Former shut-in NEET.
I started to get over my crippling depression, got my license and a car and started uni.
But it's been weeks and I haven't talked to anyone in my uni. Like, at all. Zero social interaction. Noone talks to me either.
My depression is returning and I'm starting to feel that I was right when I used to think that I'm doomed to be forever incel and never have a social life, etc.
Attending is slowly becoming insuferrable. What do I do?
Talk to people
Expose yourself to as much as you can handle. Sit next to someone and maybe ask a question after the lecture, or ask them how their project is going or something
Do you also not have group projects? That's a way to meet people.
Something else you can do is participate in some activity where it's normal to meet others. If you're into some kind of board or card game maybe there's a local community where people play against each other and you can make smalltalk while you're doing so. Or maybe there's a team sport you can start doing.
No group projects untill 2nd semenster. I dread it desu.
I can't really sit next to someone, they're all sitting with their buddies or dates already.
I actually want to ask about the lecture, I missed a day where an assignment was given and I have no idea what it is, the lecturer told me to ask my 'friends', lmao.
The problem is I feel a bit inferior to interact with these people. Most of the are younger than me, much more social than me, and come from a higher social class. I'm a former hikkineet with no previous social experience, that lives in a bad neighbourhood in a uni full of people from up-class areas. Crippling inferiority complex.
maybe if you stop the anime weeb hikki neet shit you can get friends
do you think you have anxiety? look into that. treat it as a disease and not as a "just talk to more people lol" level of problem
I wish I knew. It's been 2 years for me and I've barely talked to anyone.
Do normal people just talk to strangers? How come no one ever talks to me, then? If I look like I don't want to be approached I certainly don't notice it and don't know how to fix it.
Get a job? That forces human interaction.
you should take the initiative and talk to others first. yes strangers will talk to each other but its not that common and you will be better off if you initiate, rather than waiting for someone else to.
a lot of the advice you will get here will amount to "just practice" "just talk to people" "just be around more people" but if that doesn't work you may have more severe anxiety
I dont talk to people or in groups until I spend time around them learning the culture. Took me 2 months at work, now people initiate conversations with me and say hi and smile.
Not strangers. You need something in common. Work, school, a friend, a sport, a topic, anything. Then you talk about that thing that you have in common and go from there.
And start with guys. Once you are comfortable talking with men, then its easier with women.
I guess my anxiety is pretty bad. I'm terrified of initiating conversation and then having it die because I run out of things to say.
I was specifically talking about uni since that's what seems to be OP's problem as well. A few times I've asked a legitimate question about a course but it never develops into an actual conversation.
There's almost no women in my program so no need to worry about that.
Hello can i sit next to you?
What are you waiting for?
What is your least favorite class?
What do you do after class? Can i go with you?
Hello, my name is josh, whats your name?
Nice to meet you!
Going to uni is already a massive plunge into society and took alot of willpower.
I don't think I'm ready to juggle between uni and work at the same time after being a hikkineet for 8 years.
How does one initiate conversation?
> I can't really sit next to someone, they're all sitting with their buddies or dates already.
Nobody's ever sitting on their own?
Actually now that you have a real question it should be easier to talk to people. Even if they already sit next to someone. You don't have to make it a long conversation, you can just ask them about the assignment as the first thing you say. There's nothing weird about that.
> The problem is I feel a bit inferior to interact with these people
This is a problem many people have in all kinds of contexts; they don't feel worthy to be with their crush, they don't feel like they deserve to get the grades they get, they don't think they deserve all the good things they have or want.
Thinking in this way is awful. Nobody really deserves anything, nobody is worth anything, it's all bullshit. People want things from others and others are or are not willing to give it.
By the way if it makes you feel better I'm in my early twenties and one of my friends in college is almost thirty; I didn't even know that until I knew him for a few weeks and I couldn't care less.
"hey what do you think about [shared interest or course or occupation or major or whatever the fuck]".
"hey how did your [think you both had to do] go?"
>Hello can i sit next to you?
>What are you waiting for?
>What is your least favorite class?
>What do you do after class? Can i go with you?
These sound autistic as fuck, never do this OP.
Ok cringelord
Guess I'll bump this again before bed.
Take experience u gained from that class and become a CNC programmer. You are still typing out code that a computer will execute but it is loads easier. I learned on the job and I’m a retard.
I'm not studying to be a programmer though, my courses have nothing to do with it. Also, I want to see my education through to the end properly and my current social situation is stopping me from doing that.
>mash posting
if you are going to post fate shit at least post good characters.
but if you want to interact with people the only realy way is to suck up that anxiety and just talk to someone as retarded and basic as it sounds. you just need to find people who are doing things you can talk about and keep convo with. also whatever you do dont add politics or shitty memes into the conversation i have seen so many autistic fucks do this thinking it would be funny and it never works