CNN: 76% Viewed Trumps SOTU speech as positive

You mad democucks? He even had the democratic women standing and chanting USA at one point. #MAGA

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That's a bad thing if the democrats are ever happy and clapping. Probably good for us though.

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Petty obstructionist kikes blown the absolute fuck out, average America saw you perfectly clear.

>Believing a CNN poll

lmao that cope in the video, jesus they are really worried about their audience committing suicide

Yeah, I love getting more hispanic immigrabts and sending more money to Israel. MAGA.

And last fall, we put in place the toughest sanctions ever imposed on a country.
We will not avert our eyes from a regime that chants Death to America and threatens genocide against the Jewish People.

We must never ignore the vile poison of Anti-Semitism, or those who spread its venomous creed.

With one voice, we must confront this hatred anywhere and everywhere it occurs.
Just months ago, 11 Jewish-Americans were viciously murdered in an Anti-Semitic attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

SWAT Officer Timothy Matson raced into the gunfire and was shot seven times chasing down the killer.

Timothy has just had his 12th surgery — but he made the trip to be here with us tonight.

Officer Matson: we are forever grateful for your courage in the face of evil.

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>bipartisanship with the enemy is good

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They were cheering because of the record number of women serving in congress.

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Jews are the enemy of all. Until we kill all of you we can not truly live free.
That holohoax shit tonight made me and my family sick. Live script reading from schinlders list..disgusting

Calm down Mr. 56, McDonald's is open 24 hours

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>Jow Forums should support women in government

I very much doubt there were as many people asking the Jewish question around the world as there are right now in this moment in history.

Good luck with that. Wait, pull out your secret weapon and call me a kike. Oy vey, wait a minute.

Not here, they had to stop having the McDonald's open 24 hours because it was robbed 3 times at night in 5 months.

He legitimately performed very well tonight, theres no way to spin it at all.

Seem the youtube master want to push a different narrative.

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Jewtube search has gone above and beyond all reasonable levels of kikery.

You can search for something that happened today and all you'll find is pages of mainstream media checkmarks going back for years before any actual videos of people talking about

stop bumping these MAGAtard threads and letting them control the board


Not enough discord tyrannies to back up your pathetic attempt at a raid tonight?

>3/4 people that actually watched it liked it
>but thats bias
my god

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>Wait, use your secret weapon and call me a kike, Oy vey!

They don't even realize how deep they dug their own graves


Anti-Semitic cunts are the cancer of Jow Forums, they turn every sensible political discussion into their degenerate shite-show.

Exactly, I was cheering like crazy when he mentioned peace with NK.

Also I truly hope he finds a way to fight off the kikes and get the border wall built.

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