Is having credit essential? My dad keeps telling me don't get credit, my mom tells me to establish credit. Wtf do I do...

Is having credit essential? My dad keeps telling me don't get credit, my mom tells me to establish credit. Wtf do I do? Do I really need it?

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You will if you plan on getting a mortgage some day to buy a house. But remember that a credit score is a measure of how profitable you are to the bank, and not how reliable you are.

Paper money is also crappy to carry around, it's much easier to have a single card that you pay off monthly than it is to carry loose change. Having cash around may be better for you if you don't manage your money well.

You do if you ever want to get a loan or a mortgage. Most people don't have the liquid assets to be able to make major life purchases without borrowing money.

Also, why would you dad tell you not to build your credit?

He just said, "they're poison, and nothing but trouble".

Credit cards are fine as long as you pay them off immediately. Otherwise you can fall into a trap since their interest rates are extremely high. It's way safer to use a credit card because the bank will usually side with you in cases of fraud but will not favor you in the case of a debit card.

There are other ways to build credit, other than credit cards.

And credit cards are only poison if you can't handle them responsibly.

>no credit
>no car loan
>no mortgage

Hope you have a fuck ton of cash/liquidable assets

So fucking glad I don't live in (((land of the """free""")))

You'll need it to rent an apartment too, get credit.

Same. I hear about all that credit score shit and it makes me glad to live in my second world country.

>neets have good boy points
>wagies have good goy points

Not to mention shootings every day, illegal prostitution...

you might want to ask them why they think you should do what they suggest, and then ask why they are giving conflicting advise to you.

That sounds like an issue to investigate before worrying about credit.

Its mostly jew scam. But yeah, it is one of the most popular hobby of npcs: to build "credit".

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As dumb as this post sounds, it's actually true. Credit is a scam, what you do is enslave yourself because the system is built in a way to limit you as much as possible and profit out of your limitations.

Don't be part of the broken system, it'll put even more pressure on you, in terms of what to buy, own, how to represent yourself publicly, where to apply, how much money to own, whom to pay your bills and debt to.

You don't need credit if you are smart

It depends on how much self control you have.
If you get one solely to build your credit rating up (using it to pay for fuel) then it is all good.
If you get one and see it as money you have then you're bound to fail.

I don't live in a country where we have a credit score to see how viable we are as customers, that is calculated based on our current financial situation instead.
So here, it is not needed at all.
Having a debit card makes sense as you might as well pay for stuff immediately instead of waiting a month.
However, having a credit card is a good way to increase your wealth if you can benefit from being one paycheck ahead.
Eg, if you can buy something and then sell it at a higher price at the end of the month, buying on credit makes a lot of sense.
Similarly, if you pay for something you expect to get reimbursement for later, it makes a lot of sense.
But as long as it is a free loan, so why not do it?

Your dad's an idiot, kinda.

Yes, get credit cards and open accounts at places that don't charge you to maintain them or require a minimum activity. Let the accounts age. As the average age of your accounts increases, your credit score will improve.

Having a high credit score is important.

Credit score determines so much shit now, even outside of finances

I went into CC debt due to buying a car. Paying for stuff I didn't need 15k total it's been 2 years but I'm almost paid off. Only use credit to pay for gas groceries pay it off every month

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Nope, you never need credit. In fact getting a credit score of zero is ideal. Not even for a home. Just save your money and put down a good down payment and have a good work history and they don't care if you have credit or not. I recommend you look up Dave Ramsey. He is a genius and can advise you greatly. No credit needed.

This user is correct, why would you take out a massive loan to pay and live in a house when you could live in a studio apartment for 40 years and save up your money to pay off a house all at once and not pay a cent of interest

It's not really essential but useful to start at some point. I'm the kind of person who pays everything with debit and haven't had any credit check problems so far.

You can get retailer cashback rewards with debit. You can also get 2-12% interest (depends where you put the cash). You can get some extra rewards you might want to sell on ebay, whatever. Paying for things outright is nice and simple (and might be your habit since it's the cheapest way to handle insuring things and buying tech etc).

You miss out on credit score building stuff which can make mortgages cheaper and you miss out on credit bonuses. Apart from that it doesn't seem to matter.

Don't go into debt for a car though, that's dumb.

Get one credit card. Only one. Use it for basic monthly expenses like gas and groceries, and never spend any more than you can pay that month. Pay it off in full at the end of that month.

Credit cards are a tool like a knife. If you are irresponsible it is so easy to cut yourself. If you think your responsible then get one. My first card was a discover student card when I was in college.

Some things you can do if you think you are irresponsible but still want to get one are just putting recurring bills(netflix, cable, or cellphone) on the card and just setup autopay to a bank account that always has money in it. Another thing is to pay off the balance at the end of the week to really know how much you are spending.

Need I say more?

Get a credit card with the highest cash back rate you can and just use it for groceries, toiletries, and the other mundane shit you're already buying anyway. Have the slightest bit of self control to use it only for that, throw the cash you would have spent into a checking account, and pay the card off as soon as you get the monthly statement. This way you establish credit, are always able to pay it off, never have debt, and the (((creditors))) end up paying you a discount to live.

Or, just pay cash never get a credit card and never deal with the kikes in the first place. No one needs credit and only low iq niggers buy shit they can't pay for.

Lets see your $400,000 down payment for a house, poorfag.
>I refuse to exploit a system designed to exploit me despite it taking no effort at all and a minimum of intelligence because ???

Every retard I've ever met that honestly believes this shit is a financially illiterate permapoor trying to justify living in squalor.


Credit cards, if used responsibly, are great. I haven't paid for a flight in like 5 years, because I put everything on my card and pay it off. People are always so baffled how I have the money to travel so often... and the truth is that it's just my normal expenses, funneled through a card.

I'd agree, people that argue against credit cards are probably NEETs or very young still.

They're just trying to ideologically justify not being able to handle using a different card to buy gas without an emotional breakdown. Remember where we are.

Wow, you truly are ignorant you do not NEED credit to buy a home, and why the fuck would anyone need a home that requires a 400k down payment? I'm 41. As long as you have good work history, steady income and a good relationship with your bank, you can get a home loan with zero previous credit, paying as little as ten percent down.
Basically if you arent a nigger.
There is no "good" credit. Only good goys.

Not essential, but both very useful if handled right and highly destructive if handled wrong.

Cashback and airmiles are only small value bonuses, alongside all the other things like retail cashbacks, debit interest, matched betting etc. It's not worth spending 10mins on them if you're just going to spend the money gained on another convenience to save 10mins.

Mortgages are the only real reason to have them, but there are other ways around that problem for people who just like to stash wealth.

>"debt = slavery"
>advocates taking out an extortionate loan requiring an extortionate down payment over lump sum in full
At least be fucking consistent.

Be a CC (CREDIT CHAD) and say NO to the banks.
If you can't buy a car or house in cash, you shouldn't be buying that item.

because studio apartment rates always increase.

ask anyone who's rented long term what rates do.

Star far away from them, youll end up oweing them thousands of dollars. They are a successful business for a reason.

Pay your bill 100% no exceptions every month and you got nothing to worry about. Treat it like debit and your credit score soars.

I've never seen the point in credit cards desu. Debit card does the same job minus the risk.

Credit cards are much safer to use, since the money isn't taken out of your account until the end of the month, if someone steals your credit card then you won't lose anything. I only use credit cards in foreign cities, no exceptions.

Adding onto that they make it much easier to apply for loans, since it means that the bank is very likely to get their money back.

What risk?

The risk of losing less if your card gets stolen.

Nobody with over $100 to their name has ever said this. Its exclusively jobless NEETs who drank the Jow Forums koolaid.

I will answer your question but you won't like the answers.

Your Dad says don't get credit because he has spent countless hours working overtime paying off interest on home mortgage, auto loans, and credit card debt to have the resources and a place to fuck your mother.

He is looking out for you.

Your mother says get credit established because she knows the only way your faggot ass is gonna get a woman is by spending countless hours working overtime to pay off interest on a home mortgage, auto loans, and credit card debt so you have the resources and a place to fuck some woman.

She is also looking out for you.

Hey eurofag here, wtf is credit score? I'm 19 I just started working and had my first credit card

"Can he pay bills and avoid running the fuck out of cash" but in numerical form. People get mad about this because it accurately displays their ineptitude with money.

>shootings every day
Almost all blacks or hispanics, it's extremely rare in white areas.
>illegal prostitution
Oh, boo-hoo, it's not legal to have a bunch of literal whores walking around.

Your dad's kinda dumb.

Yeah, credit's good. It affects the payments you'll make on loans, whether they're mortgage, auto, or taken out on your 401k. Having "no" credit is worse than having bad credit in these instances, because, on paper, you kinda look like a homeless person who just got some drug money.

If you're wanting to move out, it'll make it easier to get an apartment too.

Hey Shitler, why do you use a tripcode when you don't make major contributions to this board?

I don't know dude. I was like .. build credit so I got a card and didn't use it. One day, a few years later I had credit fraud despite never using it and it was a pain in the ass to sort it out so I got rid of it.

It never really held me back at any point. Later on down the line I bought a house for 80% cash. Most people don't have 'good' credit, they just don't have bad credit and that is what matters the most. If you are balling enough to have 'good' credit then you likely have enough money to buy whatever the fuck it is you wanted to buy anyway.

I do have lines of credit now. I put all my monthly spending on one and then pay it off in full every month. It has a limit of 6k. I've got a 2.5k overdraft agreed if needed and 15k instant access personal loan on request.

The only problem with credit cards if you use it responsibly is that is encourages you to spend money you've not seen and accounted for. It is like invisible spending, just put it on the card. It definitely encourages spending.

Credit Cards are basically free money/benefits. They are so easily abused you can get free flights and all kinds of other crap for doing the shit you need to do to survive (pay for food, gas, bills).

Well, if you can read and are not an impulse buyer of course. Unfortunately, most of the masses are clinically retarded, which is why credit card companies makes billions. If you're smart, there is literally no reason to not have a credit card.

>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but my *retarded relative/friend/acquaintance* is $20k indebt to credit card companies so CREDIT BAD,CASH GUD

Like I said, credit cards are not for retards in the same way owning a pet or birthing children are. Since they all have a very very low barrier of entry, its the reason why so many people have them.

L'forum, c'est moi.

I see. Was simply curious.

Based and redpilled dad

Get a secured credit card to establish a credit history, then get a credit card with a good rewards program and pay it off every month. This will help to get you access to better interest rates than most people when it's time to get a mortgage.

Get a debit card because electronic payment is the future. Avoid credit unless absolutely necessary since it deprives you of freedom

What's poison isn't the credit card but a lack of personal responsibility and accountability.

I relegate all mandatory spending to my credit card so that I can get 2 percent cashback on everything. I only do so If i have the cash to pay the bill off immediately which I do.

Your dad's viewpoint is better than being in debt, but not as good as learning how to use a credit card responsibly and game the system.

Oh please, credit cards are just legal usury through and through. The fact that you can use them responsibly doesn't change that the system is designed to fuck people.

I suggested no such thing. The bank owns the home until you pay the bank back..or credit union if you are smart. But it is technically a debt, but a collateral debt. Dont pay? They take the house you don't own yet anyway. I've no issue with fees, banks are business . Usury tho, ususry is sinful and weapon. Usury is slavery.

You do own the house tho

listen to your dad, faggot

There are drawbacks to 'pure cash,' 'debit card,' and 'credit cards,' but wise use of credit cards should beat all.

>The fact that you can use them responsibly doesn't change that the system is designed to fuck people.
And? If you can profit off of such a system I see no reason not to. If it's designed to fuck people but I can benefit from it then let it fuck people.

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if you're rich, credit cards aren't necessary.
if you're poor-average, you'll need a good credit score and credit cards are the best way to build it. just remember it's basically a loan.

Not until you make the last payment. Until then, the bank owns 100% of it.
Even if all you have is one more payment and you don't make it. You default. You get evicted and the house can be resold.
Banks love this.

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You again trip fag? I'm OP in the flip dating thread.
Fuck the kikes. Is all say.