God fucking damn it. Being a babyfaced manlet is absolute hell...

God fucking damn it. Being a babyfaced manlet is absolute hell. Is there any way to be confident when you are literally a tiny boy, despite being 22 pushing 23? All of the people telling me that I am attractive are lying to prevent me from killing myself. I am currently 5 foot 6 and likely will not grow. I look like a seventeen year old. I have gone my whole life watching people enjoy love, being entirely left out aside from a single relationship I got into when I was 21. My only sexual encounter outside of the ones I enjoyed with my ex was with a drunk 50 year old woman in her car outside of a bar at 2 am, who kept telling me that I looked like her son. I really should kill myself. I really, really should. I am so sick of being lied to and told that my appearance does not ruin my chance of finding love, or even just casual dating. Every woman I have been close with has wanted me as a close friend. I really should die.

Attached: A8EBC392-77C2-4B67-8B2E-12E29872EF99.jpg (1451x2048, 210K)

Some girls are into that.

key word: SOME
very few

post a photo of you, and your penis.

i will rate both and give my opinion

You are clearly a man, so it would not really make a difference to me. I already know that men find me attractive. I am fundamentally unattractive to women

You can't be attractive to every single woman. Just be happy knowing you're attractive to some just by virtue of your height.

>I already know that men find me attractive.
So just date guys, or get fit.

I am attractive to like 0.0001%

Hahahahaha yeah bro just change your sexuality hahahahaha just do it bro
KILL yourself

It's higher than that, but you're too self-loathing to accept anything I say I'm sure. You can find a girl who likes your look when you learn to like your look.

I like how you ignore my second post, but that was my plan in the first place, to prove that you don't have a girlfriend because you have a "babyface"

It is 1% at best. Lmao. Women are literally hardwired to not want men who look like me. Prove me wrong with something more concrete or gtfo

You wanted advice, I gave it. I'm starting to think you're as mentally immature as you look physically. Good luck.

How is telling me that my problem doesn’t exist advice?

How is it not?

Because the vast majority of women clearly are not sexually attracted to babyfaced “man”lets, and my experience echoes this

>Is there any way to be confident when you are literally a tiny boy, despite being 22 pushing 23?
Find solace in the knowledge that some women will find that as a positive rather than a negative. Acknowledge that height and bone structure are things you can't change for anyone anyway, so no need to dwell on it. Make the the best of it by focusing on the aspects you can change, like weight, muscle mass, attitude, etc.

Dude, that SOME is like less than 1% of women

So basically it's not advice because you dont believe it's true. Think whatever you want you delusional fool. Maybe go see a psychologist about your body dysmorphia

It's advice because it tells you you have been wrong all along.

You’re fucking delusional if you think I’ve never heard someone tell me that before. How about even making an attempt to actually PROVE it?

Prove it how? You will just refuse to accept any kind of proof. You have made up your mind and no amount of facts will change your cult-like belief. You could be shown guys just like you with hot gfs and you would find a way to deny it.

That's not our job. If you tried being less petty and confrontational, maybe you'd meet more people and be able to confirm that fact for yourself.

Actually putting a modicum of effort into your “advice” is not your job. Then, don’t go on a fucking advice forum, you moron

How do you know that when you have literally made zero attempt to prove it to me?

Just stop responding guys

I feel you, man.
I'm only 5'3 and it's fucking awful.
Still, I'm only 18 and I might grow a little more but I highly doubt that.
I've been living with suicidal thoughts and depression for a while now.
I have never found anyone that genuinely cared about be, let alone attacted by me.
I hate whining like this even if it is on a korean image forum, but it keeps getting worse and worse and at this point I'm only alive because I'm too much a coward to finally hang myself.
Godspeed OP.

Just BEEEE yourself, bro
WHAT? You won’t accept my advice?! Fuck you, you ungrateful piece of shit!

Hi, I am 5'6" with a babyface. I'm 26 though. I have had 12 sexual partners so far. Something must be different between the two of us.

Yeah, you probably have a “baby face”, and I have an actual babyface. It’s horrible. You do not want to look like me

5'4'' and 25 here, been with both girls and guys. Maybe you should try developing a more interesting personality? Make sure you're fit too. Being a manlet makes big lifts look really impressive.

I am 26 but say I am 20 and people believe me. That's not enough?

Were all of those women obese?

Neither of the two was, but they were both weirdos, just like me. One was a shotacon. Thats just women I've fucked though, women have also shown interest in me but we didnt bang. It's peobably just that I'm smart, happy, and charismatic. OP seems to have issues other than his height and apparent age.

Jesus Christ you are the most desperate faggot I have ever seen. It's crystal clear why you can't get girls. And let me tell you it has nothing to do with your height or face.

Only shotacons weirdos will ever want me

No, my height and face are clearly an impediment. Stop gaslighting me.

>Is there any way to be confident
Being confident has nothing to do with your fucking face you idiot. It's all about your frame of mind. Read some books, no I'm not going to look them up for you. Go out and do things for yourself. Be confident in your abilities and do your best. It's honestly all you can do. Your appearance does not hinder your confidence, that's a delusion and excuse you've made for yourself so you can come whine on Jow Forums.

Woah. Don't rape anyone you male feminist.

im 5’5” and 97 pounds and have had a lot of girlfriends since i was very young

its not about physical shit it’s about how you carry yourself and how your treat others

you're telling yourself a story that you can never get women, is right, you should read some books.
dude the more time you spend dwelling on getting a gf the longer itll take, maybe this is bad advice because i dont go prowling for pussy, but you mention all these women want you as close friends, well a good gf develops from a friendship first, just keep making new friends and being sexually frustrated and eventually a friendship will blossom into love if you let it naturally

You literally had people with equal face and height post in this thread who get girls easily. I told you that you would not accept any proofs and will continue to lie to yourself and us.

Holy shit, are you me? The only differences between us are that I haven't fucked a milf, and I didn't dodge suggestion to get Jow Forums.