ADHD and non-medicated
How do you sustain motivation when you dont feel the feeling of achievement that comes from a job well that most people with healthier brains have?
ADHD and non-medicated
I take medication
Well, you use medication, that's why it's there.
Medication turns you into a robot and kills your sex drive
I find that weed counteracts the negative effects
You're describing anti-psychotics. Ritalin and Adderall turn you into Wolf of Wall Street.
I was on them for 12 years. That's what they did to me
How do you do without?
I went back on ritalin at 22 for studying, shit works insanely well and it doesn't hit me as hard as a remember when I was 16-ish in those departments.
I used concerta back then and now I use Ritalin la 20mg, it's much milder than I remember and gets the job done.
So you could try either a milder variety of it or adderall, which I might work for ADD with less side effects.
Either way you shouldn't just leave it alone, go consult a neurologist.
There's no reason why you should be any less than the best version of yourself.
>you dont feel the feeling of achievement that comes from a job well that most people with healthier brains have
That sounds more like depression than adhd my dude.
not him but have adhd its different its not feeling empty like depression its unending restlessness working for hours is normal and maybe im a bitch or something but it's just grueling
I mean I have it too, but I still feel achievement when I accomplish something. Maybe it's just because I didn't get diagnosed until I was 18.
Actually that's exactly how ADD works.
I'm no neurologist so I might be wrong about some points but basically the brain doesn't reward you properly for completing boring, shitty tasks you don't want to do (homework or chores, for example), so you avoid them in favor of immediate gratification.
What ritalin and similar drugs do is, among other things, make your brain reward itself more intensely for completing tasks.
That's why a person with ADD who is medicated with ritalin might find that homework, which were a grueling, shitty task they would only do if they were at gunpoint, very bearable and in the right mood even sort of fun.
It's not that ADD prevents you from feeling accomplishment in general, but it hinders your ability to feel accomplished when doing something which doesn't reward you immediately, so you'd have no problem playing video games or dealing with a field you genuinely enjoy, but washing the dishes is something you'd put off until the very last second, to the point where it becomes absolutely disgusting (because once you do it then, you WILL get immediate gratification, the kitchen will turn from a hellscape to bearable).
reminder that ADHD has 2 varieties.The hyper one and indifferent one.
Caffeine, meditation, supposedly Mediterranean food. It will help a little but I still would recommend medication over all.
You were over prescribed, don't push this on the pill when it's the doctors fault.
I've add and I'm medicated but also never have a feeling of accomplishment. not sure if that is related to the add but if you figure out how to get over it let me know.
as far as just getting stuff done try large amount of black coffee and a very quiet work space with no distractions. I like to listen to either classical music or smooth jazz to help me stay in the zone. the key is to just use a shit load of will power to get started and then have an environment that will not break your focus. it takes a bit of time to get all the variables right but once you do you are good.
good luck
you know the symptoms of ADHD? Well when I don't take my ADHD medication that's what happens
I make the work itself as enjoyable as possible. Things like music and setting goals within the day so progress is measurable,
*inattentive one
There's also the combined type, which is what most people have.
I take my medication
Only if you don't have ADHD. Overprescription is real, but so is ADHD.
You were on them for 12 years and had side effects because you didn't need them. Maybe get a real psychiatrist next time and get tested, you dolt.
If you don't need the meds like that user implied, going on them will do nothing but harm you. If you do need the meds, get tested for ADHD then get swabbed to get tested for the medications and only then actually take the meds.
And in some cases, like mine, ADHD is so bad that you can't even complete tasks you like. I can't drive without my meds, I can't play games, talk/debate, write, read, ANYTHING. Even when I wanted to do something, I couldn't
Id read/ listen to the audio book: Delivered from distraction
I listen to white noice or repetitive music without vocals when doing tasks.
I stopped eating carbs, additives and sugar in general. Added in more Fat and Protein to give myself a steady stream of energy instead of the jojo insuline BS.
Add a schedule of things that need to be done. Add time with a high intensity, high adrenaline activity. About every 2 weeks in my experience.
Take walks in woodland areas, or exercise in general 2-3 times a week.
Get a job you like.
If you seem like a zombie on meds, try a bit less at first then increase the dosage after some years. I wasnt eating (lost 15kg) and felt numb at first, on Concerta. It evened out after a while.
- Get a job you like.
- Exercise.
- Eat right.
- Ajust meds.
- Listen to Delivered from distraction
you ought to try the medication. it will help you in your career and in life.