Tfw you realise we are never gonna make it off this planet and into the stars

>tfw you realise we are never gonna make it off this planet and into the stars

I am 100% done, we just need to go extinct at this point there is literally no point for humanity to continue if all we are going to do is destroy ourselves and this planet

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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

honestly, i just try not to think about things like this for longer than 5 seconds

I'm led to believe it wouldn't have been possible without pic related. Personally, I blame the nignogs.

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is this shit conjured up by a small minority or is this real? I never fuckin know


Mashalah brother.


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Don't worry. Everything is on course. Rise up during the downfall. Take London back.

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there is nowhere to go my friend. Space is fake

We’re due for a large scale conflict. The moment that happens, all the coddled starbucks socialists and SJW’s will lose their influence as normies refocus onto much more pressing matters.
I’m not even shitposting, it’s just true.

> "the coddled starbucks socialists and SJWs"
Are they not the normies? Everyone I've met who isn't outspokenly right-wing or conservative falls in line with leftist ideology.

China won’t give a rats ass about it

Only while the good times roll. As soon as they can't get certain luxuries and their taxes rise further they will flick to the people who can provide an alternative.

I've accepted that no matter how far rich, influential people advance technology and society, niggers are always going to hold it back and cry the whole way there.

Who the fuck is we you literal retard.
Have a look at how many people have actually gone into space throughout space travel history its fifth of a fly shit compared to the human population and just like now it was mainly to show of military superiority as its the ultimate high ground and technology obviously it was also used to virtue signal "the human race" it's served more for promoting world government than anything else.
There's not enough resources on this planet to send a quarter of the population to the moon let alone a planet where they can actually breath air and drink water its literally a pipe dream its the only one science and technology and discovery has to offer and the reality is even if a small crew was able to be sent to some avatar shit so what it would be like Hollywood literally watching a few "stars" visiting the stars woopteedoo none of it will solve the problems where we live now and where the children of the future will also be living.

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Dear lord what did I just read. That can't be a real article. My jaw just kept dropping further. These people are insane. As predicted years ago, they actually go after JFK for using the term "colonizing" for moon exploration. If this is real, it's the easiest possibly way to redpill normies.

every time i get a bit depressed about the state of the world i watch stuff like that and i realise just how little it matters and what a beautiful little blue-green ball of heaven we live on

then i remember how much we fucked it up and i want to kill everyone again^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

What a fucking useless human. This isn't going to be read by anybody and it's not even in paper format to be used as toilet paper. Don't worry.
>August 14th 2018
Nobody's even talked about it anywhere until now. She has even less influence than someone posting on this Alpha-Centuri-an throat yodeling instance

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dw elon is going to save us

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Goddamn white people and their
>throws a dart
>shuffles deck, draws a card
Space exploration.

she's a white woman, of course

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this is why your country is being overran with shitskins

Plz post black shaver man blocking humanity from space
Thank you


Why should we explore "the stars"? I'm pretty happy here on earth and Christ is returning to rapture everyone fairly soon anyway. This is all temporary, a twinkling of an eye. You think all those people hundreds of years ago just lived their lives and then died? The Bible says this is a short temporary life. Eternity awaits.

You fuckers are part of the problem. Go waste resources in Africa where people like you are abound and content with life on a rock of retards.

Mirin that set of numerals

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fuck off retard

>this is now an /etm/ thread

The true future of the European is to be out there amongst the stars, and how are we going to achieve that future ? There are obviously a number of things that must happen here on earth which will contribute towards a total victory but no matter what, we must ensure that /ourguys/ (that's you, Jow Forums) make it to Mars and are on the red planet from the very beginning.

Welcome to the Earth To Mars General.
This thread is dedicated to the discussion of creating a European Colony on Mars, not by direct funding, but through the commercial emigration scheme that will eventually come into play.

At the moment /etm/ is posted once a week every saturday around 10pm GMT and is a place on Jow Forums to speak about all things space related. Please try to ignore the flat-earth fags.

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How am I part of the problem? I'm just saying space exploration doesn't have to be important. I have nothing against it per sé.

Actually, user, here's a whitepill.
While people like her sit around being more of a waste of food to humanity and history than even the vanishingly small upper part of the African IQ curve starving to death or forced to live on corn oil and peanut butter sent by the US, people like Elon Musk, all the engineers there, and even people at fucking NASA are working their asses off despite funding shortages and technological limits to get us the fuck off this rock for as cheap as possible and to design ways to live on Mars, if not beyond.

She's just a parasite that gets to live off the excess of industrialization. Because we decided in order to save as many intelligent people as possible, we had to grant even the retards rights because of logical consistency and empathy. She's annoying, but anybody doing anything important will ignore her.

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Goddammit that's so fucking funny, why do you consistently have the funniest bants, pol

>falling for the divine Jew

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Christcuck mentality is that "things will sort themselves out" when in fact all that work is done by humans who realize that Proto-Indo-European Sky Father isn't going to work his magic or even punish the wicked on Earth. Abrahamic religions are purpose made to control society AND DISCOURAGE DISOBEDIENCE from the ruling classes. If everybody's too busy patting themselves on the back for letting certain subversive members of the human race continue to live while fucking people over from birth to death because some sandniggers promised that you'd make it into some now twisted version of an afterlife, or that you'd be doomed to a hell which is no longer even properly thought of (no fire, no existence, it used to just be nothingness (Sheol)).
LARP inconsistencies aside, it's also a waste of time when otherwise intelligent people get inconvenienced like Galileo or Darwin.

Niggas be Nasa and shit, they release pic of pink line robberies today.

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*If everybody's too busy bla bla then nothing productive will get done in terms of technology or even society except a hamster wheel playground for those at the top to feed off

Jews and Niggers are the great filter.

We whites are partially to blame though for not genocide both.

what, you never heard this classic?

Once got told pool was racist as its played on a green table which represents land and the white ball hits the black. Also chess is racist cause white goes first kek.

It was only through circumstance of war America was the leader in the field anyway. Something that was squandered and in the scheme of things the failure or degradation of any nation state is just a small speed bump in the course of history.

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>Caroline Haskins
Just look up what other shits has she written

Dat’s right, white boi. No moon landing if no strong black queens! Africa went to da moon!

>not wanting to learn more about God's creation
you might as well be called Mahmoud

Never surrender

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It is racist to speak against space exploration. Niggers invented NASA and the moon landing, it is racist to say the moon landing didn't happen. It is racist to want to stop space exploration.

You might be “in-the-know” about The Gestalt but let me add to it…

>The Elite are full fledged Satanists and work 24/7 against YOU

Child Molesting and Murdering SCUM who worship Demons.

They Run Hollywood, Politics, Finance, Industry, Military, Media, News, Culture, Music, and Religions


They are literal witches and warlocks… “praying” Dark spells against you





>Weakness to SIN

>Failure of marriage and relationship



They pray death and destruction on you… THEY Sacrifice animals and Kids… Humans… They Drink Blood and do ritual Magikk… THEY HATE YOU….

>Atheists are the easiest for these witches to pray death onto

>Ex Satanist John Ramirez Testimony , exposing satanist , rituals ect.

watch that and SEE what THEY are doing

Sateria which JOEY DIAZ worships is satanism…. Just like Rogan…

THEY stay up all night PRAYING for your death and YOU CATHOLICS cannot even go to church for 40 minutes and complain!!!

YOU WANT SOME TRUTH!!! SOME IckeWAVE… Made by Your user Prophet himself!


Listen,,, Guard yourselves… There is Only ONE way, ONE Truth, ONE LIGHT!!!! Join it and guard your eternity …

>We are in the End-Times

Become a End-Times Watchmen and guard the walls!!! Defend against Satan!


Expose These VILE People, At Every Turn! You are already fighting the good fight, Join Us in defeating the Satanic NWO.

>"l am the way and the truth and the life. No

one comes to the Father except through me."

Repent, for the end is nigh.


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>not sending blacks to colonize the sun

watch chris martensons crash course
we are never going to space because we don't have the energy to do so
and why would we want to, our earth is perfect, we just need to go back to preserving it and living alongside nature

kys, paki

I want to go into space because I know somewhere in that sea of stars is the perfect planet to settle on and it will be free of Canadians.

Is somebody stopping shitskins from going into space?

Of course.

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>destroy ourselves and this planet
>and this planet

The planet isn't some sentient being, I don't care what metaphysical firewater induced spirituality you believe in. It's a ball of dirt and it serves the interests of those willing to take from it. We're not "killing" the planet we're using the resources that it has for ourselves and I feel no guilt in doing so.

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You mean except the inferiority of the negroid brain, causing it to be incapable of inventing a primitive hot air balloon, much less a generic rocket?

So what theyre saying is that intelligence is racially determined and nonwhites needed to stand on the shoulders of the white man to conceptualize and define outer space.

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It's not what they imagine they're saying but it is the conclusion.

I remember that you're a spineless faggot who should fuck off back to plebbit.

Coming from an American, that is rather remarkable.

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Humanity is going to die on Earth because of the ideas of collectivism are catching on while a majority of the population is absolutely useless.

These people didn't actually do anything shown in the film by the by.

Sadly probably not.

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If blacks didn't go to space, then please explain pic related.

>chimp out
>chimp out
>chimp outer space

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