What did she mean by this, Jow Forums?

What did she mean by this, Jow Forums?

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pol already thoroughly debated this last night and it was decided that Pro Choice is the only logical conclusion

I honestly can't name a person who has had an abortion

>Thinking we could love a woman

This is why I support an abortion registry similar to sex offenders. I don't want these people to just blend in.

Your mom had one, but obviously it didn't stick

some highlights

>kike influenced moloch worshipping whore thinks everyone seeing her tweet is pro abortion therefore DRUMPFFF is bad

Based and redpilled. There should also be a common sense tattoo registry with photos of each tattoo filed away for employers to examine together with resumes.

nothing, nothing at all
it no longer has to make sense
they can literally transcribr crunts with some keywords + trump, and the effect will be the same

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Wow! Such original reply, you're so fucking funny.
Fucking oxygenwaster.

Hahaha. You kikes always cling to the same argument
>abortions kill nigger babies so it’s good
I swear you’re more racist than anyone else.

wtf when you put it like that I hate trump now and wont be voting for him anymore
I encourage all my fellow americans to do the same

I don’t love anybody who had an abortion. I don’t care if you can kill your kid but I sure as hell don’t have to love you or respect you for it.


who's paying for the single moms ?!

fuck off, wicked degenerate

logic isn't the source of morality. it's just a tool for consideration

we already have to pay for the whores' birth control
if they need an abortion, just fucking sterilize them then and there
they are obviously too stupid too pass on their genes
and too monstrous to be a mother

I don’t?

so argue for sterilization rather than thinking you're going to force them into being good moms

it begins.

Yeah no, My friends and family are not degenerates were abortion is commonplace

I just did

go through the thread, every argument was made

>everyone had an abortion

Telling a murderer that they murder is worse than committing murder.

I dont know any niggers.

Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

No concern for murdering a child.
I hate these immoral cunts.
Learn to birth control

When women say they "miscarried" a pregnancy its code for "I wanted to get attention for being pregnant but then I changed my mind and aborted"...Or they just dont tell anyone in the first place. Only the biggest nutjobs and subhumans brag and advertise their abortions.

I know 1 person who has had an abortion, and she was literally human trash.

>What did she mean by this, Jow Forums?
She meant if you're reading this you know someone who was murdered, even if you don't know their name.

Fuck off muttkike

She means that Moloch is displeased with the shortage of baby sacrifices so we need to murder more children

Fuck off britpaki

No one I love has had an abortion

I couldnt think of the aborted fetus name either. It