Mfw you realize that the next Crusade is going to be to reconquer Europe

>mfw you realize that the next Crusade is going to be to reconquer Europe
>mfw Brazil and the US are going to lead the Christian Coalition against Euro Muslim hordes
like wtf

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...are you catholic or the evangelical bunch?

All muslims and their apologists and leftist jew enablers out. Now.

catholic obviously

>Memeflag alert its likely a muslim shill. Prepare for 100K "kike" divide and conquer based islam comments

europe will be catholic again

>and the US
russia maybe, even chinks I'm seeing as more protective than the usa
I'm sorry for them

quality choice user

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Nigger you can't even fix your country and free it from drug addiction and gang violence but you want to reconquer Europe?

Uhm is this 2010?

Lmfao there's almost nothing catholic in France anymore. Only 34% of the population is Catholic, the rest is atheist or Muslim.
The regime is highly secular following the example of the French Revolution laïcité and Christians can't even wear crosses in schools.

>Implying this is going to lead a Crusade
My sides

Uhm is this 2010?

USA is literally the new babylon. The only thing they can do is to destroy us even more. And your monkey country is a meme.

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Make France Catholic Again you fucking nigger
you have some of the most based Saints and warriors in history, a little mudslime shouldn't stop you

Shills have arrived

It's not nearly as bad as people overseas think, niggers are a way bigger problem in the US. Plus Brazil won't do shit, your nation is literally crumbling under corruption and violent crime.

Uhm is this 2010?

>mudslimes are the reason why we aren't catholic
Atheism is

Sounds like alot of heretics need to leave France then.
By boat, plane, or rope?

Sure, 67% of the French population is going to leave France
You Jow Forumstards are absolutely disconnected from reality

kill them too

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>the US
this is some delusion

Islam is cancer, and Americans stand in your way.
Linda Sarsour, her hollywood jew and muslim allies, they are your babylon.
The actual Americans in most of our land are based Christian patriots.
The globohomo muslims and jew divide and conquer niggers are your babylon.
But you know that as a shitskin invader, don't you muhammed.

Wasted enough time with you guys but anyway here some redpills:
-No crusade is going to ever happen
-The West is less and less Christian by the day
-The only religious folks that are religious enough to lead a holy war are muzzies
-The future is irreligious

Sorry to burst your bubble but you're infested with zionism with Bolsonaro just like the US with Trump. Inoperably zogged.

Well first it has to start in North America, After we take back The Mother Land we can take back The Father Lands
I think its more of a Reconquita
Thats just me, First Byzantine, Then Isreal.

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BTW it will be an italo-mexican-polish-hungarian coalition which will save Europe
screencap this post

Nothing is as cancerous as the USA which lead wars for Israel, create extremism and refugees in the Middle East and promotes degenerate ways of life

I'm ready

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Islam is the problem.
Prior to Elijah Muhammed niggers were progressing here.
Now they are worse niggers than ever.
Islam is the cancer

Yep. And atheists and muslims csn both gtfo

I didn't say they would all leave. Human remains make decent fertilizer.

Mfw the wests plan to defend itself are Jow Forums memes, ppl complaining on podcasts, and boomer breitbart and fox news.

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The USA didn't ruin Cyprus, Constantinople, and bring a nigger muslim population to london. It was you atheists, muslim apologists, and nigger Islam that did.
Even China hates muslims fir the same reason.
Muslims are the cancer of the world. They ally with secular faggot atheist socialists to push LGBT boy lover Afghan filth on Christians to divide and conquer. Then blame America and Christians.
You need to go back. You aren't fooling anyone here.

Its literally just the jews. Here they are too influential because they are the only people allowed to openly practice nepotism because pity over something that probably didnt even happen in WW2.

No average American citizen wants to go fight oversea wars or give billions upon billions to other irrelevent countrie, nor do they want to meddle and install puppet leaders to every shithole nation.
Its just the jews. It always has been.

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I love that you think this.
Its exactly what we want.

You are quite mistaken. The war within Western Civilization comes from within. Secular humanism is the enemy, It is at war against all traditional religion Jew, Christian orthodox and Islam as well. "We're one, but we're not the same. We get to carry each other, carry each other. One.

you need a pope to call one first

Ots not "just the jews" faggot.
Jews are one part of yhe hlobohomo conspiracy. The others are faggot secular humanists and Muslims.
Islam is every but to blame for Europe's problems as jews.
All muslims and their allies gtfo as well.

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Islam loves that shit because it goves them a beachhead and foothold on the paradise that is the West. They have been trying to take us over for 1400 years nonstop.
Until you can see that leftists, secular humanists, and diversity kikes are all useful and expendable allies to muslims trying to ruin Europe, you are only sering a part of the story.
The West has many enemies. But the biggest enemy has always been Islam, and leftist jews were always their little pork banning brothers, not the other way around.


Perhaps you should consider why the US government refuses to release the dual citizen information about any politician.

Shouldnt known foreign ties be a very important piece of information for a voter to decide someone who will lead or make rules for our country?

>HUEtard think that he leads christian colition, but Brazil and US are kike puppets.
You are only a jewish slave.

Islam is most definetely the best option for Europe to recover from secular humanism, atheism and tjewry

Christianity didn't do anything but reform itself and allow its people to be weak. What makes you think it will "come back strong"?

Come to the pure monotheism that Islam is.

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What about those Evangelical loolas who are taking over
Every single Brazilian in Ireland is a protestant
Exterminate them first pls

>fiché S
fuck off islam we'll deal with you after we're done with the jews

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America will collapse into civil war fighting off the spics and the Eastern Europeans will start genociding the muslims.
It was foretold by the US government intelligence agencies.

>after we're done with jews
Lmao, you'll never be done with jews, especially in France
Enjoy your LICRA faggot

>Eastern Europeans will start genociding the muslims
Lol, UK and France host 14 million of Muslims it's more than the combined populations of Hungary, Czechia and Slovenia

While Italy will stay out of this and profit from it.

Fuck off we're full

I recently acquired a sword.

Looking forward to liberating England, France, Germany, etc. If any based Eurobros want to show me Hospitality or even induct me into their Knightly Orders, I'll be the big bearded guy wit a Vegeta shirt and green baseball helmet.

Well, get on with it. I'm sick of this shit. God be with you, huehueman.

Catholic crusaders from populist Catholic Europe as well (Viségrad4+Lithuania+Austria+Italy+Slovenia+Croatia+Sorbs).

These countries WILL reconquer Europe.

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You're gonna come with us, Luigi.

Like back in the good ol' days.

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A crusade to turn whites into Jews.

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Ok boss, we will not switch this side, I promise.

the catholics here are the most degenerate christians, protestants are ex-catholics that were tired of heresys. And i'ts a common say in Brazil that if you want a conservative wife you have to search in a evangelical church. Look at the current pope, he represents quite well the catholic degeneracy in latin america. But I agree that europe needs a new crusade

i would feel more intimidated if a tribe of aboriginal Australians high on gasoline threatened me from the other side of the world

Let it be done according to His will

Stfu monkey

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Airdrop guns, so we can clean house. Like America did with France in WW2.

Death to traitors.

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