>muh most immigration ever
>muh dday
>muh holocaust
>muh jews
Why does this draft dodging kike lover always talk about the military as something praiseworthy when he knowingly dodged the draft as a young man?
>muh most immigration ever
>muh dday
>muh holocaust
>muh jews
Why does this draft dodging kike lover always talk about the military as something praiseworthy when he knowingly dodged the draft as a young man?
Other urls found in this thread:
Europeans, you dumb rat shill
He anticipated and preempted every criticism the left would have
>Europeans want to come to this nigger and spic infested shithole
Shoot yourself.
>Not praising the Israeli Foreign Legion
Sounds like you’re a tranny from Discord.
>he knowingly dodged the draft as a young man?
west point just kept rejecting him
quiet you clown, let them eat cake
you are completely delusional
>Europeans can even come to this “country” after the 1965 immigration act that makes sure only subhumans can be here
Is this, dare I say it, 4D chess?
You’re a MIGApede and you’re calling someone else a clown? What are you, a boomer? Who calls someone else a clown nowadays? If you’re over thirty years old, stop posting and neck yourself immediately.
>If you’re not a MIGApede, you’re a LIBTARD that screams how Drumph isn’t my president
Neck yourself for being a mouth breathing retard.
>Not 6 gorillion D underwater backgammon
Kill yourself for underplaying the literal GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE’s achievements, you Discord tranny shill.
But they do come already. Canadians too
>everyone who disagrees with me is from discord
You sound like a whiny SJW snowflake.
What I said is factually true and I did not say anything more about how much I approve, shills
There is no “Canada” and there are no whites up there. It’s just a shithole above us that’s filled with more brown subhumans and also the yellow fucked eyed variety now as well.
5 eyes nation are planning to counter their declining birth rates with immigration from white European countries for decades
they're actively destabilizing Europe for decades since WW2, since they can't outright bomb them into oblivion anymore
That’s the MIGApede way on this board now. If you don’t #MIGA with me, then you’re a tranny from Discord.
You need to update your vocab list from last year
It is very bad for rich people to be active in wars.
They get captured by the enemy and held for ransom. that leaves the military 3 choices,
>pay ransom
That benefits the enemy
>make a costly effort to rescue
Costing more lives and taking away from the front lines
>Ignore it
The enemy will somehow find a way to get the money
Then there is the other aspects, when I rich businessman as at war the business is not growing, taxes that would be collected used for the war effort stays the same or become less as the business man is not there to grow or maintain the business or pay the taxes.
Also many of those businesses are used for the actual war effort. Would you send Henry ford to the front lines? No because then who would make the weapons and tanks and aircraft?
You fucking liberals are brain dead and can't think past your emotions.
God damm someone is grumpy in the morning.
Tell me kid how does it feel to see your system of Government never succeed in the history of the world? I feel like you live a very depressing life of eating pickles and shitting in cans to get high.
That picture means nothing when MIGApedes are fine with that pic happening but LEGALLY.
What system of government would you be referring to? Because my current system of (((Democracy))) is jewish and doesn’t work.
So what are you going to do about it? Sit on Jow Forums all day bitching about problems you can't fix. Why don't you run for president or go red pill the masses. Sitting here shitting up the board with your terrible bait isn't helping.
>muh bone spurs
Keep deluding yourself.
>shitting up the board
That's what you the_dotard kikes have been doing for 2 years.
WTF does that even mean?
You're retarded.
>kike lover
I like how the shills are really pushing the kike lover angle today. They know Jow Forums hates the jew so they are exploiting that and painting Trump a kike lover to cause internal conflict amongst Jow Forums. They figure if Jow Forums hates jews, they should hate Trump as well. And if Jow Forums loves Trump, they must love jews, followed by a list of associations between the two.
They are using this angle to cause confusion and in-fighting. Its a simple divide and conquer tactic and its everywhere today in light of the SOTU.
You'll never amount to anything besides being Jewish cattle.
I already answered your question kid. Look at what you added to pol. A thread that adds no information, one little question and only few replies. What you say or do doesn't matter. Everybody sees threw your jewish bullshit and lies. Please go back to sucking off AOC and licking her hairy cottage cheese legs
If you want upvotes go back to The_Donald.
back to Jow Forumsthe_zioanld you boomer fag.
You trumpcucks ARE the rat shills
But he is a jew, I'm not a shill it's just obvious.
>Why does this draft dodging kike lover always talk about the military as something praiseworthy when he knowingly dodged the draft as a young man?
Military is good, draft is not. If some shitty dangerous job needs to be done, that does not excuse what is basically kidnapping and enslavement.
>h-hes the president so he's always right
I highly doubt you thought the same way towards obama or bush.
>dodge draft
>praise military
Have you watched your daily dose of Ben Shapiro yet?
Whats wrong with that? A good army of professional trained soldiers who specialize in their art is good. People should be praised and handsomely rewarded for doing that job.
What's wrong with being a hypocrite?
If Trump believed the military was morally righteous he wouldn't have dodged the draft.
Dodging the draft means burning your draft card, going to Canada, or hopping a plane to England to light up a big joint.
Sauce that he dodged the draft?
And for the rich it means getting a Medical deferment for bone spurs.
Use Google you lazy piece of shit.
>If Trump believed the military was morally righteous he wouldn't have dodged the draft
Something being good doesnt mean that it should be compulsory to do. Donating to charity is good, charity is great, but i havent donated a kopeika to charity in my life.
>Why does this draft dodging kike lover always talk about the military as something praiseworthy when he knowingly dodged the draft as a young man?
He was smart enough to know the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag...after the government ADMITTED it was a false flag?
His parents loved him and didn't let him die for a false flag?
You tell us, guy who's parents wanted him dead.
Well, if you want to be logically sound you have to take into account that there are some 50 years between these events. He might have changed his opinion, right?
Nobody will vote for Zognald Drumpfowitz DraftDodger the Fifth ever again
That's nice. But you can't know if you would be a good soldier unless you attempted to be a good soldier in the first place.
lol, give it up ivan
you drumpfanzees boomers will defend this kike lover till you die.
fuck off stormfag
>If you don’t like the jewish system, you just need to voluntarily join it!
Thank you for your input, r/The_Donald. As always you have the best advice.
If you don’t know, then why are you calling other retarded? For fuck’s sake, your flag is a leaf slapped on some bloody toilet paper. Learn to self reflect.
You will never fit in here, r/The_Donald. Take /ptg/ and fuck off back to where you originally came from.
Yup, you’re a boomer.
Nope. It’s service to your people and your nation. Unfortunately we cannot do that because we do not have a military. We only have the Israeli Foreign Legion. Pic related.
Bringing a doctor's note from home doesn't get you out of the Armed Forces Physical no matter how rich you are.
And you'd know that if you'd ever served in the military, faggot.
you worship lies and bullshit
this literally makes no sense, fuck back off to reddit, fag
He has already declared the SO.I to be based and redpilled. You have no power here, DemocRAT shill.
Lurk more, newfag.
Holy fuck how are there still people this stupid alive
No I'll defend not dying for France or a false flag.
I'll defend any Gulf of Tonkin for killing their parents who let them be drafted by a false flagging government that just killed their president and MLK, too.
I guess, you're just a bitch, mentally.
if you can't make sense of that you might be a fucking retard.
>dodged the draft
>his birthday never got called in the draft lottery
He was factually incapable of dodging the draft.
SOTU: 99% International Jewish approval
My name is Donald Trump and I'm a BIG FAN of Israel...
Good job electing a kike loving orange faggot
>You didn’t serve in the Israeli Foreign Legion so you just don’t understand!
Yup. That’s what happens when you’re a MIGApede.
You’re telling a non MIGApede to fuck off back to r/eddit? You’re from r/The_Donald ffs. Project harder.
t. Niggerlover
Based God’s Chosen People amirite fellow pedes?
Either that, or Trump revealed himself as a consummate mega-Zionist and that's causing us to divide ourselves, because as you said, we hate the Jews. Could be an organized shill campaign, could be the organic reaction to Trump's sustained Israel first agenda. The end result would look the same either way.
>tfw the drumpf containment thread is leaking
4D chess! Trump is le god king! Build that wall
...just let them tire themselves out until they go back to rebbit
>JIDF will shill against themselves now
r/The_Donald isn’t sending their best.
First you're pissed off about US global interventionism then you're mad at someone who managed to get out of fighting those Jew wars? Pick a narrative and stick with it
Trump is a FtM tranny Masonic puppet
And melania a MtF.
They’ve been here for two fucking. They won’t stop until they get bullet holes in em. /ptg/, a literal r/The_Donald colony has been here for TWO FUCKING YEARS. Why do you believe they’ll ever tire themselves out?
>US global interventionism
*Israeli foreign intervention
>What is consistency?
If Trumpenstein is going to shill for Judaism and jewish wars and he himself did not serve in said jewish wars, its hypocritical at best and jewish at worst.
>>You didn’t serve in the Israeli Foreign Legion so you just don’t understand!
Clearly if you've never stood up for the Armed Forces Physical and think you can show up with a Doctor's note and get out of it, yeah, you obviously don't understand.
>But you can't know if you would be a good soldier unless you attempted to be a good soldier in the first place.
I wouldnt be a good soldier, because i have 0 motivation to risk my life and kill others. I am not empathetic enough to do it for comrades or family and i do not care about material wealth or praise or glory enough to do it either. The only thing i would care about on the battlefield is survival.
>Nope. It’s service to your people and your nation.
So what, growing food is also a service to your people, you are allowing people to not die from starvation. Doesnt mean i need to be sent to a farm at the point of a gun to grow food for people.
You guys also forget to mention that the only external existential threat western countries have in the 21st century is nuclear warfare. You can 'justify' draft in an event of a world war 2 style total war event, because there ethics isnt a thing that is relevant to such a scenario, which will never occur anyway. One thing that will cause your countries to collapse is your effective demographic suicide through subsidization of low iq immigration.
Yes, this thing happens over here. I am glad that neither me nor people important to me are in such a position.
user.. he's trolling the zionists over /ptg/ shitting up the board accusing anyone who's not agreeing with Trump to be discord trannies. You just got baited.
meant for
Simply if you're generally healthy young man you can't determine whether you would be a good soldier or not without attempting it. Maybe you're physically deformed.
>nuclear weapons are a existentential threat
Even if every nuke was launched the majority of humans would survive.
Nukes will never be used until Muslims gain control of Britain which won’t be long. But regarding other nations, nukes will never be used because as soon as one nation fires nukes, everyone will and the entire world goes boom.
You don’t need to type out (you), newfag. You ruined the fucking joke. You suck ass at this. Back to r/The_Donald you go.
>Nukes will never be used until Muslims gain control of Britain which won’t be long. But regarding other nations, nukes will never be used because as soon as one nation fires nukes, everyone will and the entire world goes boom.
That is the point, mutually assured destruction. It makes total war not a possibility.
>Even if every nuke was launched the majority of humans would survive.
They are enough of a threat to make total war never happen. America will never be invaded by any armed force. In fact, it would never be invaded even if the were no nuclear weapons, simply because of where America is. Conquest of United States is impossible.
Nukes killing off humanity is a meme. Billions of people would survive.
The guy can't shut up about how proud he is that his grandchildren are Jewish. He gave his precious Ivanka to one. How is he not a kike lover?
>wtf I love american military imperialism now
He's in denial, he invested a lot in trump belief system
Which is why your country and my ZOGed one have been fighting proxy wars for decades now. Syria is the current one.
Checked. Proofs though?
How is the Israeli Foreign Legion the American military, Chang?