What did she mean by this?

Attached: anncoulter.png (1166x594, 236K)

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>no children of her own
what did she mean by this

It's really funny how shills spam coulter tweets every time she complains to pretend like she's an intellectual thoughtleader that should be listened to. She's literally paid to sow division. Thank God Steve Bannon gets indicted soon along with all of his cronies.

Attached: 1534218501319.jpg (1280x931, 771K)

It means she supports it, what a retarded thing to make a nonexistent point over.

She means it was a nothing burger

She means that Trump's SOTU was pandering, schmaltzy garbage that only a fucking retard could appreciate

She realized she can sell way more books by being anti-Trump. She is a publicity whore first and foremost.

Is this you, Ann? I agree, in any case

Too crazy for someone to put a ring on it

Guess she didnt watch whole speech. Talked about trade, bringing troops home, etc. stuff non-neo cons care about

And 30 seconds on the wall. There will be no wall.