Future mass extermination and internment of all Iranians

What worries me is the potential of Iranian Americans being put into internment camps in case of war. Trump made no distinction between his grievances with the regime and the average Iranian because he's pretty much against both. It reminds me of that time Debra Cagan said, "I hate all Iranians." It's pretty obvious at this point that Trump and his administration don't give a fuck about the welfare of the average Iranian or their sovereignty, and he is entirely going to do what the Saudis or Israelis want, even if it involves "mini-nuking" Iran or interning Iranian Americans. This is why he speaks in hyperbole about Iran and fabricates the threat; it just boils down to war-mongering and jingoistic rhetoric, even worse than Dubya's War on Terror speech. The rhetoric against Iran is becoming more and more deranged and divorced from reality, and I'm saying this as someone who thinks the regime has much to improve upon. I also recently had a nightmare of being abducted and tortured, out of all things.

Iranians are being treated worse than the Irish when they first came to America. I am 100% sure US administration will work to foment and cause growth in Anti-Iranian sentiment, even if it involves false-flags, future media campaigns that involve dehumanizing Iranians, and more. The USA's number 1 goal seems to be breaking up Iran or setting up an extremely vicious puppet like MEK/NCRI, and I think this is being largely done out of a combination of spite and wanting complete control of the Strait of Hormuz. This US neocon obsession with Iran is probably worse than the rhetoric of the Roman emperors who called Sassanids barbarians.

Honestly, I am not very optimistic about the future. The Mongol has transformed into a dumb American jingoist.

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I don't think trump will last long enough in office to do anything that drastic. Khamenei has been running circles around the USA, Saudis and Israelis for years and trump is the biggest retard put forward against Iran yet, so I'm not worried.

I don't think it is legally possible to detain anyone based on their nationality anymore, trump couldn't even put in place a Muslim ban. Nothing is going to happen.

At least Europe put forward an alternative to SWIFT to continue trading with Iran. I think Trump has been the best thing to ever happen to Iran because he's basically just proven the ayatollahs right on 40 years of "americans are war mongering" rhetoric, propping up support for years to come.

It's not going to happen to you now but you fuckin sandniggers are going to fuckin die next time someone like trump gets elected.

Seriously fuck you. You chose not to assimilate, you'll get the rope just like the niggers did.

In fact the niggers did what they were told and we even ended up giving them rights.

So an additional fuck you because sandniggers bombed us for nothing.

So off yourselves or get out.

Also the MEK is finished. The only recruits they get inside Iran are drug addicts and the mentally deranged. The ayatollahs see them as such a little threat that they don't even bother executing them anymore. It's now basically just a cult and money laundering operation. The older members from the 70's and 80's are still switched on but they're now just enriching themselves and have moved on. The movement died with Rojavi.

>being this retarded
Iranian Americans are model minorities that excel in STEM:

Iran is also not the "world's number one sponsor of terrorism". That's Saudi Arabia.

You know absolutely no nuance and just gobble up propaganda. Why are you so fucking stupid?

Iranian Americans are one of the wealthiest immigrants in the USA I think the median Iranian American lives in a $1 million home nowadays. If that's not successful assimilation I don't know what is. Maybe you're confusing us with your inferior European migrants?

I'm just not as optimistic as you. There will always be retarded Americunts like this guy who gobble up whatever propaganda the media spoonfeeds them. All it takes is one false flag operation that's blamed on Iran or Hezbollah. For example, imagine Saudi Arabia doing something like 9/11 again, but the current administration just blames it on Iran. That would cause most Americans, who are clueless and unbelievably uninformed, to support war and even internment.

If they invade, again it's not going to go as they think. They couldn't defeat the Pashtuns after almost 20 years they don't have a hope in defeating the Sepah. I don't think it's a risk anymore the time to invade Iran was back in 2006-2007.


Fuck off you're clueless

They and Israel just want to nuke Iran based on a fabricated casus belli, man. I also think they might intern Iranians or some other crazy shit during the whole fiasco.

You're the clueless one. You just gobble up media propaganda. Most terrorist attacks on Western soils come from Sunni radical influenced by Saudi Arabia's Wahhabism. They export Wahhabism around the world, even funding mosques they spread their hate literature too, and they do all this with the financing of the USA. Fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were Saudi. Not a single Iranian. Why are you so fucking stupid?

Also I don't know if you've traveled to Iran much being an Iranian American but things there are not exactly as the media portrays it. Almost half the country still votes for hardliner candidates that didn't want to negotiate with Obama on the nuclear deal at all and wanted to keep the sanctions in place. There's still a lot of support for the ayatollahs and if the USA, Saudi or Israel strikes first on Iranian soil as an act of aggression the country will lose its shit like they did when Saddam invaded and go into total war mode. So the ayatollahs are unpopular but if the country is attacked that will change fast. Trump is loathed on the same level as Israel and the Saudis because of betraying the nuclear deal in place.

But at the end of the day, I really don't think the USA will pursue regime change the country is more stable and the military is stronger than its ever been

Ok so stop commenting on iran and the middle east you brainwashed mutt

I don't think the average American, or the average/pol/ack is as against you as you think. We hate Israel. Therefore, we're skeptical of anything Israel says is bad. Personally, I'm in favor of just giving you guys nukes and seeing what happens. It's not in my back yard, the fuck do I care? Maybe you'll take out the Israelis and we'll have less issues. Maybe you both go, and it still doesn't affect me. But atleast you're on equal footing with the bastards.

Trump should put all Muslims into camps, and then gas them.

Attached: Dr Baruch Goldstein.jpg (177x284, 8K)

The USA has a nuclear monopoly on the entire world. Israel also has a shitload of nukes. I don't think the USA wants conventional war with Iran; they just want to continue to dehumanizing rhetoric in order to has casus belli to nuke the country. This is what I'm starting to see with all this jingoism from the current administration -- it is totally divorced from reality. It is unhinged.
This is what you say now, but I have personally seen how quick Americans can change faces when the media lies in regards to big terrorist attacks on foreign soil. All it takes is something on the scale of 9/11 and blamed on Iran or Hezbollah. The media would then keep pressing the lie Iranians are evil and out to kill Americans, and then most Americans would be in favor of war or even nuking and internment.

Iran won't take out Israel. It's just saber rattling Khomeini was using to try to unite the Muslim world behind Iran, but it failed because he underestimated the disdain that Arabs and Sunnis have for Shiite Persians. Iran will never actually make a move on Israel they just needed a foreign enemy because it fits into the narrative of twelver ideology which is another story. The rhetoric sticks because it was the rhetoric of the Revolution. The Ayatollahs don't really give a shit about Israel though, they're trying to emulate the Safavid or Abbasid Empire with Iran as leaders of the Muslims.

Well, you know, I'm not Muslim, so that doesn't affect me. My ancestors converted to Islam when they had the sword above their necks. I'd burn countless Korans, eat bacon, or whatever not to die. I'm not a fucking Muslim, and I doubt most Iranians would remain Muslim when their lives are seriously threatened. Many have already left Islam in troves.

Also, this is all beside the point. Get it through your head, USA is not at war with Islam. If USA were at war with Islam, they would do stuff like pick on Saudis and try to raze Mecca to the ground and mass convert people. No, this is not what Trump is doing. He even hosted a Ramadan dinner, spoke positively of Islam, and more. Why do you waste my time with your frivolous bullshit and shallow memes that have no basis in reality?

I would have agreed with you even six months ago, honestly. But the kvetching over just how many normies question the holocaust grows by the day. And on top of that, boomers are spreading the 9/11 leak files like wildfire. It's stupefied versions of the info, but it's getting out. Right now? I'd say 50/50 on murdering your country if there was a false flag. Later this year? Next? They'd be hard pressed to get public support. That white pill is keeping me going, truthfully. The great awakening is coming, and just maybe we'll lash out at the right people next time.

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That's pretty fascinating. I'll admit, I'm not as up on Muslim/Iranian politics as I should be. There's just so much to learn and so many factions.

I think that's only among educated populace that tends to remain quiet. The average person is still simply parroting whatever fits into the bi-partisan narrative. I can't say whether it's 50/50, but what I do know is the media has extreme pull on the American populace whenever something big like 9/11 happens. The people go into frenzy and do not think rationally, giving administrations the opportunities for black lies. I'm pretty damn sure if something like 9/11 happened again, and it was falsely blamed on Iran, things would escalate into WWII-era level tensions.

Of course you think that because your Iranian American. But the fact is that Zoroastrianism was already in decline by the time of the Islamic Conquests and it took roughly 500 years for Islam to become the majority religion of Persia. It's more likely your ancestors converted willingly as it was the only religion that had state sponsorship after 700's and there was genuine mass conversions to the faith particularly in the Abbasid period. That's not to say Iranians weren't forcibly converted either, but Iranians adopted Islam very quickly. In fact all the earliest scholars were Iranians, the hadiths were written by Iranian, Islamic art and architecture originates from Iranians. Muhammad had Iranian companions too.

I'm not religious myself but my extended family is quite religious and traditional as far as Iranians go. My babysitters growing up were genuine Zoroastrians from Yazd though and so I got raised with an open mind.

I honestly don't care. My life is already tough as it is -- with all this coursework and jobs. I don't want it to get tougher with me dying in some internment camp. That nightmare I had of being tortured and killed was truly frightening. I just want to live a peaceful life and not even have children, but I feel the modern era and the increasing tensions may not permit for this.

You're not going to a camp the modern us legal system would find it unconstitutional. Just focus on your study and getting a job. Pol is the wrong place for this discussion anyways

What are you talking about? The USA has been unconstitutional since the formation of the FED and CIA! The administrations and those in power don't give a fuck about the Constitution. They wouldn't care about nuking Iran or killing countless Americans of Iranian descent so long as they get what they want. They just use endless black lies and drill it into the American populace like shallow memes.

I have a feeling something like the traditional accounts of the Holocaust might occur to Iranians.

The are still red lines. I expect detaining Iranian dual citizens would be a big one
Trump couldn't even get a Muslim ban

Red lines tend to be disregarded during "state of emergencies", even if the emergency is based on a complete fib. I already see certain red lines being transgressed gradually, which is what frightens me.
>Trump couldn't even get a Muslim ban
That's because US deep state is too deeply intertwined with interests in Gulf Arab monarchies and all that crap.

If you're that worried move country.

I would if I had a good skillset and decent sum of money... Where do you think would be good though? It looks like the entire modern world is getting into chaos, but I'm not so sure.