Should Japan build a wall to prevent immigration?

Should Japan build a wall to prevent immigration?

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No it's an island

Wall off the south end so Okinaniggers have a harder time getting there, yes.


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That doesn't prevent immigrants. We can still build a wall for boats.

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It would be made of paper and balsa wood.

no u

Maybe a razorwire net surrounding the island to prevent unloisensed boats, but a wall? It's an island so obviously not.

If the thousands of km of sea surrounding an island isn't gonna keep out immigrants then a wall wont do shit either. They only way they can get into an island is if the gov lets them in, and the gov that lets them on the island is gonna let them through the wall as well. A stupid waste of money to build a wall around an island.

No, they should build a pacific wall against american scum that fucked them culturally and economically into oblivion

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no they need a 900m concrete wall encircling the entirety of japan's territory... no way in and no way out, just as god intended.



judging from fukushima they could use a seawall

Yes, just to flex on the ch*nks

They are one year from experiencing a huge enrichment lol, Trust me that many people will see oppurtunity to claim asylum in Japan majorly

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stop violating my feelings with your intelligent opinions

>Trump said something so I'll just agree with it even if it makes no sense in my country geographically


t.island nation


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>no ability to aquire the right to vote
>no gibs for foreigners
>island nation
Unless our politicians deliberately fuck us over by changing the rules we are good.