I'll try to keep this short and simple. I was at Walmart buying Pedialyte for my friend's child since she was sick...

I'll try to keep this short and simple. I was at Walmart buying Pedialyte for my friend's child since she was sick. I was approached by an older veteran man, full head of white hair, he asked me if I was preparing for a baby, I told him I didn't want children (I'm 25 but I look like I'm goddamn 12) he tells me I was just being naive and I'm still young and I don't know what I want ect.. I tell him I really - REALLY don't want them and then he laughs and tells me I'll have them someday and then proceeds to babble on about the expenses of diapers and baby items ect.. after a minute of this I'm trying not to well up and keep my cool but I explode and yell "I DON'T WANT KIDS FUCK OFF" - He says "Okay, I'm sorry." and walks away. My friend who was just then walking up on us saw what happened and ran after him to apologize and wish him a nice day. I immediately felt embarrassed like I'd done something wrong but the thought of pregnancy and children is so uncomfortable to me and makes me sick. I asked my friend if I did anything wrong and he said we were both in the wrong. This happens to me often, strangers approach me about having kids and they won't take "I don't want them" for an answer. Family has stopped only because I've thrown a big fit about the topic.
Was I in the wrong? I really didn't want to be a bitch.

How can I defuse it next time especially if I can't walk away? I thought about saying "why do you want someone to cum inside of me so badly?" to make it super uncomfortable for them too but I probably won't have the guts.

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He was low key hitting on your dumbass.

Literally anything is better than yelling at the poor guy. You could have said "sorry, but this conversation is making me uncomfortable" and he would have stopped bothering you.

You are right. I did cause a scene even though it was short lived.
My family has been telling me "yes you will" since I was as young as 10 and I have a thing about not being listened to because they never listened to me.

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Evidently, the problem here are your unusually strong feelings about the subject.

Like, you don't want kids. OK. Generally, human society is going to value childrearing - what with the continuation of the civilization and all. That's also OK. Lastly, statistically speaking, the old guy was right. Most women end up changing their minds. That's OK too.

You have your choice in the matter. You also know that any major culture is going to expect you to have kids. You should be having your spiel down pat by now. A good one would be something roughly amounting ti a shrug.

So why are you so triggered over the subject?

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>I really didn't want to be a bitch
You managed to do basically the exact opposite of what you should have, kek. The only thing that would make this "better" is if you had neon red hair and a fish mouth.

I have already acknowledged that my behavior was unacceptable, you're beating a dead horse.

I'm a tomboy/ cross-dresser/ strive to be masculine (not trans). I'm straight but I just really, really don't want them. Kids usually make me uncomfortable unless they're my friend's kids or related to my family.
Phobic of pregnancy. I don't hear "when are you gonna have kids?" I hear "when are you going to have sex?" "who do you want the father to be?" and start thinking about taking care of a delicate little human being and everything that could go wrong.

Attached: not-everone-wants-kids.jpg (472x700, 72K)

So you don't want to have sex. Ok well that's not entirely uncommon either.

My recommendation is to just actively work on creating an engineered spiel/response intended to get people to leave you alone about the issue, and then practice it. Shit, maybe even add a white lie or something in it if you have to.

Meh. Don't feel bad. It's the risk he took walking up to a stranger to blab about a subject like that. Especially when you consider that you could have been some one who can't have kids and desperately wanted them. He should keep his dumb ass opinions to himself.

I like sex and I am sexually active but if I were to get pregnant I would have no guilt aborting it.

"I'm infertile" is a good excuse. I hope they don't go on a whole "maybe you should adopt" sort of thing though

>I would have no guilt aborting it.

How is that relevant..?
The topic here is children, not barely formed fetuses.

Or do you think that fetuses are children, but still feel no guilt over termination?

that comic was written by a 35 year old who cries into her tub of ice-cream while stroking her cat.

fake and gay

Andersen is an attractive person who used relateable webcomics to appeal to awkward masses
It's sad because only a fraction of the problems she mentions does she probably endure. Life on Halo effect is far better than people like her give it credit for

I mean, it seems obvious to me that the problem was that you let him go on for so long. He contradicted you and you let him talk for a whole minute, obviously you were going to get irritated. You should have corrected him right away, just stand your ground on an issue you care about, the subject matter doesn't actually make a difference here.


>strangers approach me about having kids
what's your fuckin problem? why are they doing this?

>I probably won't have the guts.

Good, because you're an idiot. Most of the time people are easier to shut up if you agree. Instead of saying you don't want kids, say you haven't met the right guy yet or that you want to raise money for the baby first.
And why antagonize old timers? They'll be dying soon anyway so why do you have to rob them of a bit hope? I've been approached by old people who held opposite beliefs to mine and they were both easier and happier to deal with because I reassured them.

Plus ever since women became independent, many say they don't want to have kids but most of them end up having kids. To the guy you were just another such girl, much like his friends' wives and daughters. He was confident you'll turn out the same way.
Personally I've concluded that the responses women give have to do with who's asking. "I don't want to have kids (with you)".

>"why do you want someone to cum inside of me so badly?"

Dying is a horrible thing and a terrifying thought. Your blood living on through your children keeps the mortal dread at bay. If you don't have children then your line will die with you and all the work and endured pains of those before you will go to waste.
Sometimes people will be upset by your refusal even if it doesn't affect them. They may be feeling empathy for your folks, seeing themselves in their situation, or they may be holding you in high esteem and disliking the idea that you will be robbing the world of your goodness by not having kids to carry it on.
Btw your supposed awkward phrase reads like a suggestion and now I feel greatly motivated to cum inside of you and start a family. Not even kidding, you hit me right in the libido and fatherhood. So I guess it probably won't have the desired effect.

You care too much about the opinions of strangers. Don’t argue with them, just shut the conversation down quickly and move on.

Take things with a grain of salt. He's just a stranger and he was speaking with life experience. They might have good advice.

She probably looks motherly.

I really dislike when people talk to you about something you "need" while ignoring that you just refused to indulge in the topic.

But again, anti-natalism is a fucking joke.

>She probably looks motherly.
she said she likes about 12.
>t. Mohammed

>magical trips of 3
>I am now Mohammed

Would the vet had asked her if she's preparing for a baby had he mistaken her for 12?

Aren't teacher's students (at least for some) their children. Aren't the people who you grow up with, neighbors aunts and uncles, etc. also parents. What's so bad about that.

Anyways don't worry about what other people have to say.

You do you.

>I'll try to keep this short and simple.

You failed

lol. Just shrug or say whatever dude. Your reaction was over the top, you should feel weird and yeah probably related to frustrations at not feeling heard from when you were younger.

Thing is ... when I was younger and I totally know that this makes me somebody who did sell out, but I had REALLY strong fucking opinions about what my life was going to be like and what the world was like.

Like I was all kill the bourgeoisie, fuck politics, fuck the police, fuck the economy, fuck paying my bills, fuck cars, fuck everything.

Like riding an old bike around day and night, half dressed in rags, drinking and smoking heroin in squats, going on random tours with random bands and trying to die young and miserable waiting for the inevitable environmental catastrophe.

Because while I know that the way we are living is not sustainable and things can't go on like this people have been saying this for thousands of years, but the way I was living was basically a temper tantrum.

Eventually I realised that I was hurting myself, hurting others, that I cared about life and love and that to express this is a positive way and not have to hate everybody and myself I had to actually be a good advocate for my beliefs I had to be a member of a community. I was raging against my lack of power and authority as a young person, except with time and experience some of that comes along even if you don't want it.

Younger me would say I sold out because I was now scared of losing the tiny piece of the world that I had and that was pathetic and an insecurity. You used to be prepared to die at any moment, you lived constantly in the moment completely free, now you are like everybody else hanging on to the shred of the world you've got. Gilding your cage.

Except I needed more to live if I was going to live. If I was sticking around then I was going to try and be a force for positive creative potential.

My point is that even strongly held opinions change as you grow as a person.