How do I find a girl who isn't a slut or reformed slut? Is it even possible?

How do I find a girl who isn't a slut or reformed slut? Is it even possible?

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You have to be non-slutty yourself. Pure girls don't date guys who masturbate more than 3 times in a week or go out to drink every weekend.

>why can’t I date 12 year old virgin girls

The post

If you watch porn at all, don't even think about going for a virgin.

Girls have more sex then guys, all the tight pussy was back in high school.

But shit, every girl I date has rape fantasies or were wild when they were wrong.
It not a bad thing, these girls know how to give you the best sex you have had, just make sure they don’t have herpies

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Nowhere in your post did you touch on the actual reasons men seek better women. Your post was essentially just "spread despair and give up".

Yeah, great advice, loser.

having sex doesn’t change the size or shape of someone’s vagina.

Not OP but I’m just worried that they might be a size queen.

Sometimes I think you people live in some fantasy land. I've had sex with virgins and watch porn on the regular. Fucking hell, go outside and socialize

Kill all women.

Even on tinder, I've met up with people who have
had 2-3 partners. I don't consider that slut level. I think most girls are actually in single digit partner count

>says the guy bragging up his sexual exploits on Jow Forums
I dunno how much of your bullshit you want us to swill, but maybe that's a drink you don't share with the class, bud

>believing the number girls give you

wew lad, you're in for a world of pain.

Why would it be a world of pain? You're the one who cares here, not me pal

near impossible in the city.

>makes an entire comment about the numbers girls give him
>says he doesn't care about the numbers


DUDE I was just responding to the freaking OP. For Freaking Sake, Don't get on my

You type like a retarded kid trying to be cool on the new forum he just found out about. Neck yourself.

an interesting and valuable opinion, thank you kind sir


I'm trying a datingsite for commited relationships for one week now.
So far it hasn't got me anywhere, I think something is major cringe about my profile since literally no one has replied to me so far.
Can't figure out what to change, I feel confident I can find out though some way.

Anyway, yeah it always amazes me how woman my age 24 are not into commitment.
The isolation of noone wanting to talk to me kind of makes my stomach hurt.
No need to jump out the window though, we'll all make it some day :)

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>datingsite for committed relationships
That sounds like a site that only attracts the most desperate betas.

Well yeah, why do you think I signed up

Go to a remote village in eastern Europe. Although there may be sluts there as well

That's just a retarded meme.

I don't think it's western woman exclusively who like whoring
I do believe it's most humanbeings, male or female
It's just that your scope is on western woman, so you notice it in them
This goes for allot of things and is not exclusive to whoring
Truth is that people who aren't into degenerate shit are a minority

Even the nerdiest girl I dated wanted to get choked and spanked hard
Either embrace it or perish in selfpitty

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Every human being is a slut, we re just egoist bastards, deal with it

>don't even think about it
or what? what are you going to do?

possible if you're 6'4 from old money family with connections

I've never fapped to porn but I think I'm sexually alright since I jerked off by myself from time to time. Where do I find my virgin?

I know, I just don't know if I like her enough to commit to a relationship with her.

If your attitude is that sluts/reformed sluts are hard to find/don't exist, even a virgin will probably be unable to satisfy you. What if her hymen is ruptured from masturbation? Is she a whore then? Would you believe her if she said it was from horseback riding? And even if her hymen is intact, you might find out that she'd been kissed before, or had a boyfriend before, and that'll fuck with your head.

The quest for more and more inexperienced women ends in the true unicorn, the girl who has never had any contact with men whatsoever... right?

Well, actually no! How often do we see on here guys whining about how their gfs or girls they know have had homosexual experiences, and are concerned. Concerned not because they're homophobic, but because they're afraid the girl will leave them for another girl. Once again, the low self-esteem train has no brakes.

Even a girl literally raised by wolves wouldn't be good enough because the kinds of guys who care this much also believe that women fuck their dogs.

>a girl thats fucked 20 dudes in the same year is the same level as a girl who masturbates

You're just a slut yourself and trying to do mental gymnastic to justify it.

You don‘t need a site specifically for committed relationships to get one. Just approach women in real life and if you can‘t do that, then you will not be able to have a fulfilling relationship on your terms with a woman in general. Even if you end up getting a girl. If you believe in „making it“ you do it the right way.

Yes it does.

its impossible

I was talking with a girl on tinder who, in the space of 6 months after breaking up with her long term boyfriend, had 13 different sexual partners.

Absolutely disgusting. And its the average woman.


Like your some saint? OP sounds like an autist.

Imagine being this retarded.

Actually a dude. The issue is the guys who are clamoring over “I can’t find a non-slut” would, if they found an actual virgin, quickly grow disgusted with her for her behavior as they got closer to sleeping together. I’m telling you from experience. Lusting after a virgin turns into panic when you aren’t her first bf. And it continues.

somewhere that isn't a club or a concert or alcohol rehab or a similar locale

I suppose you have a point, didn't think of it that way before
Thanks m8

>I don’t want a slut, I want a virgin! :’(
Let’s face it, the real reason for it is because this sort of person is actually terrified of sex, especially with a girl who knows what she likes in the sack. They’re hoping that a “pure” virgin will be even more scared of sex and effectively be like a deer in headlights for the whole ordeal and will have no measure of whether they liked it or not.

I mean shit, if any girl wants to get into bed with you then she wants you to enjoy yourself as well so what more do you need? Just toughen the fuck up.

where is daddy hitler when we need him?

>is actually terrified of sex
Where do you retards come up with these blanket statements? Not everyone wants to be a walking arsenal of STDs.

Check the news for school shootings.


Nah, that just sounds like someone with commitment issues. One of my college housemates is like that, she'll settle for the quick thrill of one-night stands, it's like a drug for her, she finds relationships too "boring" at her age.