Lying about earning a college degree

Most college majors are obviously bullshit. Should you lie about having a degree to land a job? How hard is it? What are the consequences of getting caught. Any personal experience/stories of people doing this?

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Bump for interest.

pleb tier: lying your degree
god tier: buying your degree

you forgot to say "asking for a friend"... at the going rate your chances of success aren't high.

Attached: 1980s-crack-epidemic.jpg (936x468, 49K)

>not making them

Dude just invent something that's not a subject yet pull your own money or get subside from the gov
You have a degree now

Wouldn't surprise me if this is how Women's Studies came to be

paper costs money

>not scribbling it on a piece of wood you found on the street using drool

When I accepted the offer for my first engineering job I was still in school, so I was asked to provide a scanned copy of my incomplete transcript, which I did. I was never asked for certified copies of my transcript or testamur to prove the successful completion of my degree. I could have very easily falsified the whole thing and gotten away with it. Mind you, this was for a large multinational company.

Here it's standard practice to put a copy of your diploma with your resume. You could fake your diploma, I guess, but most employers worth their salt will check it anyway.