Thoughts on lil Ben?

Thoughts on lil Ben?

>hard mode: dont mention Israel

Attached: Ben_Shapiro_june_26_2016_cropped_retouched.jpg (220x294, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

he's annoying

His opinion on healthcare is retarded

with his voice, he has no business being behind a mic

nasty over privileged little jizz rag

He plays shitty violin.

His wife's a doctor and you aren't entitled to her labor

I bet you could corner him into admitting that Israel stole Palestine. It's basically impossible for most Jews because they're slimey vermin but if it was in public I bet you could make him admit it.

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annoying neocon who's sole existence is meant to get young people interested in establishment conservatism

this guy is a totally out-of-touch, big business shill. He uses low hanging fruit against stupid college students and uses that to justify his entire retarded views.

pretty sure he's david hogg

Manlet Jews only interested in goyum is to recruit them to die for Israel.

actually based but pol will deny

He's Jewish controlled opposition.

His rhetoric is ancient. It is like listening to Regan speak but a lot less funny. Old guard neocon republicans are boring and trickle down economics never worked. Neoliberalism is dead. He needs to get on the Rand Paul train. Go against the federal reserve. Stop globalism. Become a nationalist. Then you got something. Idiots like this guy are just making the browning of America happen even faster.

Fuck your hard mode. He's a kike shill.

He only debates people that he knows are easy targets. His debate tactic is speaking quickly. His shtick is being anti-identity politics while he talks about his Jewish identity nonstop.

he's 5 4 and a war monger trying to sell sheets and oil

I don't get it.

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Look for his tweet about not giving a damn about the browning of America

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Agreed. He is designed to keep mainstream conservativism alive and kicking. He is saying the same thing idiot republicans were saying in 1980. Get on the Rand Paul train. His is the true vision for the future of Conservativism. We need to quite with the faggot shit on abortion. If hags and vermin want to murder babies...just fewer pieces of liberal shit we have to feed. We need to encourage more women of color to abort and white freak liberal women to abort. Just mean less liberal toxicity to go around.

hes very handsome

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His show, speeches, and life in general are literally just pilpul

handsome and smart like all jews

Ohhh...I'm sure I don't have to. He is jew. I'm sure he wants white Christians destroyed. They all do.

Post tits or get the fuck out.

He probably jizzed in his pants from tonights speech

he "believes" 6000000 jews were killed in holocaust despite zero evidence and he hates USA, himself, white men, and Trump. nuf said

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He is a smooth talker who hilariously wrecks uninformed leftist who challenge him. His actual politics are trash for the most part. Also he is a kike.

BS is also an incel who can't bang. He admits he couldn't get laid until he paid a wife with a dowry and he was "proud of it"

manlet low testosterone pussy with a nasal voice because of his phantom hook nose

big tits

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just a jew that talks fast, sounds smart to conservatives

Must have been something in the water because jews claiming to be survivors have statistically longer lifespans.

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Kazar milkers

Foreigners, out!

The term is khazar milkers

hes a subpar debater thats use quick witty trigger points to tthrow off his college age opponents

bretty gud

This makes sense considering his sister's milkers. I'm pretty sure there's actually nude pictures of his sister.

short annoying subversive who pretends to be a conservative but is a enemy operative
he is israel first and should fuck off there

His sister has Milkers? Post proof?

He focuses too much on his cultural identity during debates

he sounds almost reasonable until he goes full retard with 'my jewness prevents me'

How fucking new are you?

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Not just that. There's actual nude photos of her. All of this is just a google search away.

I’m not convinced, post more poofs. I mean proofs.

Do we gas first then gang bang or gang bang first then gas? I forget?

I don’t know how to google, post proof

Welcome to Jow Forums, have you submitted your 23andMe yet?

I just want him to debate Destiny so badly, it would be fucking glorious. They're both so pompous and fast-talking, it's like two different versions of the same person with polar opposite political opinions.

I would pay real money for it to happen.

>hard mode: dont mention Israel
That's mission impossible mode son. Everything that he says is based in how it benefits Israel.

Nah nerd. People get bullied for spoon feeding for a reason. Just type in "abigail shapiro nude" and go on over to the image tab. You needn't even leave google.

Google Abagail Shapiro. It's not my fault you just came over here after watching the SOTU and didn't feel like hangin out with the boomers at r/the_donald.

Abagail and Larry David get full immunity.

Plz I need more Abigail milkers. I tried to look at safartic Miller’s but they just didn’t match up. Plz gib milkers


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>Just type in "abigail shapiro nude" and go on over to the image tab. You needn't even leave google.
I aint saying this again. I'm not googling something, saving the image, then reporting back to you personally with the goods.

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Do you have something better to do? Fucking hell man, I thought aussies were supposed to be cool, but you won’t hook me up some sweet khazarian lactation globes? You really are a cunt

He drinks cum

It's not that I can't. It's just that I can't believe that you'd rather spend your time asking me for the nudes when googling them would have been so much easier for you. Can you not use google for some reason? Your reply to me would have taken more effort than googling the nudes.

>ayo lil ben what the fuck man
>lil ben let me tell you how soggy I am
>I'll fuck your mouth ben
>ayo betcha sure feel stupid now

I guess there is nothing technically stopping me from googling the Milkers, butthia misses the point, the point is that you refuse to hook a brother up. Don’t you care for me?

A subversive Jew rat that Redddit Spergs and /ptg/ fags adore.

Don't like his voice and constant stuttering as if his balls didn't drop but he can wreck a feminist and SJW with FACTS AND LOGIC

Also I don't agree with him on immigration, he is fine with those to come in based on what they bring to the table but there is much more at play.

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>Color doesn't matter
would he say the same for Israel?


I didn’t ask you

I care about you a teeny bit user. Just not enough to spoon feed you.

You mean the guy who tricked a mentally disturbed woman into making a false police report in a failed attempt to derail the Trump campaign? That guy? His sister is hot.


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you're better off fucking a dead jew than a living one.

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I care about you a lot. I am worried about spiders and abbos getting you. How much do you care about me?

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Sorry but Larry David gets the gas.

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pretends to be libertarian
>pretends to like Christians

pretends to be American
>pretends to like individualism

pretends to be for freedom
>pretends to like weapons for killing tyrannical cops and tyrannical politicians, which is why everyone needs weapons.

pretends to be for free speech
>says states can make anti-speech, anti-gun, laws, and if you deny these laws you're "mentally ill"

pretends israel has terrorism problem
>if they didn't have a wall, they'd have an immigration problem, and when america has a wall it will also have a terrorism problem

pretends circumcision is good
>because shapiro owns his son like property, and abraham sacrificed his son, like the jews did.

expects you to obey clear state violations of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th amendments rather than kill for them
>genetically aspienazi jewish

frame game dropped red pill nuclear bombs while you goblins sperg out irl and throw the roman salute like the goblin retards that you are.

I'm mostly scared of your country becoming like mine since yours is so deeply entrenched in the tendrils of the tribe. I hope for a day where all people of your country, white and black, launches a civil war and publicly lynches all government official and journalists.

user...seriously..WTF? I've given the link to tits twice. Stop being a needy faggot.