Catholicism and Christianity General - /CG/ - Death to Traitors Edition

Isaiah 49:15
>"Can a woman forget her infant, so as not to have pity on the son of her womb? and if she should forget, yet will not I forget thee."

Welcome my Christian brothers. I'll open with a brief prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, hallowed be thy name, thy will is done, thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Let the weary spirits of our brothers and sisters be rejuvenated in your Grace, and strengthened with an unrelenting resolve in their fight against the apostate pedophile devil-shaman mohammed and his cult of mindless warmongering zombies. May the Lord lend us his shield and sword that we may finally slaughter the vile and corrupt politicians that seek to devalue the souls of the unborn and innocent children that grow in the wombs of your people. And may we send these treacherous heretics to the fiery depths of eternal damnation as we seek ultimate redemption for the sins of these soulless monsters that we have allowed to permeate our society. Amen.

This thread is a reminder that it is our duty as Christians to valiantly fight against this push to legalize the murder of our innocent babies. We must make our position vocal. We must be loud and we must have conviction and show the world that this will not stand.

All denominations are welcome, so by all means please introduce yourself and feel free to post scripture as we reflect on the state of /our/ union... one that I hope can put aside our differences in belief and come to a consensus that abortion is WRONG. Those who perpetrate this crime against God will face judgment not only by their peers here, but in the afterlife as well.

We must fight these thread sliders and shills and make our presence known. WE are the majority. THEY will burn.

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Other urls found in this thread:

> Don't talk about Indulgences guys !

Catholic | Christian
Choose one

Good luck working your way to heaven.

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There much, much bigger fish to fry than stopping abortion. Do you people also never masturbate and have premarital sex? Or use contraception? Only then do you have a right to campaign against abortion. Beam of wood in your eye, and all.

How about making America white again? Take care of the big issues first then tackle the smaller ones.

The Catholic Church is the Church ordained by Jesus Christ himself. The others are heretical deviations that have sought to dispose of their rigidity and tradition to "keep up with the times".

While a noble intention, I think the unintended consequence is division in a time where unity is greatly needed. I mean no disrespect, but I think its time that our brothers and sisters of differing denominations come home. The problems that caused these divisions are largely non-existent in this day and age. Differences in subjective interpretation of scripture are trivial at best and it is unreasonable to suggest that we cannot come to a consensus on the value of human life.

Why would anybody want to believe the Tanakh?

Your lackadaisical prioritization and apathetic response to such an important issue is exactly why we are in this position. The immorality and sinful nature of our society did not happen overnight. It was a festering wound. It slowly crept its way into our society one seemingly insignificant issue after another.

>"homosexuality is not what we should be fighting! There are more important things!"
>"homosexual marriage is not what we should be fighting! There are more important things!"
>"homosexual marriage being taught in school is not what we should be fighting! There are more important things!"
>"homosexuality being paraded through our streets, coerced on our businesses and churchs, and taught to our children is not what we should be fighting! There are more important things!"

The lines have been redrawn time and time again. When will you learn, they will never stop. It is a slow crawl... and uphill battle of attrition that we must fight. Your pie-in-the-sky idea of restoring our culture in swathes is simply unwinnable. We fight what is real. The Christian position on human life is cut and dry. We can win this.

>Do you people also never masturbate and have premarital sex? Or use contraception?
>How about making America white again?

Christian hypocrasy is old and milinear now. They tend to criticise the transgender saying that a man cannot magically turn into a woman even undergoing cirurgical procedure, name changes, etc. because everything he does it will always still be a man even if he mutilates his dick to create a pseudovagina.
Yet Christians also larp as "the real jews" when they magically turn themselves to "the King of Jews" when he explicitely said to come just for "the lost children of Israel (jews)". One day is not a jew, now everybody is a jew and good at the jewish god eyes. Suddendly a german is also a jew just because he wants the jewish god to accept him.
Still don't know why they claim to be part of "european heritage" when judeia isn't even in europe, and jews aren't european, but I'm sure there are going to be some mental gymnastics after this being said.
But what is really grave in this whole situation is willingly, and gladfully, being part of the talmudic plot when thy put the King of Jews on top of any other king, thus fulfilling the jewish fantasy to rule over the goyim.

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Imagine being so decieved that you make a post called "catholicism and christianity" and not realise they are two different things.

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>catholicism, a branch of christianity
>not christianity
are you retarded

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>The Christian position on human life is cut and dry.
So I take it you never masturbate and you don't have premarital sex? And if you do have sex and you're married, you're never using contraception or contraceptive measures such as coitus interruptus? If you're anything but a completely perfect Christian in sexual affairs you're just as much guilty of killing (potential) life.

I also think abortion is wrong and disgusting especially the later into the pregnancy you get (although I do believe life starts at conception -- which is NOT Christian dogma btw since masturbation is equally sinful) but let's be practical here. Who are the people getting the abortions? Who are the murderers in America? The people who get kids out of wedlock? The criminals, the thieves? I think you know the answer.

>saying something is christianity makes it so

Stop being so decieved.

We can say however that christianity was an invasion of europe's spirituality to enslave the natives into worshiping the jews. This is 100% correct. Yet they, as they have been severely brainwashed since birth and unable to comply with reality, try to justify this and paint it as good to serve a foreign god and foreign king. It's almost like cucking yourself and even lick the cum out of your wifes pussy when she had been gangbanged by a group of youths. The christian is so blind and weak that even tries to justify tis spiritual cuckoldry.
Christianity is certainly the weakest of the semitic faiths, because it is the one that makes the less sense. And the one that is the most out of touch of reality.

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Kike shill thread


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>Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful ***works***?
>And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

I seek forgiveness and redemption for the sins I commit, as any Christian should.

If you trust the statistics you already know who gets the most abortions. I maintain that even contraception is sinful, and the statistics do not account for the impact that the devaluation of the act of sex and conception (caused by abortion and contraception) has had on society as a whole.

Yeah I wanted to refer him to your post. Don't know if that was clear or not.

The Semites can have their racial based religions (Islam and Judaism). But not the non-semites, the non semites must have christianity. Everyone that isn't a semite must be christian, a mongrelized religion with jewish-"pagan" entities. We all know that mongrelization isn't ever good. Thus making another problem for christianity of not being pure at all, just a mix of somethings that are glued with spit hoping for it to work. But why does it matter, anyway? christianity is for the ruled goyim, so it isn't relevant.
It is very important to understand that jewish spirituality doesn't belong in europe, or at least, no true european can be christian. And being christian is going 100% against our interests

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These posts are a clear example of identity politics perpetrated by those who wish to detract from the real issue of the legalized murder of innocent lives.

Jew or Gentile makes no difference to us, if you are a murderer or you support murderers you must be stopped.

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atheists lol

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Do we need this discussion every thread? There is nothing Jews hate more than Christ. Your overly simplistic view of history does nothing to change that. Christianity spread because people thought it was true, and that's the end of it.

I hate pagan larpers with a burning passion, mostly because they're incredibly stupid, but even more because they're inconsistent. They'll try to "go back" to the indigenous religion of pre-christian Europeans but if you really took that endeavor seriously, you should be worshipping the Hindu gods of Indo-European ancient religion and you should be reading the Vedas and Upanishads. But you don't. You "stop" your regressive movement at Thor and pals and I suspect it's simply because you think Thor is cool. You people don't even think your gods exist on an ontological level. You're literally larping. Pretending to be pagan while not actually believing any of it.


that is incorrect. jews created christianity. even they hate in between themselves that doesn't mean europeans should get involed becasue christianity is foreign to them. that is the most fulcral point of christianity. it assisted, and still assists, the acention of jewish hegemony in the world:

>Jewish Messiah
>100% Jewish written books
>Jewish history being worshiped
>Jewish prophecies
>Jewish prophets
>Jewish apostles
>Jewish disciples
>at least intial Jewish popes
>Jewish God

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this revelates another interesting and important points that christians escape goat is always "the pagans". When they are called to reality they try to divert the attention span of the their line of thought to cuss other unrelated issues, like if the person call you out on the gigantic bullshitery that is the mongrel religion of christianity was pagan or other things.
Christianity is foreign to Europe. It shouldn't be in Europe. Jews created christianity for jews. Jesus came for the Jews everything is jewish related. Christians even admmit this, proudfully. there is no way out without being inventing another excuse, that is easily debunked, to still continue believing that worshiping a jewish god and jewish kings is a good thing and the only way.

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t. literal modern heretic not directly founded by Jesus Christ

None of this important. Do you support abortion? Tell me how you get your importance and I'll tell you what you are.

Jesus was literally a filthy kike.
Jews shill kikianity using media more than the holocaust.
Kikianity was born by a jew called saul of tarsus.
Christianity is Jewish and you are too dumb to see it.
You're welcome for these redpills.

>calling christians out of being cuckolds for the jews isn't important

>Kikianity was born by a jew called saul of tarsus.

Incorrect. Paul the Apostle was a perfect example of the miraculous nature of Christ. As a Jew, he was against Christ and his followers. Only after the death of Christ did he realize the error of his ways and join the Church, which was already established at that point.

Answer the question.

Saul of tarsus another opportunistic jew. Textbook jewish behaviour

And you sound like an opportunistic islam. Equally dishonorable. You will be judged.

>muh islam
show your flag kike

Ah, it all makes sense now. I guess you've finished your prayer call to your apostate pedophile shaman mohammed and are fulfilling his agenda of deceit and trickery. Christianity is not so easily thwarted by your identity politics and vague distractions.

Abortion and contraception are crimes against God. How convenient that they are so prevalent in Western civilization. That will change. You will lose. But you still have a chance to accept the Grace of the one and only true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There is hope for you yet. Salvation can be yours. All you have to do is receive it.

where did you came out with islam out of nowhere?

Stfu fag no one cares

The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicians in the streets.

They are on a hellraiser torture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , hardened cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nauseous vomiting, had to be restrained from immediately trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.

>impregnating underage girls and killing them upon birth

>raping the newborns and eating them

>eating children brains

>children and babies tortured and killed out of Boredem

>eating kids and babies alive

>babies hung from hooks and raped

>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse Vlad Tepes

>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood

>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit

>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones

>children living in cages

>children dismembered and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age

>children fed other children and babies

>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong

>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids

>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos

>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids

>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed

>if only you knew

>some motivation after that

Pizza related MUSIC VIDEO

Thank me later

Also the answer to the mess

God Speed in defeating these Satanists

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You say nothing about your own beliefs, so I'm left to assume.

You aren't denying it, either. Deny it now, or we can all be safe in assuming you're a brainwashed islam zombie doing the devils bidding.

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While this pizzagate conspiracy theory is hard to believe, you are doing God's work in bringing it to light. It is something that surely must be investigated. If the media is willing to chase the ghosts of "russian collusion" then they should definitely be covering this, and it should receive far more coverage. Keep it up and God bless you.

Thank you. Your satanic muslim cult membership is now confirmed. Moving on.

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Witness here, a simple exchange exposing a typical islam. They are so foolish and arrogant that they refuse to deny or denounce their allegiance to the false prophet mohammed in public, however, they think they can get away with their lies and deceit. Not here. This is how you expose them. Ask them to deny islam and they never will. Easy to spot.

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