
national socialism in the u.s is basically impossible. we are a multi ethnic both european and non european wise. we have no single binding blood here that ties up to this nation.
we are a nation of (mostly) white immigrants.

my solution to this? fascism. the european countries can still have there ethno centric fascism, there's no reason why they shouldn't.
but america as a multi cultural nation should work towards building a sort of national unity with the common goal of expelling all the traitors we have in the nation.
we can go towards increasing the white birth rate through policy such as insentives for white couples to breed and one child initiatives for non white couples.

why? because at the end of the day the globalists are an enemy of all people and want all of us destroyed. not just whites, but blacks, asians, and everyone in between.

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before someone calls me a retard.

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The solution can only be separation in to smaller homogenous nations. Sacrifice a portion of Americas land and send the nonwhites there.

Freedom of speech is a boomer meme. Note that the communists screamed for freedom of speech, until they gained institutional power in every education facility, and media outlet, and now that they are in power they shut down any dissenting speech. Maybe not directly but they will use their tools to hang you out to dry, have you fired, ruin your life, or imprisoned if possible.
You cannot win a war if youre giving respect to people that do not give you in return. People who speak out subversive ideologies should be hung. Just as if youre running a church and someone speaks out with heresey you throw them out. A tightly knit community cannot have the division caused by seeds of freely preached lovingly packaged marxist ideas. Everyone needs to be on the same page - or get out.

The same goes for religion. Separation of church and state allowed for the current situation where you have dual citizens running the country. One God Jesus Christ, non other.

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>one god jesus christ
i thought he was the son of god.
either way christ cucks get the rope too.

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All wrong. America is predominantly Anglo-Saxon. All American whites should yield to this ethnic foundation and all nonwhites should simply be discarded. Besides, gene editing is coming and genetic homogeneity is recoverable with the right system. We can restore our country just as easily as it has been degraded. Democracy was never an option so don't reply to me with that shit.

HE is both God and the Son of God. Its called the trinity.
Your hate for Christianity is proof that even though I am presuming were both white, there would be inevitable conflict within a nation made up of people with these two beliefs.
This is the entire purpose of multiculturalism, to destroy cohesion..

Consider the fact that Ireland, Scotland and England could never be at peace, despite being very similar genetically, and culturally.
Even minor disagreements between groups cause division, everyone needs to be on the same page.

If the Quebecois, and English to formed Canada could never get along, why should we presume a mixed up america could get along with even less in common?

Get bashed cunt, lmao

I was just about to type something like this. Anglo-Saxon foundation or bust. We made a mistake when we let in the 48ers and Irish horde without forcing them to assimilate. I want to keep the republic though. Americans won't abide autocracy, even a well meaning one.

A particular, American form of fascism is required. One based in palingenetic ultranationalism, the idea of a return to former glory, and manifest destiny as the unifying goal. The idea that we can live together and work together as long as there is sufficient territory to do such in.

And the first move would be into Canada.

>America is predominantly Anglo-Saxon.
wrong, america was predominantly germanic.
the only way to kill hundreds of million non whites is war, and it's a war we're not going to win. even rockwell said the solution was simply a new sovereign state for non whites in the u.s

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