Is it all over?

>36 year old incel
>live in parent's basement
>zero social skills
>surprisingly, women don't find me hot
>shud I do honorabru thing and end it?

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Did you never at any point in life think that is not the way to live?


this board is advice. we’re getting to the point where we just tell people saying “should I kill myself” to do it.

non-constructive/bawww threads belong in r9k (and you don’t want to be one of those guys).

of course.
but it's not that simple.

And I am asking for advice here. My life is more or less over now. I need to know if killing myself is the right thing to do.

killing yourself instead of facing the fear of leaving the basement is stupid, and killing yourself for not getting pussy is pathetic, so no.


Start by getting a job.

You're gonna make it user! Just take the first step outside your comfort zone. Small steps are fine. 1+1=2. Every small step is gonna add up to a different life compared to the one you're living at the moment. Also you don't have to do it alone.

You'll make a fine priest

haha got em

>And I am asking for advice here. My life is more or less over now. I need to know if killing myself is the right thing to do.

Why is your life over?
Killing yourself is never the right thing to do.

because I'm a stunted man-child.
the formative years of a man's life are late teens to early 20s. it's too late to suddenly transform myself into some outgoing, confident go-getter.

Who told you it's too late?


Sounds like a pity thread to me

sure, it isn’t possible to 360 and become the epitome of positivity and outgoingness, but you can still transform yourself into a happy person who’s capable of more than dwelling in a basement.

Also, I don’t think you’re a literal manchild. The literal manchildren watch anime, obsess over alt-right shit, and for some reason don’t believe there’s anything wrong with them or how they live.

You seem to have some self-awareness and manners. Sure, you’ve been lazy, like most of us here. But your discomfort with your situation is growing. Hopefully you won’t be part of the minority percentage of people in your situation who commit suicide. You can use this discomfort with doing jack shit to push yourself up and out of the trap you got yourself in.

I’m not saying everything will be alright, but there’s a chance things can be better. We’re all going to die anyway, man, so there’s no point killing yourself over missed opportunities.

At this point OP, you're better off getting professional help. Your parents will be happy that you're trying to get help and will you help out with it I'm sure.

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Based and redpilled
t. your favorite poster

Of course not! If you're unhappy with your life, take even a small step to change it. Turn off your computer and go outside. There's a whole world out there.

I was exactly like you OP, 36, basement and all. Then SHE came along. Two good years, that's all. Wish I would have stayed in my basement. So... don't end it I guess.

Sounds like you're depressed, that is something that can be helped. I know life can be difficult, but the first step to changing your life is changing your way of thinking. Start small, I suggest adding some ritual behavior and meditation. It takes time but you'll learn to build self control, you'll have discipline and be able to overcome your negative feelings and doubts. Don't worry about being awkward around people, I get that, I am awkward as fuck. Seriously, I was so bad at interacting with others that some people believed I had paranoid schizophrenia. (In reality I grew up in a small town, was the kid that got picked on, and generally had no interest in connecting with others until I got into college.)((Seriously, I made one of my first real friends in college)) Now I can talk and interact fairly normally, I'm still improving, but that barrier isn't there anymore. Most people won't give me the time of day, but it isn't because I stand out or there's something wrong with me. (They're just conceited bastards) Happiness is something you can find if you seek it in meaningful activities and by spending time with the people you care about. Do something you love, read a book, try exercise-you'll feel a lot better if you start a regular routine, eat right, and get plenty of sleep. Take care of yourself and remember you have value, no one is a nobody. I believe you can turn your life around if you start seeing yourself positively and applying yourself to change, the first step is the hardest but you have to persevere. Hope you find some inspiration in this.

Not the first to say this, but get a job. Go out and talk to people. Make goals each day etc. etc.

In all seriousness though, you should learn to do magic tricks. Its a great way to interact with people and connect with them. I've even become friends with french people who don't even speak english and hate americans.

If you start being active outside of a screen, you may just end up somewhere.