Can someone tell me why we need guns? People don't really hunt anymore because of supermarkets. Young people avoid guns. As do women. As a society we are smart enough to settle disputes without guns. So why do we need them? It seems they do more harm than good.
Can someone tell me why we need guns? People don't really hunt anymore because of supermarkets. Young people avoid guns...
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I own guns because eventually I hope to someday kill liberals with them. Does that answer your question?
for keeping the king of england out of your face
I need ar15s and 40 round mags because people like you op live in my nation
>a false flag
>a event that happens weekly
Gee, it seems that "enrichment" kills and harms more people than guns do.
These days this is a legitimate answer to why you have a gun. Bunch of constitution hating freaks are gonna start a war if they don't tear themselves apart first.
Why would you need to shoot OP?
Because he exists
You wanna get fucked with? Not having a gun is the best way to get fucked with
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
>Can someone tell me why we need guns?
All gun grabbers will be shot.
This is not a negotiation.
i live on a farm and you often need weapons because animals are dangerous and police gets very late on the scene
Daily reminder that this is in ATF data mine
That's right axes, hammers, pokers, not guns.
>Can someone tell me why the government needs guns? The government don't really hunt anymore because of supermarkets. Young people avoid guns. As do women. As a society we are smart enough to settle disputes without guns. So why does the government need them? It seems the government does more harm than good.
Guns are used defensively orders of magnitude more often in self defense than in crime, according to the CDC.
They are also more popular than ever among the young and women.
In the last twenty-five years, we've doubled the number of guns in circulation, made them easier than ever to carrry, and watched as the murder rate and violent crime were cut in half.
But the real question is, why haven't you sought out treatment for your mental illness?
A wall infringes no one's rights. Taking guns away does. It is quite simple really. Having a gun is the only way to level the playing field. It truly is the embodiment of equity. Why do libtards employ so much doublethink?
>As a society we are smart enough to settle disputes without guns
And those who may be smarter than you, and more violent, and who has the guns, and who wants to break into your house, will you offer them a fine meal before they hollow out your skull with .45 magic, you outrageous faggot?
My guns are for killing people like you and their kids.
> we are smart enough to settle disputes without guns
so why are there armed robberies in the US then?
Liberal faggots can't chew gum and walk at the same time? Seems legit.
Also muhguns is irrelevant, or have you forgotten about France? No one gives a shit. Mexico too. Lots of countries that banned guns suffer heavily from "gun crime," which is an irrelevant metric to begin with. I don't give a shit if one white person killed 59. Niggers still commit the majority of crime and have taken the lives of far more people. On the bright side, they mostly just kill their own, but still.
Guns main function is a deterrent against tyranny and foreign invasion.
It would take a real retard to miss that point.
>Young people avoid guns. As do women
and that's the standard by which you live your life.
congratulations, you're a weak faggot.
>Taking advice from the guy who got put into a gulag
I'll stick with my guns and you have no right to change that. If you think you do, come and try.
Now get lost you cuck faggot. No one wants to have a debate with you
I just want to kill him, then hunt his family.
>erecting a structure to keep out a couple million people
>confiscating property from nearly two thirds of your own citizens because of a few retards
US government is running hog wild, best not let your guns away.
Only someone paying attention can reach this conclusion.
You can’t get rid of white crime because it’s a white country
You can get rid of 100% of Muslim immigrant crime because we can just stop letting them in and get rid of the ones we have
America’s Muslim population DOUBLED since 9/11
More Muslims immigrated to the United States AFTER 9/11 than had EVER lived here before
If that doesn’t strike you as outrageous you should be deported into space
I swear there is this one faggot who makes this same thread on Jow Forums once every 45 minutes, 24/7, never skips a beat
>for keeping the king of england out of your face
I'm sure that's what the Native Americans thought too when they came into contact with the Europeans.
If you don't have guns, someone else will, and then you're fucked.
>As a society we are smart enough to settle disputes without guns
Faggot Op never met a nig hood rat I wager.
i dont get why muslims should be blamed for jewish/Israels crimes like 9/11
>t. crying on the inside
Here is a compromise both pro and contra gun people could agree on:
A) Every adult in america has the right to buy and own any kind of gun he/she wants, no restrictions. BUT...
B) You are not allowed to to bring your gun outside or carry it with you, not even inside your own home. You must keep all your guns in a safe at your home permanently. The moment you take them out of the safe for wahtever reason, you commit a crime.
That way americans can keep their guns
and the government still has to keep in mind: everyone out there has a gun!
So if there ever comes a time where americans feel like: Fuck the law, time to resist - or whatever - they can take out their guns and use them, because if shit hits the fan, no one cares about laws anyways.
>Can someone tell me why we need guns?
Cuz fluck drumpf
>2016 Nice truck attack
>86 dead
>458 injured
You show me a single gun massacre that comes close.
No, that's not something we can agree on, Achmed.
>People don't really hunt anymore because of supermarkets
Are you fucking retarded, user? The US has only experience a 4% decline in hunters since 1955
I cant provide you with a satisfying argument but i can promise you'll get shot for trying to take them.
Didn't that lead to the banning of bump stocks?
>(((white))) guy kills out of insanity / reasons of normal life
>brown guy kills because he's not white
>Agree on
I'll kill you too.
Shit! We're screwed then.
This is a heart felt message to all anti-gun shills. Please douse yourself in gasoline and walk into a bonfire.
Hello Kike OP. Gonna say your effortless shilling will never take our guns away. Now please, do us all a favor and bake yourself in the oven. Head-first.
Here's a counter offer:
Mind your own business and remain bullet free.
The whole point of the second amendment isn't hunting you fucking moronic fuck wit dipshit dumb fucking piece of fucking immoral baby killing pink ass hat wearing country destroying mouth breather. You fucking absolute peice of human waste. You're so fucking trash just writing this made my thumbs dirty. Do the world a favor and dont fucking ever open your pathetic moronic incompetent mouth ever a fucking gain. You got it? Good now, go stick some more shit up your ass faggot.
>can someone tell me why we need guns
Because it’s a right afforded to us by the constitution. That’s why
Glad I’m not the only one. If we get can a few thousand of the most influential ones in a building maybe we can do something...
The pizza pedos are worse then you could imagine. If the truth came out, even shitlibs and sjws would be joining up to kill politicians in the streets.
They are on a hellraiser torture porn level of fucked up. Weiners laptop had pics and vids. Several of the nypd cops who investigated , hardened cops who deal with gore and murder on the normal were brought to tears and nauseous vomiting, had to be restrained from immediately trying to going to plot and kill the suspects.
>impregnating underage girls and killing them upon birth
>raping the newborns and eating them
>eating children brains
>children and babies tortured and killed out of Boredem
>eating kids and babies alive
>babies hung from hooks and raped
>babies and children hung from hooks by the dozens, like a reverse Vlad Tepes
>groups of children raped, then killed at once in rooms specially designed to drain the blood
>bodies eaten, dissolved in acid, burned and thrown into an pit
>several keep trophies, penises, fingers, bones
>children living in cages
>children dismembered and used as quadriplegic sex toys, killed when they come of age
>children fed other children and babies
>gang rape of babies, passed around like a bong
>many divisions of cops, cps, and foster homes designed to bring kids
>hospitals lie about babies in incubation dying, and bring them pedos
>most live kids action kids shows exist only to "hire", advertise, and move kids
>all the while, the suspects act completely unphased and nonplussed
>if only you knew
>some motivation after that
Pizza related MUSIC VIDEO
Thank me later
Also the answer to the mess
God Speed in defeating these Satanists Filth!!!!
It's because they had already confiscated the guns you colossal retard.
B) You are not allowed to to bring your gun outside or carry it with you, not even inside your own home. You must keep all your guns in a safe at your home permanently. The moment you take them out of the safe for wahtever reason, you commit a crime.
So you'd be committing a crime by purchasing a gun and transporting it back home to your safe. Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.
Try again, faggot
Factory farming is disgusting. People still hunt as an alternative and should do so.
>As a society we are smart enough to settle disputes without guns.
Thank you for the most baseless statement I've heard today. it's not like I dont hear enough retarded shit. What does more harm than good is a low trust, none homogeneous society that has allowed mass shootings to even be an issue.
Because hes so fucking stupid he believes the second amendment is for hunting animals. That's why we need guns. Because morons like yourself exist and try to defend OP even when told the 2md doesnt exist because of that. You fucking moronic dumb fucking faggot.
Going to the Oaks Expo gun show this weekend, PA bros. What do I buy for 800 or less?
That would be the sole exception.
Kind of like buying a brand new car and driving it back to your home, without your car having a license plate yet.
>Chinese forces rolling across the states
>US. military is crushed, large cities and bases are nuked
>The White House is painted red
>Lincoln memorial is replaced with a statue of Mao Zedong.
>"The population is our last hope!"
>Meanwhile in Hicksville, 'Murica: pasty, alt-right wilderbeast emerges from his man-cave with his AR-15, a stream of cheeto dust covering the front of his wife-beater.
>"Git sum, chinks! GIT SUUUM!"
>Instantly pulverized by ballistic missile, aimed by geostationary satellites.
>NRA flag waving in the wind
>It seems they do more harm than good
I think you made a typo. More good than harm.
To kill (((globalists))) like you
Million of people carry weapons every day without incident, Achmed.
Exactly what problem are you trying to solve?
What made you think this was an amicable compromise? Its an asinine contrivance.
>projection: the post
The solution is simple. We ban brown people.
More like
>Live in bunker rated to mop-2
>Things get bad
>Kill Jews and libs while chinks take over
I hate this country, but not as much as I hate Jewish children.
>Doesn't understand projection
yea you could also discuss this problem
ad absurdum
>t. still crying on the inside
You don't understand, we won't be targeting security forces, but soft targets like a Jewish family.
>People don't really hunt anymore because of supermarkets. Young people avoid guns. As do women. As a society we are smart enough to settle disputes without guns.
Wrong on every count.
>you can have a gun, but you can't use it!
Why are Germans so fucking retarded?
>pasty, alt-right wilderbeast emerges from his man-cave with his AR-15, a stream of cheeto dust covering the front of his wife-beater.
Leftists love to project. They project their thoughts, feelings and sins on everyone else so they feel less guilty if other people are just as lowly as them. I'm willing to gamble that this is also projection of appearance and lifestyle.
Pretty sure guns are guaranteed by your own constitution. I don't think it was ever about hunting, it's about where America came from.
Immigration is cultural subjugation.
Immigration is cultural subjugation.
Immigration is cultural subjugation.
Immigration is cultural subjugation.
Immigration is cultural subjugation.
White guy wants better border security: "RACIST! LIAR! FACIST!"
Illegals commit hundreds of thousands of felonies, including tens of thousands of rapes and 4000 murders last year alone: "#notallmigrants"
>t. never finished college
I was just thinking about the "an unarmed nation is at the mercy of it's supressive government"-argument.
They are under this delusion that security forces will protect them.
Boy oh boy do they have something else coming.
Imagine being anti gun now when you support the abortion of a 9 month old want to give the niggers...guns.
Your the one who believes the police can stop us from hopping soft target to soft target
never stop being a fag norway
This level of projection is really not healthy.
>Already lives in a continent and country that is cucked as fuck with niggers and muzzies
>Wake up one day to find a nigger holding a knife at your throat while he rapes your boyfriend's mouth
>They tell you that being gay is against Islam
>As they cut you and your boyfriend's faggot throats they laugh and record it for live leak
>I log on 24 hours later
>Laugh at the two danish faggots crying and begging as they get their heads saw'd off
Only difference is, mine is practically reality while yours is a faggot fantasy because you're an insecure cuck
They already have them.
Y'see, some people think that the reason you shouldn't have a gun... is because you threaten people with a gun.
Follow those rules. Take a stroll around Chicago's south side.
Even if those thugs are suddenly going to decide to follow gun laws, can you stop a pack of them armed with knifes and baseball bats? Can you stop even 1 of them? Can you protect your 10 year old daughter from them? How about your elderly father?
>t. We're just going to focus on this cause it struck a nerve and ignore the real argument being made.