Girlfriend rode on another guys shoulders at a concert, said that after she avoided him in case he asked for her number. I tell her I'm not comfortable with her doing that, and why would she do something that has the implications that lead to someone asking for her number knowingly? She says she just wanted to see the concert and I don't doubt her intentions were innocent, but this is still a crossed line right?
Pretty sure if you had a girl on your shoulders at a concert she'd be pissed off. I know what you mean, it's undeniably close contact - there's a legitimate reason to do it which isn't sexual though. Imagine instead she'd been on another girls shoulders, or you go on another guy's shoulders; nobody would consider that 'gay'. It's close but not sexual or intimate in itself.
Cooper Martin
It's frustrating dealing with this grey area shit. It's not even the act that bothers me so much as her knowing that he might ask for her number? Women drive me nuts.
Brayden Russell
I encounter women at clubs during “girls night” who will make out with me or once even have sex in the bathroom and leave without giving me a phone number, many say they have a boyfriend. Usually women start to act out after the honeymoon phase, it’s really a problem
I think women have to calculate a lot of their interactions with men on the possibility the man might make an advance on them. It may seem strange from our perspective but for them, mundane stuff like helping someone with directions or talking to the person next you on the train, these have a reasonable chance the guy is going to ask her out or want her number. With that frame around your life, maybe getting on someone's shoulders for a better view of a concert you paid for where you can't see shit, given they might ask for your number, isn't so strange or different from usual life as it would be for us.
Maybe I'm wrong just throwing out ideas.
Cameron Davis
Geeze, it's almost like giving them so much freedom is a bad thing. Really turns my cashews up.
pls teach me the ways. how do you get to that point?
Brandon Robinson
Camden Cruz
Why werent you at the concert OP? Dont give me BS of freedom to act, no string attached yadah yadah crap. Why you as a couple dondt do things togheter.
Adrian Thompson
Go to crowded dance clubs, get really drunk and be reasonably attractive
Colton Martin
We live our own lives. I go to events she would hate, festivals and drum and bass venues. She goes to indie concerts I would hate. We are both adult enough to do so without any issue (or so I thought). I have never crossed any line with any girl while being with her.
Nicholas Diaz
I honestly think monogamy is nearly impossible for non-Christian young adults. Usually in their late twenties girls take relationships more seriously. Don’t bet on this relationship lasting but keep your blinders on and have your fun with her because it beats being single
Jack Wright
She's only had one relationship before me and was in love with me during the entirety of it. I'm pretty safe with this girl on the monogamy side. I'm not worried about this devolving further, I am just wondering if I am overreacting about how I am responding to her doing this. I.E. saying calmly I am not comfortable with it, and telling her to stop crying to garner sympathy when she is the one who should be sympathising with how I feel.
Andrew Stewart
inb4 >loved another guy with her bf
I agree with the logic, but there are extenuating circumstances.
Dominic Wilson
>She's only had one relationship before me and was in love with me during the entirety of it So she was into you while dating someone else? I mean that behavior speaks for itself
Cameron Taylor
See I would agree under any other circumstance.
Jackson Harris
You're overreacting. What's next, she's not allowed to bump into other guys by accident? Getting upset over shit like this will drive her to other guys.
Owen Reed
I mean girls are designed to use their feminine wiles to use men for their benefit, so the idea is innocent enough. If a girl at a concert was on my shoulders I'd probably feel up her legs and rock my shoulders to stimulate her pussy on my spine, then probably flirt wirh her after. Probably buy her a drink all low pressure moves. If you're not cool with all the parts in that scenario you should put your foot down, because that's my MO and I'm not even like an alpha male.
Ethan Watson
I have tried the "I don't care, I trust you" approach and it doesn't work either. I am trying to find the middle ground here.
I agree user. I have reacted in the way I think is right. I don't understand why women have to be this way, why can't they just understand that relations with the opposite sex will always have a slight sexual context to it.
Aiden Perry
>Honor is a male abstraction - don’t expect women to understand
You can be mad at her over it. She should be glad to have a boyfriend who feels for her enough to be that jealous.
Joshua Perez
Ant why are You Me?
Anthony Rogers
Holy fuck you’re a toxic as fuck boyfriend you basically just said she can’t have male friends. Stop being such a insecure faggot. If she was going to cheat she will/already did why the fuck are you so fixated on the fact that she used a guy to get a better view?
>she thought he would ask for her number or give her his number So what? That doesn’t matter unless you’re insecure in the relationship.
Listen to some Patrice O'neal advice on wonen and relationships. Seriously.
Adrian Jackson
Cool, if you’re a functional adult you can have friends of the opposite sex.
Nathan Howard
I have been calm and collected about the whole affair and didn't say she can't have male friends you presumptuous fuckwit, she can hang around anyone she wants I don't dictate to her what she can and can't do. I can however say I have boundaries, and maybe you're alright with your girl riding another mans shoulders in what is obviously a provocative situation to be in, especially given the context of it being a concert but I think most men with any sense of pride would be.
She admitted to me she would be jealous if I ever let a girl ride my shoulders, and she would be right to be. I've tried the be above it all and scorn jealousy approach with ex-girlfriends and as much as people will claim acting this way "drives women away" in my experience not demanding a certain standard from your partner in their behaviour around the opposite sex drives them away much more.
Isaiah Barnes
If any woman who was friends with a man walked in on him naked and said;
"Fuck me." Do you think he wouldn't?
Caleb Miller
No you are saying she can’t have male friends like dude she didn’t even do anything wrong and you’re butthurt over it.
Why would they?
Ethan Moore
Proof I said this specifically to her and not in a general sense. I also believe race mixing is wrong, but I'd never enforce that belief on others. Are you thick?
Why would they? You are surely a woman. Because the male mind is dominated by sex drive, constant sexual urge up until the moment of ejaculation. You couldn't possibly understand if you have to ask.
Aiden Garcia
I’m a guy but okay dismiss everything I’ve said. Have fun when your relationship crashes and burns.
Parker Powell
I am not dismissing what you are saying you dense fuck. I have not and never will tell her she can't have male friends regardless of my personal views on the matter. Why even bother replying if you are not going to try and understand the situation?
Thomas Russell
nah you’re not over reacting, I’d beat my wife if she ever did that behind my back, cheers bois
Jack Walker
Guys might ask for her number regardless of what she's doing. I've literally had guys ask for my girlfriend's number in the middle of us having a conversation. There's not really avoiding that shit if your girl is attractive. You either need to get secure about it, or you break up with your girlfriend and get an ugly one that doesn't leave her house.
Eli Edwards
Yeah, when you're 18.
Then you grow up and you stop trying to fuck everything that moves. It's why I don't cheat on my wife every time a woman shows interest in me.
Alexander Flores
>hey Jow Forums, my girlfriend clearly disrespected me and the boundaries of our relationship, is telling me contradictory lies, and is making up bad excuses for her actions, am I overreacting for not liking this?
Jose Smith
lol this, relationship would be over if I were in your shoes OP
Samuel Rivera
You know, i still think she shouldn't have done that, because even if you you are as innocent as possible, you have to understand that the act itself may make your partner uncomfortable by giving him/her ideas. But your perspective is insightful
Benjamin Flores
your girlfriend's tights were all over his face she probably sweat on him too he smelled it and he felt her cooch right on his neck
Angel Young
lmao fucking moron NEVER gonna make it
Landon Hill
You're in the process of being cucked especially if the guy was a stranger.
I have seen similar things. Girls being way too comfortable around other males like sitting in their laps or hanging out with them a lot.
It almost always led to them cheating with those guys. I was really friendly with my friends gf and she turned out that way after cucking him with her friend.
Cooper Campbell
No. Your gf is a thot. Bye bye you retard.
Blake Cox
Yeah you might be, if she avoided the guy the rest of the night then yeah.
Easton Martinez
Women go to concerts and clubs without they boyfriend to hang out with other men. If not to cheat they are doing it for male attention.
That's sweet validation they don't get when their loser boyfriend is around blocking men from approaching her.