Is the catholic church degenerate or red pilled?

Is the catholic church degenerate or red pilled?


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Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.

He said in that case his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests.

It is thought to be the first time that Pope Francis has acknowledged the sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy.

He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was "still going on".

Last November, the Catholic Church's global organisation for nuns denounced the "culture of silence and secrecy" that prevented them from speaking out.

Speaking to reporters while on a historic tour of the Middle East on Tuesday, the pontiff admitted that the Church had an issue, the roots of which lie in "seeing women as second class".

He said that priests and bishops had abused nuns, but said the Church was aware of the "scandal" and was "working on it", adding that a number of clerics had been suspended.

"It's a path that we've been on," he said.

"Pope Benedict had the courage to dissolve a female congregation which was at a certain level, because this slavery of women had entered it - slavery, even to the point of sexual slavery - on the part of clerics or the founder."

Pope Francis said sexual abuse of nuns was an ongoing problem, but happened largely in "certain congregations, predominantly new ones".

"I think it's still taking place because it's not as though the moment you become aware of something it goes away."

The female congregation dissolved in 2005 under Pope Benedict was the Community of St Jean, which was based in France, Alessandro Gisotti of the Vatican press office told CBS News.

In 2013, the Community of St Jean admitted that priests had behaved "in ways that went against chastity" with several women in the order, according to the French Roman Catholic newspaper La Croix.

In a separate case in India last year, a bishop was arrested over allegations that he raped a nun 13 times between 2014 and 2016.

Bishop Franco Mulakkal, who headed the diocese in Jalandhar in the northern state of Punjab, has denied the accusations.

In Chile, reports of abuse of nuns carried out by priests led the Vatican to launch an investigation last year. The women were reportedly removed from the order after highlighting the abuse.

Last year, the Associated Press news agency reported cases of abuse in Italy and Africa.

Just days ago the Vatican's women's magazine, Women Church World, condemned the abuse, saying in some cases nuns were forced to abort priests' children - something Catholicism forbids.

The magazine's editor, Lucetta Scaraffia, said Pope Francis's acknowledgement of the abuse "can be of some help", but warned that the Church needs to act.

"If the Church continues to close its eyes to the scandal... the condition of oppression of women in the church will never change," she wrote.

The magazine said the #MeToo movement meant more women were now coming forward with their stories.

Last year, French website Le Parisien reported the case of "Christelle" (in French), a former nun whose name was changed to preserve anonymity.

Christelle said she had suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a priest of her congregation in France between 2010 and 2011.

"His gestures became more and more inappropriate," she said, adding: "But he kept going... until the day he raped me.

"He was unable to control himself... he had a split personality."

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In other news, record numbers of men sign up to become catholic priests.

Jow Forums only cares about discussing institutionalized sex trafficking and rape when it pertains to democrats and celebrities

Catholics aren't white

the papacy should be abolished.

The leadership degenerate, 1.2 billion members patiently waiting.

The current state of the Catholic church is degenerate. The holocaust ruined it along with all modern Christianity.
If the Christian faith is to return to its place as the vanguard and uniting banner of the West, then it will have to grow some balls and return to its traditional roots of persecuting the jew

Is anyone on Jow Forums surprised by this?

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Nobody ever does anything about the pedo popes. Even though they admit time and time again theyre fucking up. Its kind of the same with all the others. Nobody gives a fuck. Its not that Jow Forums doesnt give a fuck. The normies dont give a fuck. I call them dodos for a reason.

They seem oblivious to the looming doom.

Priests and Nuns should be chemically castrated.

Watch how they'd run for the hills throwing off their robes if people tried this. Then just shoot the ones that run.

>Is the catholic church degenerate or red pilled?

The Catholic church is not degenerate. The people who are currently in charge of it are.

Pope Paul IV, Bull Cum ex Apostolatus Officio, Feb. 15, 1559: “6. In addition, [by this Our
Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity, We enact, determine, decree and
define:] that if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an
Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as
has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his
promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the
Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy:
(i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the
unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless;
(ii) it shall not be possible for it to acquire validity (nor for it to be said that it has thus
acquired validity) through the acceptance of the office, of consecration, of subsequent
authority, nor through possession of administration, nor through the putative
enthronement of a Roman Pontiff, or Veneration, or obedience accorded to such by all,
nor through the lapse of any period of time in the foregoing situation;
(iii) it shall not be held as partially legitimate in any way…
(vi) those thus promoted or elevated shall be deprived automatically, and without need
for any further declaration, of all dignity, position, honour, title, authority, office and

What Francis Really Believes

The catholic church is sick, cucked, corrupt, greedy, and fags. It's a racket that just wants money and to fuck little boys. All girls raised catholic end up becoming massive whores. It's also full of wops, micks, and spics. The Vatican should be razed to the ground.

t. Unwillingly raised nominally catholic

Nobody can prove me wrong.

you've posted this like 4 times today kike

They raped blind and deaf children and then protected the perpetrators.

True catholics only answer to Jesus, not the faggot pope.

The pope does look he had another man's balls on his face.

They are just outraged that some Catholic priests fucking women instead of diddling little boys like they are supposed to.

That pic hhhnnggggghhh

The Catholic Church is satanic and heretical.

funny how its always proddies going insane attacking catholics while catholics dont really care about them
really tells you a lot

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At least its not the faggot Priests raping twinks.
This is normal.

US only has Novus Ordo
Try the traditional mass in Latin
It's very different and there's probably a reason why it got EoL'd in the mid-20th century
Right around the time a lot of other things started changing

Sounds like false rape accusations. Women are so nasty liars

Before 1960, definitely red pilled.

After Vatican II, there were some changes, many of which were not so good, and led to degeneracy.

Still, the core of the teachings and practices remain red pilled-- just stick with tradition, and reject the modernist/Masonic/Jewish/Protestant infiltration and changes


I agree.
I want source on that pic

degenerate to the max
there's nothing redpilled about forced abortions

sexually enslaving a nun...

ho my God, Christ if you are really out there please kill them all, I would never arrest you if I knew it was you exacting justice, fuck man I'd buy you a beer

So switching to a language they understand made everyone degenerate? I'm just thankful that my grandmother died before this came out. She was pretty close to being a real Christ Chan, and the boy diddling was enough.

>impregnated nuns
/our/ church?


Best thing Catholics can do to save their church is to abolish Priests from marrying and having children.... Course this will never happen cause "MUH NON-BIBLICAL TRADITION", while their Pope rewrittes Church stances on everything else that's been 1400 years old.

Abolish abolishment I meant.

actually pre-coouncil mass was held in various different languages includin latin, church slavonic, greek, syriac
language is a minor aspect of it, problem is mostly about stucture and nature of the mass
if you came to tridentine mass after the new one you woulnt recognize it how different it is - they usually hand out missals and leaflets with latin and translation so you can see for yourself and follow

I love They've been on the internet for a long time and promote a traditional understanding of the Biblical texts. Their videos have helped me convert.

priests who can marry do this shit in the same rate
church is just bigger than any other christian organization and deals with it poorly
real problem is church leadership and corruption, dont believe protestant propaganda

Homosexuality flocks to the Catholic faith as repentance and sheeps clothing, for their own ends and means. Don't pretend it isn't true.

i know catholic church is full of homosexuals
nobody pretends its not true

I think that power attracts deviants everywhere.

also most priests are pedophiles, homosexuals and perverts BEFORE they join the church and they join it because they see it as an opportunity so there is no point in claiming its the celibacy fault, its simply protestants seeing an opportunity for cheap shots

Tsk tsk tsk.... cardinal sin to deflower the vestile virgins...

This pope made me renounce my Roman Catholic faith and belief. I am some form of pagan now I imagine.

imagine your family living under centuries of persecution for the catholic faith against entire society and the kingdom for that same church to become a un praising feet licking condom peddling cuckfest

How come you never hear about child abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community?

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I wonder how many join thinking they'll be able to control themselves and be chaste and realize they can't. Not just deviants, I mean, but normal people too.

Croatian, huh?

Oh but that actually does happen in the Orthodox Jewish community as well.

i was referring to english recusancy
>I wonder how many join thinking they'll be able to control themselves and be chaste and realize they can't
my prediction is very few
such people usually dont join the priesthood, but there is a possibility since there is a real shortage of priests so perhaps they vet tehm poorly

For all the shit we give women, and all the shot we give companies for invading our privacy, I do see a lot of creepshots on Jow Forums
I would hate if people were secretly taking photos of me and posting them on the Internet desu

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>priests abusing females
that's how you know its fake. the problem are the paedophile homossexuals. Including the Pope that likes to kiss high-test men like the iman. catholics are takers


>rape a nun
>nun gets pregnant
>force nun to have an abortion
>still work in the Vatican
>multiple priests do this
>Catholic church hides it all

Legitimately people should be dying for this

Trappists are the only decent ones, mainly cause of their beer.


There have been a couple big stories about Jews and child abuse in recent years. The truth is they're just better at hiding it.

>renouncing the Vatican for being anti-Christian
>renouncing Christ too for the pope's failure to follow Him
What is this logic?
The Vatican will fall and Catholics world-wide will think Catholicism is dead. I fear for this day.

Pope Francis is a good person but he cannot lead the church and shouldnt

>kept as sex slaves
That’s kind of hot.

Because the Orthodox Jewish community is a lot smaller than the Catholic community. See also: how come you never hear about child abuse in the Amish community? How come you never hear about child abuse in the TERF community?

It should be a huge redpill at any rate...If the Vatican and hierarchy are doing it, maybe it's time to admit there's no validity to the Catholic Church.

1.2 billion people await a shepherd.

>actions of people means that principles they dont uphold are invalid
religion aside, i dont follow the logic

The church is supposed to be the body, and the body can survive without the leadership. The faith is always maintained by the faithful.
It is incredibly demoralizing though. At the very least it shows that no one should hold the Vatican in any high regard. Its just nonstop lies and deceit. We're supposed to believe in righteousness, bringing truth to light, not this.

Aiding criminals of this level is absolutely wicked.

There was a lot leading up to it, I freely admit this Pope not being the first nail in my dissatisfaction with Christ and the Roman Catholic and the endless forms of it. I am agnostic now. Though I also read the Satanic bible and did a "spell" back when I was a teenager. The worst thing was that it worked within two weeks and the repercussions are clear.

The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicians in the streets.

They are on a hellraiser torture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , hardened cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nauseous vomiting, had to be restrained from immediately trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.

>impregnating underage girls and killing them upon birth

>raping the newborns and eating them

>eating children brains

>children and babies tortured and killed out of Boredem

>eating kids and babies alive

>babies hung from hooks and raped

>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse Vlad Tepes

>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood

>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit

>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones

>children living in cages

>children dismembered and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age

>children fed other children and babies

>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong

>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids

>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos

>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids

>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed

>if only you knew

>some motivation after that

Pizza related MUSIC VIDEO

Thank me later

Also the answer to the mess

God Speed in defeating these Satanists Filth,.,.,.

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There's strict doctrine in the Torah about snitching on a fellow jew, especially if the cop is a goy.

That sucks. I'm not even Catholic but some really nice nuns helped me out one time, the whole convent. The story is turbo /x/ tier but I will tell it to you anons if you want.

Stop spamming. This was on-topic in the illuminati thread, it's bullshit here.