What the fuck happened to this board?

Jow Forums used to be so proactive and aggressive. It used to constantly raid and troll practically the entire internet.

Now it's like the whole board culture has shifted. Everyone is submissive and cowardly, everyone's depressed. Self-pitying beta males and pussies are rampant. All the weird and quarky people are gone. Half the people here are reddit transplants who are too stupid and domesticated to adopt the board culture.

So I have ask, what the fuck happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:


We grew up.

The majority of posters are mobile shitters

Jow Forums died many times.
Nobody from the original paradise of logical thought still posts here. Then we got memesters who spread across the web, but those guys got driven out by time and shitposters. We're all just shitposters now. Even me.

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>Nobody from the original paradise of logical thought still posts here.

Why, and where did they all go? What a bunch of easily demoralized pussies.

I'm pretty sure 50% of the posts here are now bots.

The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicians in the streets.

They are on a hellraiser torture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , hardened cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nauseous vomiting, had to be restrained from immediately trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.

>impregnating underage girls and killing them upon birth

>raping the newborns and eating them

>eating children brains

>children and babies tortured and killed out of Boredem

>eating kids and babies alive

>babies hung from hooks and raped

>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse Vlad Tepes

>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood

>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit

>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones

>children living in cages

>children dismembered and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age

>children fed other children and babies

>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong

>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids

>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos

>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids

>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed


>if only you knew

>some motivation after that


Pizza related MUSIC VIDEO

Thank me later

Also the answer to the mess


God Speed in defeating these Satanists


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You got proof there schizo boomer man?

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have some more onions, you guys are turning into faggots as time passes by

Looks like the reason just posted in this thread.

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