Rejecting guy because of his bad genes

There's two guys trying to be my bf and I like them both. First one is intelligent and has good personality, but he suffers from serious balding. Half of his hair is gone at only 21 years old. Second guy is slightly less intelligent, but has good personality and perfect hair.

I think I'd pick the first guy if he wasn't bald and I feel bad about feeling like this because he can't control it. My female instincts are telling to reject him so my kids won't look like that.

Should I just accept life is unfair and doing the right thing feels bad sometimes? Any advice or similar experiences?

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Shitty bait.

How? This scenario is not that uncommon.

Why do you give a shit if he is bald?

I'm 28, have seen and dated around, and have never once heard of this situation. Most times I hear girls reject guys it's usually the personality at fault. "I could get past his [physical feature] if he weren't so [personal shortcoming]."
Most often it's people who are too high energy and come on strong, and guys who are high strung, who get fragged.

Had one girl tell me dating a dude was like dating Taylor Swift cuz she was afraid he was going to write a song about her.
Rest assured your shit bait is shit, but since our shit board is shit you'll get guaranteed replies.

Obvious answer is neither guy is good enough for you since neither stands out as an obvious choice. Ditch both, dumb bint

First of all you should never chose to be with somebody just because of their looks thats really shitty.. Second the hair gene comes from the female side not the male so your kids would be fine.

Nobody wants their sons to be bald at 20.

This is the kind of thing women don't directly tell to men. If they notice genetic issues they keep the information to themselves and consider if the issue is too serious to pass on to kids.

You didn't read properly. I like the personality of both and like them for a lot more than their looks.

Wow. Breeder piece of shit. Fuck you.

Eh do what you gotta do. I don't date short girls or girls with a family history of cancer.

Do you just ask them if they have family history of cancer?

Nice trips.

No. They usually bring it up on their own that X grandparent or parent passed from cancer. Then I start making my exit, over time.

Don't feel bad for being shallow like every single guy is out there. Don't go for baldie, baldness is completely unattractive. Baldness is to women what fat is to straight men.

But if it's something like lung cancer from 50 years of smoking your kids won't have that if they don't smoke.

>my female instincts

I don't think an actual woman wrote this


> If they notice genetic issues they keep the information to themselves and consider if the issue is too serious to pass on to kids.

This is absolutely true, just adding onto you, that nonetheless balding isn't a gene that'd be considered a "genetic issue" worth dumping a guy over. Genetic issues that are turnoffs are things like a family tree of schizos. It's got to be serious. Guys insecure about balding is laughable, pretty much all my girlfriends fawn over are half balding Stannis types.

Humans are animals and like all females in all species they have instincts to pick up men with good genes.

This is true. Just adding on to what you and another user wrote, men do the same thing. Only it's based more around our egos.

Yeah, but there's also breast cancer and such.

Luckily women can lose weight, men are stuck with weird toupees or comb-overs. Look at Trump....he has all the money he could ask for but can never have good hair.

how are you going to get passed the stupid gene you plan to pass on to your off spring

>Nobody wants their sons to be bald at 20.
just abort them and have daughters instead.
on second thoughts, female alopecia would be even worse. just abort all kids then. your body , your choice.

Was dating a guy who was thinning but his older brother had a thick hair so thought no way he would go bald and then she showed me pictures of every man on his mothers side. They all were BALD. That ended it right there for me.

Balding is the genetics from the females side. So look at your grandfather and that is the defining trait your male children will fall into.

Don't bald men carry the gene in their bloodline despite it activating only in some men, resulting some being bald and some not?

First kid wouldn't be bald, second kid would be if they're a boy. Just have one kid