We all know that African people have put up with more bullshit than everyone else combined and that they are owed what...

We all know that African people have put up with more bullshit than everyone else combined and that they are owed what Europe took from them. The only question is, how can Europe pay up?

Attached: colonization.jpg (707x370, 93K)

Counter - maybe the reason why Africa was pillaged was because Europe was so much more advanced, due to whites being smarter than blacks and Arabs?

>The only question is, how can Europe pay up?
The real question is - how does this thread manage to get 200+ replies each time it gets posted?

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>Europe was so much more advanced, due to whites being smarter than blacks and Arabs?

Attached: BLACK architecture vs wh_Te mud hut.jpg (795x988, 264K)

>Implying ancient egyptians were black.
It must be bait at this point, 100% of it. I can't believe there are still thsoe that believe this meme.

>African people have put up with more bullshit than everyone else combined

Attached: Screenshot_20190202-234135.png (2560x1440, 1.63M)

Africa was made of gold coins?!?!?

cope, white boi.

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Get a life.

Africa still has plenty of resources and why dont they process the resources themselves instead of selling the raw material for europe and america to process?

Western Norway should be completely black on that map


Attached: Africa Wealth Distribution.png (1280x670, 685K)

If only africa can rise from the shitters and become economically independent, others would take them seriously.

Not to mention that Africa's primary economic model was unabashed mass slavery. In short you're welcome for colonialism you niggers don't deserve the civilization you were given.

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:D THis is great thread

You can't leave out the Dutch East India Company, and all those slave ships. Wasn't that jews that owned that?

kek that's brilliant

You earn your grief Hebrew. I have a running theory that all of the purported shoas are a bullshit story you use to justify migrating to greener pastures after you jew wherever you are into ruin.

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>post map that refutes my own claims
What did the roach mean by this?

If they weren’t willing or intelligent enough to become an ultra-prosperous from their own natural resources that is there fucking fault not ours. I’m so sick of this. Maybe if they weren’t low IQ subhumans they would have become just as great as whites did. But no they allowed themselves to be treated like that.

Why is the concept of trolling so alien to this board?
Stop replying to this Turkish poster, he's been doing this to troll for several years now.

So are subsaharan Bantu from Nigeria and the west African coast the same ethnicity as Germans?
I know Frau Merkel would like to think so, but that's not the case.
Also, heat and sunshine does not make you black, if you become as black as a black Afrikan, you will still be the ehtnicity of your parents, hence Arabs in north africa are dark (see Moroccans) and yet are not magically transformed into Dindus.
Of course, only a low IQ mutt or roach like yourself would come to your non-scientific opinion.

Yes but they bought all of their slaves from black slave owners. Also almost 40% of American slave owners were black or mixed. Slavery could be argued was the single greatest case of whites culturally appropriating black culture. And we have been paying for it ever since.

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Doesn't your sorry cockroach's ass have some kebabs to do and some little girls to rape?

Africans should be merciful that Europeans allowed them to live unlike most indians

Shouldn't that hole fill up with the ocean?

Oh you're talking about the genocidal maniacs who sold half of their race's population into slavery? Think they got their gold, Abu.