We will never be a socialist nation

>we will never be a socialist nation


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>still thinking Socialsm and National Socialism are the same thing

Oh shit

NatSoc and Socialism isn't the same thing you fucking retarded redditor

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still has elements of socialism

we are a kleptocracy get it right or get out.


Just what do you think Socialism is? I'll give you a hint, it's not "when tha gubbermint does public projects!!"


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>we will never be a socialist nation
>imediately cut to bernie sanders as red as a lobster surrounded by people chanting USA USA USA

Still preferable to socialism somehow.


it's anti-capitalist, is that not at least somewhat socialist?

>If something is not green, it must be brown

No, what?
The political spectrum isn't a flat 2D line from Capitalism to Socialism. National Socialism is Fascist, which was anti-Capitalism (but generally allowed the Free Market to operate in Germany) but also heavily anti-Socialist with banning of trade unions and other "anti-worker" actions.

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What's the US Postal service?
What's the Highway System?
What's the US Military?
What's it called when the government bails out businesses and banks that fail?
Why do Republitards privatize profits but socialize risk?
Why would we trust people who profit from actively sabotaging these systems when they claim they don't work?

>That face

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>read the DNC WikiLeaks emails
>hate Hillary for rigging the primary
>vote for her anyways cuz fuck the Greens, hate Trump more
>liberal friends choose Greens those cucks
>know in my communist heart Trump is going to win
>boss at min wage job goading me because he's a Trump voter
>literally have dreams of Trump winning
>election day
>Mfw I wake up at 3 am to see the landslide victory.

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no you