. I would argue its easier for men to engage in sex without feelings than it is for women, who tend to catch feelings after having sex 1 or 2 times with the same person. Though many would argue with me against that
Another thing is that when a man penetrates a virgin women, they are married in the eyes of God according to the bible, and this marriage can only be nullified by the womans father. So yes, if you are married to a non-virgin woman, you are committing adultry. This obviously doesnt matter if you're not Christian
It is reasonable depending on what kind of groups you hang with.
Party crowd? Nope.
Sunday church group. Good odds.
Age is also a factor. So try to be realistic and don't be afraid to go into places you haven't been before. In a gaming group I found a virgin gf who was 19 when I was 24 so it is doable user.
>I don't know how so many men either don't care about it or don't care enough about it to refuse a gf who isn't.
because its idealizing sex and that's a bad thing. sex is just an action people do and have been doing since the beginning of time.
but the real thing is, are you getting a girlfriend just for sex? if not, then why does it matter what happens in terms of sex?
most people want someone they can enjoy being around and have a good time. someone they can feel comfortable and blah blah blah. the sex is something you do a few times a week and in the grand scheme of things makes up very little of your time, so focusing so much on an insignificant aspect just makes you look stupid. plus, someone who's never been in a close relationship likely has no idea how hard relationships are, so maybe they'll try to force it, but more likely they're just going to be miserable.
w-what is warging?
Not me, degenerate.
If you're a virgin yourself then not only is it not wrong, it's one of the best things you can do in terms of finding a partner. The other guy is right that you're limiting your pool of partners, but that's just quality control.
Why do you call yourself literally Hitler when you’re not like him at all?
Because I'm not *literally* Hitler.
No fucking duh. It’s just funny that you named yourself after a promiscuous man in order to sperg about sex on the internet
hey fuck OP and the rest of the thread
I feel extremely terrible about this and think about it constantly
how do I cope?
>someone they can feel comfortable and blah blah blah.
Thats the issue. how can you truly feel comfortable with someone with an extensive sexual history that you will never know about. its like a whole side of their life which you will never be involved in and you wont know the truth of whether she prefers the past partners over you
So it's just 100% you guys telling yourself something as a platitude so as to not have to swallow the truth that, were you worth these girls' attention, you might already know that or have their attention. Occam's Razor, guys-- the reason you don't know about them is probably very simply because most females overall are very put off by this "females are a different species" notion. It's very SJW and most reasonable people swerve hard on social justice now because it's just such a grand, sweeping liability.
Chances are, you're dregs-- so you'll match with dregs.
>inb4 absurdly hostile response
I’m a girl and I’m 20 and a lot of my friends are 20 or like 21 and a lot of them are virgins even some haven’t kissed but yes it’s rare there’s nothing wrong with them either we aren’t even ugly but the thing is there is a pattern of being religious or from a conservative background. It’s mostly the religious background part that contributes I think (idk tho) I feel u on this though
You just have to get over your inferiority complex. DESU if you're with someone who you think prefers her ex to you, maybe you shouldn't be together?
I have other beliefs which are more in line with Uncle Adolf's, but it's really just for the meme. In the sense of views on sex alone, I'm probably much closer to Lenin, kek. Or George III.
femanon here, so basically you're saying that just because a girl is more experienced than dumb loser christian girls makes them not deserving of a good guy? When will you virgin losers get over yourselves, a girl needs to get out and live her life and that includes sleeping with whoever the fuck she wants, wherever the fuck she wants, however the fuck she wants. Just because a girl has fucked 1 guy or 100 doesn't make her any less capable of loving someone and doesn't mean she isn't deserving of love herself when she feel ready to seek that. It pisses me off because I started seeing a really good guy a few months back but when I told him about my past experience he just ghosted me out of nowhere and it's because of dickheads like you guys who create that toxic environment for women who express themselves and convince impressionable guys that we're not good enough because we've experienced more life. It's fucking disgusting, you should get laid and maybe you'll see what I'm talking about.
I come here just for this mad lad.
>Just because a girl has fucked 1 guy or 100
top kek level of b8 here, or prissy feminine slutty self-justification.
Let's see those marriage, virginity and happiness charts and see who's right here, little miss cockfest.
PS: enjoy your "deserving love" with a side dose of gonorrhea and HPV.
This is bait but some people actually think like this. Yes, you have the right to fuck whoever you wish, but guys also have the right to ghost you for whatever reason. And vice versa. Likewise, which one is more disgusting is also entirely up to the individual to decide.
No it isn't because as a straight guy you are lucky to get laid at all if you arent a manipulating asshole.
A lot of assumptions here.
Try limiting your answers to the question at hand.
Or maybe you should understand that most men are simply less attracted to women who have an overly promiscuous past. Maybe it's unfair but it's just like that.
guys love dumb sluts like you. well not really, they just like having sex with you. they know youre an unstable picky whore who will never be satisfied. so they protect themselves rightfully so. only a good woman is deserving of a relationship, not somebody else's used goods.