Marijuana's Unexpected Effect on Sperm Count Revealed in Harvard Study

>Weed is ba-
There’s plenty of research showing that marijuana can improve things in the bedroom, but it’s not as clear whether it has the same effect in your pants. Studies about the effect of marijuana use on sperm count have had mixed results, at best. Guys who smoke weed, however, can take comfort in the findings of a large study published by Harvard University scientists on Tuesday. The sperm of marijuana smokers, it seems, is alright. Maybe even more than alright.

As the research team writes in the Human Reproduction study, the men who had smoked one or two joints of marijuana at least once in their lifetimes had a sperm count and concentration that was significantly higher than that of people who had never smoked marijuana in their lives, which is generally a good thing for a man’s fertility. More intense marijuana users also appeared to have higher levels of the sex hormone testosterone, as well.

“Our findings were contrary to what we initially hypothesized,” said Feiby Nassan, Ph.D., the study’s lead author and research fellow at Harvard Chan School of Public Health. Previous research on marijuana smoking had suggested that doing so lowered sperm counts.
Teetotalers BTFO

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grow up.

Need to get me an arizer solo vape so I can stop combustings this herb and get tar in my lungs. Dan's and vaping are the way to go

Only people that hate this shit are the ones that were never offered or never had any friends to get high with

If marihuana can increase sperm counts why do Leafs need to import immigrants to boost their population?

Checkmate you white cucks

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Smoking a bowl is no different than having a glass of wine or a beer or an apéritif/digestif.

thats gotta be the most poorly rolled joint ive seen

Who said anything about needing to increase our population?

>Having junkies as friends

Degenerate, but please continue my friends profit from your stupidity, you are as pathetic as men that buy premium snapchat from thots.

stoners seem to think that they're the majority, in the UK only 8% of adults smoke weed regularly though.

Please fuck off and stop forcing your addiction on everyone else.

It very well may increase your sperm count, but it completely takes away your drive

Because all the men are to busy giving their dogs blow jobs instead of impregnating their women

Cannabis isn't a narcotic, user.

sweet post OP have a bump.

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all anti weed posters on here are either under severe mind control or are jewish

>Testosterone is proven to increase risky behaviors
>Those with higher Test levels drink and do drugs at higher rates then soi
Fucking Retards.

I vape a bowl every day for the last few months and I have never been so fucking horny in my life. I can edge for ages before cumming the most intense orgasms I have ever felt. If you smoke weed with a girl you are most likely to get laid.

I have found the opposite effect actually, it tends to increase my libido compared to the long period where I wasn't smoking.

>anecdotal evidence
Why is this board is in such retarded state now?

Everything on this site is anecdotal.

Well you could also eat more healthy and work out to increase your testosterone.
But sure do drugs to get whiter sperm, that will help.

That's what I was thinking, looks like some shit i'd slap together when i was 14.

this has been known for hundreds of years, THC reduces testosterone

It says it increases it dipshit.

>Marijuana's Unexpected Effect on Sperm Count Revealed in (((Harvard))) Study

Smoke daily and try to fuck daily.

This. They didn't even control for preexisting factors. In order for this study to have any scientific merit they should have checked testosterone levels before any pot was smoked, divided people into two similiar groups, allowed for one of the groups to smoke, wait a couple of years and then compare the results. But I guess doing science isn't as fun as baseless speculation that can affect the lives of other people.

>People who have smoked weed
>people who have not smoked weed
Seems OK to me

or we've felt the long term effects of the drug over 10+ years and we're trying to warn younger users, probably to no avail since your generation is even more foolish than mine was. which is saying something because we voted for obama.

We don't seem to have any problem getting our women to crank out 10 kids in under 15 years, so I'm not bothered by being called "BTFO" over this.

However, our own studies done at the request of the police and the ministry of interior found that regular drinkers have twice the chance of causing a car accident, drug abusers have a five times higher chance, drunk people behind the wheel a 10 times higher chance,
and people on weed at the moment of driving
have a
times higher chance of causing a traffic accident.

It was aired just today. Potheads BTFO

Now put your smoke up in the air
And raise your henny and coke
And if you really wanna get fucked up, just let me know
We can smoke till there's no more lighter fluid to do it
Lets get into it
You smoking with the triest and truest
I got the Midas touch
When it comes to rolling shit up
You motherfuckas ain't smoking
You just holding shit up
Now here we go
Let's get up, get down, hold up a blunt
I smoke the kinda stuff that make the records go number one
Cuz if at first you don't succeed, won't hurt to smoke some weed
Now them words are just a little more personal for me
Seeing is how I blew up off of puffing them trees

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I see the problem here. Cars.
Basically it is a problem that arises from modern living circumstances. We had no such issues a couple of hundred years back.

That's understandable, since that's the only vegetable Americans ever intake, their sperm levels instantly jump, but a join can't beat a salad.
Prototip: meat eaters have low sperm count.

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>Prototip: meat eaters have low sperm count.
I'm going to need some sauce on that.

Unless people who decide to smoke weed already have a higher baseline testosterone level, which affects sperm count (probable, since high testosterone is linked to risky behaviours). In that case smoking weed could be neutral or even harm sperm count, and the results would still point to its benefits. That's why you need to establish sperm count and testosterone levels before you conduct the experiment. Otherwise the results are worthless.

I lol'd, youre being lied to.
Especially when you say drinking and driving is LESS likely to cause an accident than smoking some bud. That's probably the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Alcohol has a totally different effect on the mind and body. This is basic stuff Vladamir

>If you smoke weed with a girl you are most likely to get laid.
>>anecdotal evidence

wew lad, virgin much?

>However, our own studies done at the request of the police and the ministry of interior found that regular drinkers have twice the chance of causing a car accident, drug abusers have a five times higher chance, drunk people behind the wheel a 10 times higher chance,
>and people on weed at the moment of driving
>have a
>times higher chance of causing a traffic accident.

and a previous study, done in a real country(america) by actual doctors, not slovakian police, found that smoking half a joint beforehand resulted in higher scores on driving tests and safer driving habits in a study done over years with hundreds of patients.

t. david bearman

Industry animals:
- chemicals = estrogen
- female animals (cow, chicken) = estrogen
- sterilized pigs = estrogen

Proof anyone trying to ban pot is a filthy Jew shill that hates white fertility.

>Angry coke smuggler doesn't like competition.

>I'll take "what is hunting?" for 500, Alex

>had a sperm count and concentration that was significantly higher
Can confirm. I'm in a newly legal state and have been smoking daily for 6 months and I bust fat fucking ropes of jizz now.

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Hunting is ok as long as those wild animals don't eat your garbage or agriculture fields which are full of gay chemicals.


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Over here, it may have something to do with the usual perpetrator being a rich kid and not some broke-ass nigger that can't afford a car

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So it can explode in your face and sever your carotid artery? No thanks, double chamber bong or bubbler is enough to get most of the gunk out of it, also don't smoke mexican dirt weed, shit's filled with pesticides and spider mites.

>once in their lives

Yeah so normal ppl instead of incel cucks ofcourse sperm and T is better. Has no correlation with the marijuana compounds.

That's nice, but so that you know, female animals can't give you testosterone.

Good job pointing out how little you know about hunting.
Fucking nogun countries, I swear...

I had hunters and lots of wine yard and other producers in family, so i pretty much know more than you. You think you snow walking loner are some big shit? Maybe you should learn the difference between private gun and hunting gun. When you join hunting organization you follow some rules here, including when you trying to sell meat. If you just going to eat any meat you might get diseases. I know you in America aren't quite there yet to the game of ancient European hunters.

nothing wrong with weed, it's just like anything. it's the people that do it literally all the time that give it a bad name. i only smoke a couple times a year. if you smoke daily your self medicating and wasting money.

user, you hunt the MALES.
One bull moose can impregnate a hundred cows.
>difference between private gun and hunting gun

Now I know why I produce enough jizz everyday to impregnate 6 or more women. Based MEDICINE unlike (((pharmaceuticals))).

venison is shit

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Then hunt birds or rabbits.

>Wasting money.
Surely no one can grow the plants themselves.

So, does weed cause the boost in testosterone and sperm, or is it that only alpha chads smoke weed?

>Venison is shit.
>t. Obese fast food guzzler.
>Harvard-led researchers recruited 40 young adults – 20 marijuana users and 20 non-users – to see if what is true in the brains of rats is also true in the brains of college students. Sure enough, human marijuana users had changes in volume, density and topography in both of the amygdala and nucleus accumbens.
>marijuana use creates physical changes in the brain associated with addiction. And, the researchers point out, these results were seen in non-dependent, young adult users.

>What are the effects of even heavier pot use on the brain?

>That’s the question of the second study, published in the Nature journal, Neuropsychopharmacology. Again, the study used MRI imaging to ask if the effects of cannabis-based chemicals seen in rat brains are also seen in human brains. This time the study compared heavy marijuana smokers to occasional smokers to see if overall brain changes are more extreme, the more you smoke. And it looked outside just the structures of addiction to explore changes in overall brain structures: how does marijuana use affect the brain?

>The study found reduced grey matter volume in nearly all brain regions that are rich in the “receptors” that can trap and respond to cannabis-based chemicals. These regions include a long list of structures, almost all of which are part of a network that controls motivation, emotion, and emotional learning. Here’s an important part: the degree to which these brain areas changed was due to one of two things – either heavy use or starting use during adolescence. Long-term heavy users had the same reductions in grey matter volume as lighter users who started in their teens.

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>A NIDA-funded brain imaging study has shown that regular users of marijuana have less gray matter than nonusers of the drug in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a brain region that contributes to impulse control, decision-making, and learning. Such a deficit could make it more difficult to change counterproductive behaviors, including drug use.
>The strongest evidence that cannabis use is a contributory cause of schizophrenia comes from longitudinal studies of large representative samples of the population who have been followed over time to see if cannabis users are at higher risk of developing schizophrenia. The earliest such study was a 15-year prospective investigation of cannabis use and schizophrenia in 50,465 Swedish conscripts. The study found that those who had tried cannabis by age 18 were 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than those who had not 16 and the risk of this diagnosis increased with the frequency of cannabis use.
>Zammit et al 17 reported a 27-year follow-up of the Swedish cohort that also found a dose-response relationship between frequency of cannabis use at baseline and risk of schizophrenia during the follow-up. The relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia persisted when the authors statistically controlled for the effects of other drug use and other potential confounding factors, including a history of psychiatric symptoms at baseline.
>Zammit et al’s findings have been supported in a three-year longitudinal study of the relationship between self-reported cannabis use and psychosis in a community sample of 4,848 people in the Netherlands
>These findings have been replicated in one German and two New Zealand cohort studies

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Fun fact: the CB1 receptor that is responsible for the feeling of being high also occurs during brain damage. So when you smoke marijuana you simulate brain injuries.
>Paranoid Schizophrenia is Characterized by Increased CB1 Receptor Binding in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
>In humans, mounting evidence shows that CB1 receptor densities are altered in schizophrenia

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>Blueberry deer sausages
>Elk with a blackcurrant coulis
>Moose stew with carrots and potato

I would say both but I have met sois that smoke. It could also be neither. I have high test and smoke almost everyday but that is me so I don't know.

they had to know which is why it's being made legal now.

Haha low T anti marijuana faggotts. Haha Haha I love it! Trust me, marijuana is not going to turn you into a socialist.

the study was based on self reported previous usage. So you can basically throw it all in the dump.

calm down Serbia
fucking Kosovo war changed you for the worst

Well then enjoy your estrogen. Why would i only shoot female animals? You need both.
>The Forest Service prescribes an annual plan of lightning in which the number of shoots for each game is differentiated both by age structure and by gender (for example, deer: 110 of which: 10 male males, 10 female females, 20 female females aged 1 year , 20 pieces of males aged one year, 10 pieces of medium-sized roe deer (of which 5 trophies, over 85 points), 10 pieces of medium-old deer, 15 pieces of elderly deer and 15 pieces of elderly roe deer)
>The Forest Service prescribes an annual plan of lightning in which the number of shoots for each game is differentiated both by age structure and by gender (for example, deer: 110 of which: 10 male males, 10 female females, 20 female females aged 1 year , 20 pieces of males aged one year, 10 pieces of medium-sized roe deer (of which 5 trophies, over 85 points), 10 pieces of medium-old deer, 15 pieces of elderly deer and 15 pieces of elderly roe deer)
>lov srnjakov začne že 15. aprila (in traja do 30. septembra.
>hunting of roe deer begins on April 15 (and lasts until September 30.

You do realize we can breed wild animals and release? Btw our nature is intact.
>Terrestrial protected areas (% of total land area)
>Canada 9.69
>China 17.08
>Slovenia 53.64
>Arab World 4.94
>Hong Kong SAR, China 41.90
>United States 12.97
>Israel 19.94
>Germany 37.68
>Norway 16.97
>Turkey 0.22
>Haiti 0.27
>Hungary 22.60
>Slovak Republic 37.28
>Iceland 17.44
>This Is the World's Most Sustainable Country

A leaf.

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It's true. I used to be a Fascist, and since I started smoking a little bit again, I find myself agreeing a lot more with German Strasserism. I don't mind nationalized industries anymore, but I want it for white's only.

That's some shitty made joint.

Someone didn’t go to highschool or college. Not shocked by your indignance of people who’ve tried weed.

In Canada like 50% of adults use pot.
So a failed nation on the brink of collapse. You guys are at least 10% more fucked than we are maybe it has nothing to do with the pot but please refrain from comment until further studies can be done.

Maybe focus on stopping your grooming/rape gangs before worrying about the devils lettuce.

Highest consumption of cannabis per capita.

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>As the research team writes in the Human Reproduction study, the men who had smoked one or two joints of marijuana at least once in their lifetimes

I swear to god, stoners can't read.

>lowers sex drive
Everyone fucks high, they literally breed weed strains for a focus on libido. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>who had smoke at least once in their lives
truly compelling, nay, groundbreaking

Biological effect weed has with hormones. This shit will fuck you up. If you think you have high T while smoking weed, you’re squandering your true potential by endulging in it. Why do you think (((CNN))) lit a joint LIVE during their new year celebration last year? The Jews literally want the Goyim docile and Low T.

Take my word for it or not, I really don’t give a fuck, but just know that you truly are squandering your potential by allowing THC into your bloodstream.

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believe it or not there are plenty people who can use weed recreationally without getting hooked, I do it a few times a year, i unironically think its medicine for the soul in these times, it shows loads of truths too

One effect of weed is making you paranoid.
A paranoid person is more likely to believe conspiracy theories.
As with anything in life, moderation is key.

A retard is is more likely to believe what the newsman tells him.

>As the research team writes in the Human Reproduction study, the men who had smoked one or two joints of marijuana at least once in their lifetimes had a sperm count and concentration that was significantly higher than that of people who had never smoked marijuana in their lives
Thats not even the real problem, this fucking article thinks 1-2 joints in a lifetime has ANY significant affect

This is the most autistic thing I’ve read all day

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A leaf is more likely to be a faggot nigger

>he is one


>Legal for nearly forever with no major problems
>All of sudden it's a pandemic with coalitions and mass fear/condemnation
Think you should take your own advice there tard

Best conspiracy theories are those with some truth to it.

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I loved the shit out of weed in high school. Smoked pretty much all throughout 15-20 years old. Shortly thereafter though shit made me paranoid and introverted as hell. Became total nightmare fuel. Sucks, I do remember the prime smoking years fondly though.

cannabinoids are good for your body, but there's plenty of side effects to smoking weed to get them, and dudeweeds are not great for society. i used to be one.

Do you still fear chemtrails?

You can smoke 1000 different plans in Slovenia, why choose weed? Because it's popular. Smoke yarrow instead.

It was more like paranoid as in like what my family and friends thought of me, where my life is going, etc. Shit like that.

Sounds like it was telling you uncomfortable truths, my dude. Not a good idea to shut your eyes when the divine is shining a light on you.

Yes goys! Keep ingesting those pharmaceuticals! Stay away from that Satan grass! Cancer is good for you!

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why is there so much pro weed stuff on pol now, we all know its bad, it makes you lazy and fucks your cognition. there are endless study's about it. even if it did raise sperm count, there are thousands of other things that do with out the negative effects of weed

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I'll fuck you in the ass, but I'm as white as you can be without having albinism.

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