How can I have multiple relationships using tinder with women, I don’t want anything serious just some fun is tinder good for that and what are some tips and tricks I can use when talking with women?” Thanks
How can I have multiple relationships using tinder with women...
Please kill yourself
Why should he kill himself? He did nothing wrong.
people use tinder for just a confidence boost now
>try to get dates IRL, everyone is on guard because they all meet online now.
>try to get dates on Tinder, everyone just uses it for a confidence boost
How the fuck do people even meet each other now, sliding in Instagram DM's?
You have to expect that the average girl on tinder has the option to hook up with thousands of different guys. Is there anything about you that will make you stand out in a group of thousands of guys? If you don't look like a model you're gonna have a difficult time finding hookups.
nigga good luck even getting one relationship over tinder
only two rules apply for tinder: 1. be attractive 2. dont be unattractive
if you have to ask "how?", you have already lost!
same with u and every other man
Why not just pay prostitutes? It's the same quality of women and you don't have to worry about charming them.
Yeah. My ex is a 6/10 on her best days and a 4/10 on most days. She has 50+ notifications on Tinder at all times. Literally every single kind of guy hits her up despite her being an artsy, anime-y, emo girl. Fucks me up because she and I were so good together. So I'm back to messaging random ho's on tinder and fuckin the pain away.
the boost in self esteem these girls get once they use dating apps should be psychologically studied
tinder has turned women into powerful narcissists. I can only imagine how many guys had to hear the phrase "I could easily replace you with someone better" in their relationships
I think the long-term effects should be studied. There is absolutely no way she could go back to just one guy. She was complaining how "bored" she was while she HAD a boyfriend and 50 people talking to her on tinder.
This was the same girl who used to just sit with me and play games all day and smile ear to ear when I simply said "you're cute".
I met someone on tinder, I can totally agree with this statement. Here's how it went down. We talked on tinder for two weeks. We finally met on 9/22(yes I remember the date) shit went smooth. I divorced three years ago and this was my first time putting myself out there. We hung out, dated what have you for a month. I'd come to her place, and sometimes I'd spend the night. She has a dog that I got to like a lot, bought the dog a squeaky toy because that's just how I am. We would go out to the bar, then go back to her place and had sex. She would show signs that she liked me, i.e touching me, kissing, etc. It gave me a confidence boost DESU. It even made me push myself more at the gym. Well three weeks ago we hung out on a Saturday after we went to a haunted trail then we went to the bar and got drunk. Came back to her place and we opened up a lot. I'm a single father, I told her I want looking for someone to pick up my sons mom's slack or looking for a mom for my son. I told he if she wasn't ready to meet him she could take her time I was cool. I expressed that I was looking for something serious etc. I'm telling you guys shit was going well. She would text me everyday etc. I expressed that I liked her, her dark humor, and sarcastic way she is.... Well one day she was acting distant and I asked her if anything had changed to which she said no... Then the next day she tells me she was thinking about what I said and told me that nothing was that nothing had changed on her end... As in no feelings for me... So we ended it. I've been confused and kinda down about it because I learned about her a lot and don't feel she tried at all.... Well one day on tinder I happened to come upon her profile. Kinda hurt. Women do get a confidence boost and they don't care about"good guys" good pussy though. I haven't tried much on tinder because all I think of is the social media movie and the hot or not scene.
Bad idea. It won't turn out well and its gonna harm you in the long run.
Don't use as a tool to make you feel better. And fucking with strangers. Its a dangerous game.
First find a woman, and not for the action. You'll be a quagmire.
Honestly she probably did like you and enjoy hanging with you, but just didn't want the responsibilities of a child yet, especially one that wasn't even hers.
>How can I have multiple relationships using tinder with women
Be tall, attractive and have good pictures, though just being tall and having good pictures will still work pretty well.
>I don't want anything serious just some fun is tinder good for that?
it's excellent for that, it's probably the easiest way to get laid while dating multiple girls, it also leaves your options open for a relationship, as well if you decide you like one of the girls enough to start one with her, the ball is really in your court though with a few caveats which I'll explain next.
>what are some tips and tricks I can use when talking with women?
1. Be prepared for a lot of women to flake, ghost or play hard to get, that just comes with the territory, even for attractive guys, women still have to worry about the stigma of meeting a guy online initially and hooking up with him. The rule of thumb is that you're not on your way to succeeding with a girl until she's physically met you at least once, after that all it takes is a place of your own, and a job, college girls especially are an easy lay if you have these things.
2. As far as messaging goes, it's a numbers game, assuming you're decently attractive and have good pictures you'll be a step above most of the other guys using tinder, still women have multiple guys hitting them up so don't get discouraged if you don't get a girls attention, message multiple girls often, that is going to increase your odds of finding one who is down to meet. Be inquisitive in your messaging but keep the convo light, ask her her hobbies, what she goes to school for if it's applicable, basic questions like that then just be straight forward after a few messages back and forth and be like "hey we should meet for coffee sometime!" for me this has a 90% success rate if there's been some messaging going back and forth beforehand.
Was it because of what you said? Was this recent?
Same user here, thats tha thing. She expressed she wasnt ready to meet my kid and I agreed with her. I told her I wasnt ready to introduce my kid to anyone just yet. She said on our last night together that once she met my kid "things would change" i asked her what she ment by that and she responded with "were not going to be able to have as much fun. You seem to come and go even with a kid and is confusing i told her that my parents are an amazing support system, and as long as i "schedule" it with them they would watch my kid thus allowing me to just "come and go" honestly, like i really dont know what happened. I reached out to her expressing my confusion with how it went down and all she said was "feelings never grew and im not looking to waste time" it sucks becaue even thoug it was for one month I learned a lot about her and all of a sudden i have to forget her and act like it never happened. Love stinks...
You may not have been far along enough to ask that of her.
See what you mean.
we went to the haunted trail on 10/13, thats when we had the convo. she got deep with me and shared some stuff about her, she told me that growing up with a single dad she was never shown to express her feelings etc because her dad never did that. the last time we hung out was on 10/24 and we went our separate ways via text on 10/25
I meant to say that i agreed with her not wanting to meet my kid. I also didnt want to introduce him to anyone just yet. she even joked around and told me that how are we supposed to get seriouos if "i havent even added her on facebook" i even told her i didnt look her up because i didnt want to come off clingy, to which she responded "we hang out almost every day, what can be more clingier thn that"
3. Once you get her to agree on a day and time you're 50% done. I hope you're good at talking, just be interesting, make eye contact and ask her more in depth about herself, talk about your interests etc. After about 10 minutes the conversation should flow naturally, always be the one to end the date, it shouldn't take more than an hour this is just kind of the initial screening meetup, think of it as a job interview.
4. after you end the date, make sure to text her afterwards, you can make tentative plans on the initial date just to show her you're interested but in the text say something like "hey anonette! had a great time at coffee, hope to see you soon" Once you get a positive response you should try to set up a second date.
5. Setting up the second date should be something a bit more intimate. You've gotten to know a bit about her and you should be fairly comfortable holding a conversation with her so this date should be something like a movie and drinks or a dinner date, again it doesn't have to be fancy but it should take place at night, drinks also help a lot because it's going to make her more comfortable around you. Your goal now is to establish physicality, when you're talking touch her arm, see how she reacts, then work your way down, touch her leg, make eye contact, if you're getting positive physical touches back from her you should try to switch locations or say something like "hey I'm having a good time do you wanna head somewhere else?" If she's having a good time she should agree and you should invite her back to your place to watch a movie or something. If she's giving you positive physical vibes this should almost always result in a yes. From here it's just closing the deal, continue the physical escalation and go for a kiss, again this should be a no brainer if you're getting all these good signs from her, don't overthink it. Once you've kissed it's basically a homerun.
That's tough.
But if she was really something special. It's not to late to patch it up.
She even told me that at her job she told a coworker of hers about me, and how i was so cool with her dog etc. she told me that she almost got rid of her dog of who shes had her whole life and she really appriciated it. I told her that her dog is part of her.
That does suck. Something just changed for her. Either she was put off from something or she realized she didn't want to actually get serious when the opportunity arrived. Sometimes people just lose all interest. I was hanging/dating this little blonde girl and I thought she was perf at first and I wanted to be serious and as soon as we did, I lost all interest.
Its honestly just accident now. That's why I love when ppl try to peddle this idea that IRL trying to date people yields better results
>people use tinder for just a confidence boost now
bullshit, theres plenty tinder thots
>pay to see who likes you
>pay for more unlimited likes
>pay for superlikes
>pay for boosts to get noticed
Seems To me it’s just profiting off of people’s lonliness and need for validation.
Meeting someone in real life is waaay more different than online.