Am I in the wrong, if I don't want to give my passwords to my gf?

Am I in the wrong, if I don't want to give my passwords to my gf?

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Why would she need them?

There is a password for a reason. It is private. If she can't trust you then she just needs to break up with you since that small amount of doubt in the back of her head will fuck everything up

why do most women not use passwords on their phone? it's weird

Because she just wants to see what kind of messages I sent
I really feel like breaking up with her just because she asked it.

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You just say no. If she complains dump her.

No, that's not necessarily wrong. There's should come a point in the relationship where you can fully trust each other and her going through your messages should perhaps not be a problem. But: 1. This point may not have come yet. 2. That she wants to do so is also a display of mistrust on her part. 3. Even if you fully trust her you should not give your passwords. Who knows where the relationship is in 10 years? Things might go downhill starting next week and then there's this girl who has passwords to your accounts whom you can't trust.

> I really feel like breaking up with her just because she asked it.
That's perhaps a bit of an overreaction. But trying to talk this through may be a good test to see if this relationship can work.

You're entitled to privacy, it's unreasonable to demand full access like that unless there's an exceptional justification for it. If you had cheated it would be reasonable for her to be suspicious and reasonable for you to relinquish your privacy to assure her. If there's no reason for her not to trust you, it's already fucked. Relationships require partners to trust each other.

No. You have a right to privacy as does she. There's no benefit to be had to be transparent about absolutely everything, it's actually the opposite of good.

Just broke up with her, and don't feel bad about it all.

How long were you together?


Very mature. You know you aren't better than her if you can't even argue your point in a relationship.

Grow up kid

Asking for all your partner's passwords is a bit fucking over the line though

Hard to tell with what little info we have on them. If everything was perfect until this point then sure it was dumb. But this could have just been the final straw over an obsessive, controlling GF

Maybe OP could have suggested having the GF just look over the phone real quick is more reasonable, but just giving all the PWs to social media is a little extreme

>Maybe OP could have suggested having the GF just look over the phone real quick is more reasonable
did that, but that wasn't enough.

She just threw a hissyfit after I broke up with her.

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Giving her the passwords would not have been the end of it, guaranteed.

It's a question, not an ultimatum and nobody put a gun to your head, you idiot. Throwing away 7 month because of a silly question that you could have answered with a simple "No", to escalate to a breakup is simply immature.

>Hard to tell with what little info we have on them. If everything was perfect until this point then sure it was dumb. But this could have just been the final straw over an obsessive, controlling GF
True but given that OP has not voiced his desperation about the relationship, leads me to think that there is no such issue at hand.

>Maybe OP could have suggested having the GF just look over the phone real quick is more reasonable
That's as bad and intrusive as asking for your passwords or even demanding them. A relationship is about choosing a partner that you trust and accepting as a person the way they are. If you give in to such nonsense at any point you _could_ end up having to live up to someones standards and expectations which in turn means that there's no freedom the relationship. But regardless, if a question is being asked about a topic that you don't agree on, overreacting by breaking up is, as mentioned above, immature and pathetic

You don't actually have a clue what you're talking about, you don't know either of these people or anything about their relationship besides a couple of short Jow Forums posts. Conjecture and extrapolate all you like, you know virtually nothing.

>Let's not give advice at all because all we get is incomplete and biased information from all posters anyway
Please fuck off, thanks

I'm not saying not to give advice at all you autistic brainlet. There's a clear difference between evaluating whether a request for all passwords is reasonable, and whether breaking up with someone after they request that is reasonable. Go back to jerking to anime titties because you clearly don't understand people.

>Claims i don't know people
>Claims i jerk to anime titties
You sure know people and how to argue your point to not make yourself like a contradicting retard. Congratz :)

You can look at her phone too or not? I never gave my phone to my gf, but I once just grabbed her phone when I suspected something. She was just talking to her female friends, kek. I also forbid her from talking to male friends.

You're a piece of shit

we get it, you're a fat woman.

No, I'm not.

I agree, you're actually a piece of shit. Not a fat woman either.

That's a big red flag. Don't give her your password, she doesn't have a right to your messages

Desperate much? Try again, you can do better than that i hope :^)

Not in the wrong.
Also a partner doesn't need to know ALL your shit.

Yes, you are.

I was just doing that because I loved her before dumping her.

Uh no...fuck her. If she tries to give you an ultimatum, dump her. You are entitled to your privacy, as is she. A woman shouldn't ask you for your password to anything, if you feel as though you can trust her then you offer it.