No hymen, no diamond

Anyone else follow this philosophy? Modern women are beyond trash - I will never marry used goods. My current girlfriend was not a virgin when we met, she asked if we would ever get married to which I laughed in her face and called her a whore before explaining this. She is still with me too even though she knows I have 0% interest in marriage.

The no hymen no diamond line is golden, look it up online and read other forums/reddit discussions on the topic EVERY single one has women deflecting with “you can break it whilst riding a bike you incel!” Tier arguments, entirely missing the point.

If a woman has sucked or fucked even ONCE before she met you, she is a slut. Do not marry these women, fuck them - befriend them if they suck your dick or you get something but NEVER EVER marry used goods. You are better than that user, leave the table scraps to the beta minded liberals.

>INB4 seething roasties pretending to be young white males, telling me I am beta or should marry her

This is the future you chose, women are as disposable as the rest of this materialistic society.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Keep her around whilst she entertains you. Treat a virgin like a princess, used goods like used goods - keep them at arms distance and do not give them your heart. They have already ruined their chance at a holy bond with a man, pump and dump the sluts - but be a man and tell them exactly what you think of their past behavior, and why you will NOT give them a ring.

They are not worthy.

>marriage is real
>marriage is reel*

>sees nothing wrong with men fucking around
>complains about women having non-marital sex
>"huh, I wonder who those women are having sex with? Men?! Nah, couldn't be"
Gas yourself.

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Op likes children confirmed.

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Low IQ argument, you act as if men fucking around are all huntin virgins. The bitches that get it good before settling down for a weak male make this desicison themselves usually in high school - whore around in colleg before lying to their husband that he has the biggest dick she has taken, or that he is the funniest and her soul mate.

Shit is absolutely laughable, don’t be this guy - as I said in the OP treat a virgin like a princess but treat a whore like a whore. Lower than a prostitute because she gives it for free.

Absolutely SEETHING

>it recoils, I have been found out

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Not to mention that men and women seek very different things from a relationship - girls in high school for example spent ample time shaming boys for being virgins or “stiff” local slang for not having kissed a girl yet. Bitches desire what other bitches have - men do not seek what their brothers lay claim to, instead they compete to lay that claim first. Women are there to be claimed, think about it - you don’t get asked out by women, the man asks the women out. Once you begin treating whore women as sluts, THEY will begin asking you out. Atleast that’s my life experience, the worse I treat them as a group the more attention I get from females, the more they try to please me and ask for a ring or solid commitment - but alas they ruined it for themselves.

Don’t worry though, with your attitude there will be plenty of 25+ girls attracted to your weakness and wallet. Just remember, another man was in those holes first and left his seed in them all - she will tell you what she thinks you want to hear, her honey lips are poison.

Society and media needs to start glorifying virginity. Most women cant think for themselves so being a virgin needs to seem more important to them which today is very hard because movies media and all (((culture))) is build aroud having "fun" in your twenties and setting down after destroying own body. First we neet to eliminate ones who poison womens minds and then we teach them the right values.

weak men wanting whores and not families is what causes women to become whores
good job retard kys and go back to r/eddit blupilled trash

In this day and age, "no hymen, no diamond" is just another word for mgtow

In what part of my post did I say I wanted a whore, don’t project friends just because you are also left with sloppy seconds. Nobody wants used goods, I only use and abuse those who have done it to themselves first. You don’t understand how many women talk about sex and their experiences as if men like it - so many liberal men must. They talk about preferring it without condoms often, and have tattooed their bodies in ways that they think male them prettier.

Imagine being a woman and not being able to give your husband the blood covenant.

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>no diamond
>Buying a diamond ring

Yeah diamonds are a Jewish trick we already know about Debeers of London, nothing new - the ring is a symbol it doesn’t matter if it’s made of copper - she doesn’t get one if she is a slut - never defend a whore.

Good fucking luck finding one.

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They’re trash. Thinking if I have enough gas money to make the 15 hour drive away from here to never ever see her again. I feel bad for my baby girl but this millennial piece of trash is seriously holding me back.

I’d rather die alone and unmarried than lower myself to take a whore as a bride. I can’t even imagine seeing the dirty slut in a white wedding dress, the symbol of purity - no fucking way. Modern women do not deserve the treatment their grandmothers had - do not fall for beta tricks and slut lies - never give in to tears or emotional blackmail a whore is a whore is a whore.

Don’t feel guilty, they did this to themselves - they lie, ink themselves, act like animals and so we will treat them as such.

This does NOT count for those women who are still virginal, treat them with respect whether they are yours or not - reinforce this behavior as the ideal, as what a man wants and hold them up for all the seething sluts to hate.

You can’t make a whore into a housewife, you can’t turn another mans dirty little secret into a good mother.

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I could never do nhnd for fear of sexual incompatibility. After reading the horror stories on r/dead bedrooms and sleeping with someone in which I had 0 compatibility with, I’d hang myself if forced into that kind of situation.

Do you think that you won’t get a dead bedroom if you take a whore as your bride user? I know you’re not that simple, everything she has done with you she has done for another man.

>I’d rather die alone and unmarried than lower myself to take a whore as a bride.
I'm not prepared to die alone. I don't want that.
I want to have a woman who loves me, a personal house somewhere in the countryside and two sons.

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I want that too, I really do but do you not have that inner voice screaming at you? That genetic code that just screams “SHES A FUCKING WHORE DUDE”

Obviously not all men have this, as there are males who go on to become stepfathers and other crazy shit but you must understand where we are coming from, right? There is a reason that all religions have honoured the virgin woman.

OP is a Jew or a fucking nigger.

What we need are white kids. Find a white women and start pumping out the little white shits. Arrows are needed

No, it's men who won't settle for damaged goods. MGTOW would not be advocating for marriage at all, retard.

I wish I was told this before I got married

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You’re either a woman or a beta, it’s that simple.

My condolences user, this is why I spend time spreading the word - to help my brothers from making the same mistake. Be very careful if you go for divorce at this point though, you may lose everything.

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how many cockas?


this is not a realistic standard unless you have crazy amounts of money or similar advantages
its fine to expect the woman to treat you with respect, but you are not superior to a woman just because she has had sex

I don't want to marry a picrelated either, but IF it comes to a choice bewtween that or dying alone, when I've tried everything, I will not die alone.

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Never said I was superior, not everything is about superiority - but there is a baseline of standards that we as men have let slide. I for one, will not be a part of this bitch made system - I will never accept used goods and call them “my wife” it would destroy my soul through humiliation.

Fucking checked, 7 is the magic number God is with us.

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I hope you succeed

Sorry user but you are enabling these bitches, they know full well that if they all act this way then you will be left without a choice. Date them, pump some kids into them if you want but you should have the self respect to not allow yourself to be treated in such a way. They are not entitled to you, they are dirty whores who were other men’s toys and sluts - worthless, especially those who have tattoos, debt, betrayed their race, act like men etc

The line must be drawn somewhere or all behaviors are accepted, abortion (baby murder) is fucking LEGAL now - this line should have drawn decades ago - if they want to ride the cock carousel then settle with a cuck that’s on the man who accepts said premise. I do not accept their animalistic behavior.

What is too much for you? What if she fucked a nigger or paki, what if she had a threesome, sex tapes, oral/anal. If she has told multiple men before you that she loves them, and then those relationships ended why do you think your outcome will be any different just because it’s you? The majority of divorces end in divorce, and the statistics will only get more skewed as the older more traditional couples keep dying off.

Modern women are garbage, it burns me to say such things but they are no better than animals. Even a dog is more loyal, and if you search your heart you know that this is the truth - a dog won’t ever betray you the way a cunt will.

>no diamond

What diamond? Hookers get paid in cash, and why would a woman who is not one require payment, and then in diamonds? Im confused.

you can't apply quasi-religious, almost fanatical ideals to reality and expect things to work perfectly
you know these women are naturally whorish through their own weakness, and instead of making up your mind to accept your own, similar imperfections, and build up the woman into something worth cherishing, you decide to throw her away
a marriage is based in love, and love is first of all completely truthful, you have to be honest with yourself and her, and that includes accepting what she is, and also accepting that 'virginity' isn't some perfect corollary for suitability, desirability, or virtue

The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicians in the streets.

They are on a hellraiser torture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , hardened cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nauseous vomiting, had to be restrained from immediately trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.

>impregnating underage girls and killing them upon birth

>raping the newborns and eating them

>eating children brains

>children and babies tortured and killed out of Boredem

>eating kids and babies alive

>babies hung from hooks and raped

>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse Vlad Tepes

>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood

>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit

>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones

>children living in cages

>children dismembered and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age

>children fed other children and babies

>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong

>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids

>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos

>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids

>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed

>if only you knew

>some motivation after that

Pizza related MUSIC VIDEO

Thank me later

Also the answer to the mess

God Speed in defeating these Satanists....x,,

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>92% Of Left Wing Activists Live With Parents
>One In Three Is Unemployed Study Finds
This is what the OP is all about.
These leftists try to project the most hurtful things they experience onto us.
I’m at work, which is one of the companies my (sort of) GF owns (I’m her PA, we are just friends not getting married ever. I never thought about it but I assume she had sex before I met her. Ask me how bothered I am).
WOMP WOMP t left you are studied and found to be the weakest link.

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My girlfriend was a virgin when I met her. It's quite clear when we make love. She doesn't know how to kiss. She doesn't know any positions. I have to do all the work and... I love it. I love every second of it. I love her with all my heart and I'm going to marry her someday.

Man taking care of woman and her children for the rest of her life is the diamond.

I will certainly sleep better if I know that nothing that I don't like happened in her past and nothing like that will happen in the future.
idk, where the hell am I supposed to look for virgins?
I won't be able to sustain a family until I'm at least 30, and then what, I;m supposed to look for a 18yo village girl somewhere?

He’s talking about a diamond ring, for marriage

ooh, so it wasn't even that meaningful kek

virgin or hypocrite?

Leftist. Bit of column A bit of column B

how is anything he said leftist in any way? "my way or the high way" attitude?

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You call me weak because I hate weakness, answer this - why the fuck should I accept you if you made devastatingly poor decisions in your past? Men want debt free virgins without tattoos, just because some dumb hoe inked herself up and spread her beaver for 5 dudes before meeting you doesn’t mean that you have to just accept it and marry her. Be guy number 6 instead, slay the poon and pass her down the line - to a “man” like yourself. Get fucked, your feminine eyes show you only lies - virginity is a desirability and also a virtue. Being a whore is not, no matter how much you want it to be - no matter how much you want people to accept your past, only a bitch like this dude ever will - literally working for his girl, fucking hell just let her put a leash and ring on you already.

Not sure about where to find a girl, as I have never been to Russia and so do not know your people as well as you do - church is always a good start, but today even that well has been poisoned so honestly Ivan, I don’t know. What I do know though is that if you settle for a dumb slut you will regret it later on, eppefially if she takes half your shit and poisons your child’s mind against you or fucks another dude and makes your kid call him daddy.

It's not an "imperfection", it's the consequence of a choice. If I decide to put my hand in a blender I have no reason to expect that it will be fine. If a woman decides to whore around before looking for someone to settle with, she has no reason to expect me to pick her up. I fully accept the consequences of my decisions, such that as a result of this way of thinking my pool of potential partners is significantly smaller. Why shouldn't I expect them to accept the consequences of their decisions as well?
>A marriage is based in love, and...
Even if all of this were true it assumes that you want to love someone who couldn't be bothered to save themselves for you. I don't, so everything you said I don't need to care about. Love will come more easily when the acceptance you speak of is natural.

Yeah you’re definitely salty, I’m very clearly not a leftist - I just wouldn’t marry used goods.

Did it ever occur to you that men and women are not the same, that he genders are not equal in any way and that we both seek different traits in our mates? Probably not because you’re a retarded leaf.

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Heil the all father

how did they know you were coming, though?
"I'll just wait until I'm dried up and undesirable, or for when some hypothetically ideal Jow Forums poster expresses an interest in me"

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying that expecting a virgin is not really a winners plan. A winners plan is to look for characteristics that really matter to you, knowing that very few women you encounter will be virgins

why am I even on this board
I know that no matter what thread I enter I will only find bad news

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You are going to die alone anyways user, no joke I'm being serious. As far as I'm concerned usually in first world countries grandpa's are send to asylums where they are forgotten and die alone. Besides the classical movie moment of dying of old age is utter false, one day you will sleep and never wake up, there is no reality in the romanticized version that you were told

its going to be alright friend, the black pill burns evil things, it doesn't harm what's beautiful inside you

>you need a diamond ring for marriage

Lol at claiming to be redpilled while falling for a (((deBeers))) ad campaign from the sixties

Sure, but I see it as a mutual thing more. Nothing helps you as much in life as a reliable, trustworthy woman by your side

So they didn’t know that one day they would want to be loved, married and have a baby? Absolute bullshit - we are onto your tricks you dumb slut, your actions have consequences - if you want to give your pussy up like it’s worth nothing then you are worth nothing. Have you ever seen the statistics relating to the probability of divorce when crossed with the number of sexual partners before marriage? Surprise surprise the more the hoe fucks the more likely it is to end in divorce.

I’d appreciate if anyone has the graph to post here, but the numbers are absolutely astonishing. When you treat everything in life as not a big deal, or disposable that’s exactly what it becomes. Women have undermined their own value and instead of attempting to fix themselves they double down and want men to deal with their whoredom or as you so femininely called it “imperfections”.

If I passed a cookie around a room, let 7 people touch it, sniff it, lick it very slightly but only with the tip of their tongue so it doesn’t change the cookie in any visible way, or offered you a fresh cookie out of the pack that nobody had touched would you seriously take the cookie that everyone had touched? If not, why - it’s got its imperfections sure but it’s exactly the same as the other cookie and if I hadn’t shown it being sniffed and touched and just put it on a plate next to the other you would have been cool eating it and never known.

Sorry Vlad, he who increaseth knowledge also increaseth his sorrow. Better to be redpilled and in pain than tied to the Matrix as a slave.

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>he says, typing onto an (((apple igoy)))

It's not specifically me they need to wait for, I'm applying this to everyone but using myself as a stand in. I'm suggesting they should learn to stop fucking people for fun and wait until they find someone serious about them/who can and will support them. I know that would require critical thinking from women about whether or not they should fuck Chad(s) the second he expresses interest in her and the what consequences of their decision might be so it probably won't happen, but that's the goal.
>Not a winners plan
If your idea of winning is sacrificing your ideals at the feet of some whore then that's true, but to me that seems like admitting defeat. Getting married is not winning. Among the characteristics that matter to me are actually virtue and capacity for critical thought, the combination of which leads to the type of woman who doesn't have sex before marriage

Where the fuck am I supposed to find this kind of woman anyway
>inb4 church

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The cookies are all yours, boyim.

>If your idea of winning is sacrificing your ideals at the feet of some whore then that's true, but to me that seems like admitting defeat. Getting married is not winning.

Beyond based, be like user - don't but the pussy on the pedestal, don't make your life revolve around vagina. Focus on yourself first, don't EVER change your values for a hoe, that the least masculine thing you can do.

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I get your point, but friendly reminder that diamonds are a Jewish scam. They are considerably less rare than you think and the price gets fixed by a (((diamond miners'/dealers' cartel))).

fucking gay canadians and their gender equality

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In an ideal world, yes, but we do not live in an ideal world. Don’t marry a whore, but accept that your future partner will have slept with about 2-4 people. Or just die alone, your choice

Addressed this here German-bro, >202283680 but you are correct. The ring is the symbol, it doesn't matter if it is solid gold and encrusted with Princess tier gems, or if its worth 50 cents from a kids vending machine. The ring is a symbol of a sacred age old promise - a promise that has been rendered worthless.

If she is not a virgin, then she is not even worth a slice of copper pipe on her finger - not one on her left ring finger anyway. She is worth a slap on the ass, a nice fuck and a kick to the curb. She decided on her value, not me.

There was never a choice to begin with, Ivan. Roasties have some insane divorce rates and even f not divorced, you'll most likely get put in a care home by anybody but the most trad waifu.

>he says, after spending THREE HOURS STRAIGHT on Jow Forums
you don't know what the word "masculine" means, virgin

The amount of young white women who are virgins is simply far too small. Most men have no chance finding a virgin bride. White young women are the most attractive human beings on the planet. We live in a time where western society openly promotes sexual degeneracy and hookups.

The future needs white babies. The best you should hope for is a white woman who's still capable of pair bonding and isn't a whore. You simply can't find virgin women. Theyre a nice fantasy but they dont exist. Or if they do exist, they're horrendously ugly.

So I am not allowed to create a thread, and refresh it to discuss a very important issue of our times - and if I do question modern womens whorish behavior then I am a virgin?

Lol ok, roastie, I'll sit and wait for you to say I have a small dick or maybe you will provide an actual argument to why young men should settle for such used goods. Don't be mad that other men won't make the same mistakes that you do - no hymen, no diamond.

Having grown up in a christian family, this is just common sense to me. But men must be virgin until marriage too.

>men must be virgin until marriage too.
Jow Forums is all about demanding women should be virgins, until you point out men should be chaste too. lmao. This board is full of degenerate whore mongers.

Checked. But I'd like to counter that point. Women are ultimately a product of their social environment and culture. They are not trend setters, or revolutionaries, they are followers through and through. They do what they to fit it, no matter what that environment would entail for them. So, if women are followers of those who set the trends, then who sets the trends? Men do, as they always have. If they see a bunch of men going around fucking random women, then they're ultimately going to fuck around as well. If you want women to be celibate, to not fuck around before marriage, then you must not fuck around before marriage.

I don't have the graph on me, but there's an image that says marriages born out of two virgins who lost their virginity once married are the most successful out of all scenarios.


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Agreed that men should also be virgins, but you seem to skim over the fact that women do not value male virginity - neither today or have they ever historically. Men and women are not the same, they are not equal in anyway - physically or mentally, and both genders search for different things in their mate.

Men have always, until the 1960's values virginity, whereas women have never. Even today in most parts of the world outside of the west and its European colonies this is still the case. No matter how much you wish it, men and women are not the same, and they both seek different things in life.

Does it count if you marry the woman after you took away her virginity and she hasn't been with another guy?

Why are you in a relationship with a girl who you don't want to marry?

Women do value male virginity. Lots of women are extremely autistic and obsess over "pure" men. Only whore like PUA and whore mongers.

"women wont want you unless you fuck a bunch of whores" is literally a social marxist lie meant to denigrate westerners. Youre literally just swallowing dogshit propaganda

No, if you are the one who claimed that plot - then the land is yours - happy camping user may the future bless you both and your kin.

Mmmm. Thats debatable. Realistically it doesn't break the fundamental concept behin why men and women should remain virgins, that being that whoever you lose you virginity to should be your partner for life. Granted, it's risky because you don't yet have the security of marriage, but if you are truly happy in your union and you only wish to be with each other, I suppose it isn't that bad. I wouldn't recommend it, but like I said, if it worked out then I guess theres nothing to worry about.

>"women wont want you unless you fuck a bunch of whores"

never said that, I simply stated that the vast majority of women do not give a fuck, it is not hard wired into their DNA the same way that it is a man. Think about it from an evolutionary perspective, a man can protect and provide even after banging a bitch - whereas in nature when a woman has sex she will become pregnant. This line of thinking only came to the front of society after women's equality, and the invention of birth control.

And Im telling you flat out women prefer men who sleep with fewer women.

>My current girlfriend was not a virgin when we met, she asked if we would ever get married to which I laughed in her face and called her a whore before explaining this.
>things that never happened for $1000, Alex

Well if we approach it from a scientific perspective, then we should also consider the role of monogamous mating throughout all predecessors to humanity. I forget the name of it, but one of the oldest documented genetic ancestors of humanity is believed to have mated for life, which sets a genetic predisposition to monogamy, something that is valued throughout most societies and I would argue still exists as a drive, even if it's been buried under decades of social engineering.