Do you think there will be an emoji that means 'blown out roastie'?

Do you think there will be an emoji that means 'blown out roastie'?

Attached: TinyPenisEmoji.png (648x894, 262K)

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emojis are for women and gays

fake and gay

dicklets btfo

Sorry schizo, it’s real

Attached: 7A4D1EC1-DC41-447B-B4E1-70A345981578.png (1125x2436, 1.73M)

Is there a meat sandwich one right now? Just use that

Will be a favorite among Los Angeles gang members for sure.

This. Appropriating one of there memes and turning it into a symbol for blown out roastie is absolutely the way to go.

Redpill me on emojis. Since when did we decide to rename emotions and pretend like this was some kind of big scientific breakthrough?

The meat flaps one is in there too OP. So both your mother and father can mock each other.

this is going into weird directions.
Is an average person even going to be literate in 100 years? I can see a future in which there's some kind of animated emoji (possibly ai generated) for almost everything.

Attached: 1527255296683.png (454x234, 305K)

Should start using it for women with tiny asses or tits and see how quickly it gets banned.

>tiny penis
it's a hand gesture for small or "very few" things
why is the media sexualizing it?



Attached: WHITOIDSBTFO.png (307x288, 25K)

>theme is inclusion
fuck this gay earth

ITT: dicklets

The redpill is that this is the closest thing the black race will ever invent that resembles a written language.

It's a series of hieroglyphs whose entire range of expression exclusively relates to sexual topics.

When did the internet start?

Memes are basically paragraphs of information in pictures.

Its starting already.

Sending unsolicited dick pics is nigger behavior.

They've already been doing that with e.g. electronics that are sold to multiple countries. Just turn on a modern car and wonder wtf all the lights on the dashboard are supposed to mean.

It's going back to the dark ages of illiteracy where you only knew where to buy rope because the ropemaker put a picture of a rope outside the door.

We need a gaping vagina one then

Attached: 59971E30-D4D4-4C71-BBF1-2A7CDFEA3903.jpg (750x671, 296K)

This also.

just start using it like this

[black hand pinching emoji]

[two black open hand emojis surrounding:]

Will they be cute pantsu?

We got you now white boi!

Your time is up! Show us that toxic male fragility!

Attached: 1519322133561.jpg (220x229, 5K)

women on twitter are just going to use this now when they get into an argument, they'll never have to put two brain cells together again.

Can’t wait for the Australian shit posters to use it

We can make fun of Roasties with saggy tits and buffy vagina

They're literally just a hold over from Japanese flip phones.

>buffy vagina
Like Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

We should use this as a proxy for
Gaped roastie pussy handsign.

Attached: 981D47A3-7D28-4D25-970D-001C0CA40310.png (256x256, 37K)

kek. based pajeet.
Call them the Megalodon of Mudsharks.

Attached: megalodon.jpg (730x564, 81K)

>we need to respect people with disabilities
>it's okay to insult men with tiny dicks though

What did they mean by this?

A small dick is deserving of death in our gynocentric society

It's not a disability. It's a different ability.

They were fucking yellow in the first place to be race neutral since simpsons colored people don't exist you niggers

I don't know the nuances of SJW newspeak.

Its open season on loose flappy blown out pussy.

Attached: dax-oooh.jpg (467x356, 22K)

It's oldspeak. They used to say that about crippled people like 15 years ago.

>It's going back to the dark ages of illiteracy where you only knew where to buy rope because the ropemaker put a picture of a rope outside the door.
I thought about it a bit more, maybe it's good?
Not being able to read would be such a simple signaling mechanism. Right now most of official education is pointless and only functions as signaling. Replacing all that with just being able to read would save so much time and wasted effort.


I don't think that's a good idea. Think about how long it took for man to develop a written language and how the civilizations that had one maintained a substantial technological advantage over the ones that didn't.

You might as well say fuck calculus or fuck learning to code. Both of those are the same kind of symbolic manipulation as found in a written language.

May I save this?

We should have this refer to trannies

What would happen if we did a targeted harassment campaign against Asian males, insinuating that they all have tiny dicks as a racial trait.

Could we force these (((tech companies))) to ban the emote because of racism?

I mean, we turned Pepe into an officially-recognized hate symbol by the (((ADL))).

Attached: think face spin.gif (2048x2048, 1.02M)

Attached: 563463457347.png (2199x1421, 2.7M)

Attached: pepe1.jpg (497x498, 41K)

Im gonna call it pussygrabber

Attached: Sin título.jpg (317x326, 15K)

Could work. "the seemingly harmless emoji started out as a joke stereotyping Asian men as having small penises."

Yup, little rice picker cock

Attached: 1549296831569.jpg (453x604, 45K)

I think it's pretty widely understood to be true.

We target jews and they’ll get it removed within hours

Attached: 50155426-3E90-47FA-8493-F262C99AF94F.png (598x564, 410K)

Must suck to be a dicklet.

If having a small dick is bad, what does it mean if someone doesn't even have a dick?

Attached: download (1).png (225x225, 5K)

We should focus on attacking Asian male left-wing journalists. It would give the notion immediate traction.

Remember how fast "learn to code" became national news?


This too.

Big clit emoji?

Pol probably could accelerate the Asian privilege thing, but to what end?

>including people with various disabilities
B-b-buut having small penis is disability, isnt that making fun of people with disabilities?

Attached: roast_me.jpg (673x960, 570K)

Asians joining the alt-right would be a boost to our power, wouldn't it?

We'd be getting the old gang back together.

Attached: Nazi German and Imperial Japan bros.jpg (550x394, 40K)

Never. They are going to be at a halfway point, privileged because of their success, oppressed and diverse because nonwhite for a very, very long time. Your only hope is the Japanese, and they keep their ethnocentrism low-key (and have just opened up immigration, so lol).

Here’s some jew hand gestures, let’s see what we can work with

Attached: 4D8EC16F-AD4E-407C-A6D6-634CF3206058.jpg (735x571, 94K)

They never do learn
The meme wizards always figure out a way to one-up Tumblristas

Trade small penis emoji for fag and cripple emojis? No penis in the emoji so people will just use it to mean "little?"

I'm going to enjoy my new rainbow fag emojis shit talking my buddies

The Japanese word for a glyph is "moji" and they made a very Japanese contraction pun in "emotion moji" by calling them emoji.
There are no other redpills, it's Nip girls being cute.

>dark ages of illiteracy
>this is literally how the chinese and japanese languages work

Are they quite sure it's not the "feminine intellect" emoji?

It's fucking chicken scratch. They're not even real pictures. The whole thing works by allegory instead of real symbolic manipulation.
>oh yes, the dragon-fire-mountain
wut it's not even a volcano or something that would make sense

Literally how you write volcano

Thats interesting, will there be a whore emoji as well? Didn't think so.
Can we reset this timeline already?

But it's also how you say you want dog meat in your wonton, or that your enemy has made his last mistake.

not bad

No you fucking retard, the e in emoji means ''picture''. It literally means ''picture character''. The original emoji in the 90's weren't even faces.

On the right. Chaturam clearly means "she's a three finger girl".

So did you make your last mistake? When can I expect your livestreamed suicide to make sure it's your last?

based and redpilled

no, because

Attached: autogynephilia.png (1907x2074, 451K)

Just wait for some kid to off himself after he gets bombarded by these for weeks on end.

Good, another red flag i can ostracize people over

> :) is not a face
I used to work with the guy who invented it, dumbass. Really interesting mind.

>the resemblance to the english word emoticon is purely coincidental
>israeli flag

>Do you think there will be an emoji that means 'blown out roastie'?

Attached: blownOut.jpg (640x608, 67K)

my sides

Attached: images (4).jpg (225x225, 9K)

Use it as a nipple pinching emoji

This one?:

>Do you think there will be an emoji that means 'blown out roastie'?
blown out roast beef emoji

When Al Gore invented it

coconut looks like like a broken giant vag

You should consider getting yourself checked for STDs.

This is exactly how I’ll be using this emoji.
Good idea leaf. I’ll spare you the rake for a short time but you won’t escape it completely.

Save it, it's all yours my friend!

But user feminist media doesn’t care about Asian or Indian men.

Am I the only one hearing the "Jews have a tiny penis" stereotype? We use this to target Jews and it will become "Anti-Semitic" and "White Nationalist emoji" in record time.
>A Jew with a boner walks straight into a wall, what happens?
>His nose breaks.

is this the new emoji for incels and chasers?


Attached: 0-359_download-dad-emoji.jpg (820x821, 212K)

It's a brand of newspeak. I'm guessing you have a caste of people in Poland that writes weird ass shorthand intermixed with emoticons too.
I see people use it all the time here in Norway, it's some dumbed down version of Norwegian that uses phonetics and icons instead of actually using the fucking language as intended.

100 years? Idiocracy is what America is like NOW