My main circle of friends consists of

My main circle of friends consists of

>A poorfag
>Some ugly dude
>A fatass landwhale
>A guy with a gay sounding voice
>A guy with Dyspraxia who walks funny and speaks less clearly than my 2 year old nephew
>Some bitch who isn't nearly as smart as she thinks she is

They're decent people and have helped me a lot in times of crisis, but they are cringey as fuck. Whenever I shake them off I'll consider them an old shame and pretend I never knew them. Advice for extricating myself from this band of misfits?

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Wow what an asshole.

If you want new friends go make new friends. Don't be an asshole about your old friends.

I would give my left nut and my liver to have ANY kind of those friends that you listed. Do you want me to list my ''friends''?
>One chad-lite with a god complex who belittles me only because I'm short
>One belittles me constantly because he Is smarter than me ( he is, but that doesn't justify what he does)
>One weaboo richfag whose daddy gives him free cash and brags all day how rich and successful he is and how poorfag I am.
This seems like a rant, but yeah, at least your friends don't seem like complete assholes.

I'm there with you OP. Somehow I've ended up in a group of friends I find disgusting. The worst part is I let a few of them move into my house before knowing what they really were. I was going to make a thread about how I should go about kicking them out.
As for your problem, if these people have helped you a lot like you said, then they probably aren't that bad. My group of 'friends' are just disrespectful leeches. They don't even have the shred of consideration for others it takes to just control the volume of their voices when I'm trying to sleep at 4 am. Nobody is perfect and if you spend enough time around anyone you will find something that annoys you, just spend less time with them if they are getting on your nerves.

Any friend group has those kind of dynamics. If your friends give you shit you have to give it back or you will continue to be the butt of all jokes.

Damn dude your friend group sounds pretty close to mine except the gril is a guy
And im the poorfag

Sucks to be OP's friends. He's the belittling asshole "friend" in this situation

my friends consist of
- a finnish chemist who i never see because she lives in finland
- a norwegian computer scientist who i never see because he lives in norway
i have no friends in real life
every friend ive had has found some dumb ass excuse to isolate me and cut me off

op the solution to your friend problem
is a gun shot to the head
kill yourself

At least you have friends user.
I'm 26 and never had friends. Or any social experience or way to get friends.
I'm resigned to the fact that I'll be alone forever.

OP, familiarity breeds contempt. I don't like trotting out adages, but there's no other way to say it really.

You'll grow to dislike any friends you make, given enough time. You'll learn their flaws, certain behaviors of theirs will start to wear on you and so on.

You have three choices:

1) Keep everyone at arm's length. Never know them well enough to dislike them.
2) Dump your friends every few years. Just drift off and find new friends. Repeat when necessary.
3) Go full loner.

I kinda over exaggerated them, but at least they have something to brag about while I just don't. Im dumb, poor, socially awkward, short. And trust me, I have tried and am trying my best at everything

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Not Op
>2) Dump your friends every few years. Just drift off and find new friends. Repeat when necessary.
This is what I've been doing in life, and I'm very close to just choosing option 3. I haven't found anyone that will treat others with real respect. They are always in their own little worlds, oblivious to the harm they are causing their friends and neighbors.

Like I said there is always someone in the group that takes the majority of the shit, it's just natural sociology. Picking on one makes the others stronger as a group. I watched this person shift from one to another. All it takes is for you to stand up for yourself. Don't let it happen, but don't get emotional either. Your friends aren't bad people, at least they are no worse then others. My best friend is one who used to be picked on by the group, including me. I stopped doing it though when I grew up

what makes you so great? 9 times out of 10, the people you are friends with are a reflection of you. This paragraph you wrote reeks of someone with low self awareness, probably why you are stuck with them in the first place.

is this a name my band

>9 times out of 10, the people you are friends with are a reflection of you. This paragraph you wrote reeks of someone with low self awareness
i love people that write shit like this
it reeks of "I HAVE FRIENDS sooo if you dont maybe its you xD"
self congratulatory bullshit performed by shitting on others

you can buy rope at your nearest hardware store
youre likely a peripheral character that nobody will miss in 6 weeks
people never miss the nasty little orbiters

That is a impressive amount of salt. Sorry if I touched a nerve. First off, I never said you didn't have friends fuck face. You do, you just don't value them. You say you love when people say this, if you've heard this before then maybe you need to actually consider the advice. And "shitting on others"? the entire post is about shitting on your friends, then crawling back to them because you can't do any better.

How do you live being this sensitive?

im not op
youre just a fucking jackass like he is :)

how am I a jackass? I'm trying to tell OP to be nicer to his friends, and not take them for granted because they are real humans with flaws.

>I'm trying to tell OP to be nicer to his friends, and not take them for granted because they are real humans with flaws.
is that what you said

because im pretty sure you said
>what makes you so great? 9 times out of 10, the people you are friends with are a reflection of you. This paragraph you wrote reeks of someone with low self awareness, probably why you are stuck with them in the first place.
so lets boil this down bit by bit

>what makes you so great?
attacking his identity
>9 times out of 10, the people you are friends with are a reflection of you
attacking his identity
>reeks of someone with low self awareness
attacking his identity
>probably why you are stuck with them in the first place.
attacking all of them

so to me that says
>wow u suck lol my friends r better because friends r mostly a reflection of you :)))
which ultimately makes me think
youre a nasty little jackass
and the best bit is you even tried to change the narrative after the fact because your ego took a hit from being called on it
neck yourself
world needs less nasty little posers like you

I was not changing the narrative, I was saying the exact same thing I said in my first post in much nicer words. I was also attempting to be a little nicer to you, but fuck that. Your gonna accuse me of changing the narrative when 90% of your post is misconstruing my words, breaking it down from your point of view. Your gonna tell me what I mean from my own post? fuck off. Tell me, what fucking genius advice do you have for OP? Since you know everything.

you think what you said in the first post is the same as the second?
you think im twisting anything?
mental gymnastics to validate yourself
(just like in your first post)
because thats all you do isnt it
you pat yourself on the back over and over again
even when you see other people unhappy
your response is to pat yourself on the back for not being them
what a fucking brat

you come into a thread to dump on someone else as part of your back patting ritual
its almost embarrassing to watch you desu
and when challenged again you simply resort to hyperbole
i know a useless fucking cunt when i see one
and i see you right now

but dont worry
i also think op is a nasty little cunt
so maybe you could neck yourselves together

>avoiding the question
>using desu unironically
>telling people to neck themselves
I'm done here. stay mad


swallow a 9mm

I'm torn because even though my friends are nerdy, cringey, and lame, I feel indebted to them because they're unfailingly loyal and always come through with emotional support, financial support, and are willing to extend themselves to any length to help me. They're respectable and reliable dorks.

youre conflicted between companionship and looking cooler
cant even fathom what a pile of shit you are
nooses are a good look for people like you

Don't even complain about this. I've got like 3 friends and one of them is my 30 year old boss, and I don't even know if he counts. Be grateful.

I'm not really involved in this argument lol but Jow Forums automatically word filters shit into desu. Just posting this because I have been that guy. Forums_Wordfilters

Maybe you should acknowledge that real people don't act or look like the characters in the movies.

You are not going to be friends with someone played by Ryan Gosling or Robin Wright. The real world does not work that way. Most people you interact with will be visibly imperfect and their flaws are going to reflect in the way they talk and carry themselves. Sometimes those flaws are disabilities or things they can not fix. It really doesn't help to be judgy about it.


>Belittling someone for being poor
>Thinking lesser of someone for being ugly
>"Gay sounding voice" as a major characteristic

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>Posts anime
There’s your problem, you’re attracting the anime fans.

i freaked because thats my name but you didnt quote my post
what a relief

You just gave your name away smart one.

how will i cope

You clearly haven't met anyone with Dyspraxia. Do you know just how marble mouth-y they are? They're Forrest Gump levels of intelligence in general.

>They're decent people and have helped me a lot in times of crisis
"Decent" and "helped me a lot in times of crisis" Like user, like, beggars can't be choosers
The only choice you have is becoming a loner.

i have user
and you know what
i get what youre saying
there was this dyspraxic guy at my su
we will call him A
A was an ugly bastard
stuttered all the time
marble mouthed and gross
nasty skin
dyed his hair
and the best part was he would hit on me a lot
i was prepared to take over the roles of managing the su to get it on its feet
but he made it difficult every time by going around me to other people
and eventually i got sick of it

and you know i wouldnt have fucked him because i thought he was gross
but i at least treated him as a human being
and got sick of him for human reasons

So basically you're embarrassed of them for the most shallow innocuous reasons like physical features, shit out of their control or at the very worst, minor quirks that have no bearing on your relationship either way. You sound like the biggest piece of shit ever and I really feel bad for them for being supportive of you when you clearly have no respect for them.

You'll get yours.

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Yup and he'll never change because its normal to hate people for these things.

it sounds like your apart of the Goonies. If you really want to get rid of them leave them to die searching for one eyed willy's treasure.

You guys need to stop calling me a piece of shit and an asshole. You want me to record my friend speaking? He has a REALLY gay, effeminate voice despite being straight, it's sickening.

hey josh

>Tfw I only have two friends online
>I would literally die for one even though I don't think he'd die for me
>I can't help but care about people
It only took me 20 years Bros

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The true friends you have are infinitely more valuable than the pseudo friendly acquaintances I have who wouldn't give a fuck if I disappeared. Count your blessings.

Lmao dude those sound like quality friends to me. Fuck what other people might think of them. You don’t sound like you deserve them.

Nah. You're trash, baby boy.

I have dyspraxia and am very offended good sir

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At least you have a group of friends

I miss having friends to be honest.
the tldr of it is they got into relationships and kept hanging out with each other, slowly stopped talking to me. I reached out that christmas and got nothing back.

I was always quite supportive and when they cut themselves off from our group for depression or relationship reasons I'd be the tether back to the friends group (my friends mom even called me to watch over my mate for a week when he was going through a real bad break up, he had stopped talking to us and spent all his time with his gf for almost 6 months before they broke up , I still messaged him to very brief responses). Although it looks like none would do the same for me.

I guess on the positive side being alone has fueled myself improvement drive and improved my self acceptance and understanding

>I guess on the positive side being alone has fueled myself improvement drive and improved my self acceptance and understanding
anything you build up with people will disintegrate when you approach death user
why be valuable when nobody will even care when you start dying

Man, I'm so glad my parents put me through speech therapy when I was little.


I'd rather have a nicer life than one were I am miserable,unhappy and hating myself, than just being miserable.

>anything you build up with people will disintegrate when you approach death user

A fair point but I am not building up anything with anyone. While my life has improved in many areas, my social life is near non existant

And it's never once occurred to you that you're just another bird of their feather?
People like you always seem to be the bitter outlier of friend groups to me, the one who thinks they're better than people who are just honestly trying to find a little acceptance and camaraderie in this world.

And then there's your limp dick, here on Jow Forums complaining about having people you can rely on and have relied on, saying they're not good enough for you and you need better versions of friends or something?
I think you're not just a misfit, but probably the one who CAN'T leave the circle because other people just aren't interested in the kind of attitude you bring to the table (IE: having friends who trust you, and bitching about up and ditching them because they're 'cringey').

Still, good bait, guaranteed 100 replies

but even if they care, one day'll you'll inevitably be forgotten, so nothing really has any purpose at all

i got very sick user
i thought i was going to die
even my family thought it was my fault
they just got mad at me over money
i got a bad infection once
they wouldnt even bring me food
my stomach was so painful from coughing that i couldnt sit up
i had to roll out of bed to go and get food

nothing can undo seeing how conditional love is
i hate life beyond words
i wish i had the conviction to kill myself
but i know i would pussy out

I would agree with you about love being conditional.

trying to be better,having a goal and improving is the only thing keeping me going if I am being completely honest otherwise it would just be despair. you could say, like some have that Im just keeping my mind busy to avoid the negatives

thats fair
i used to think i needed to be worth more
a younger me was convinced that eventually you could become worth enough that people wouldnt fuck you over
but it turns out people will fuck you over for pretty much anything
as long as fucking you over is worth more in the moment than not
people will fuck you for something as small as you being happy
so i learned the hard way that no amount of work can offset what a shit species humanity is

i regret not killing some of those people in rage
i tried to make myself better every time
when i should have been making the world better

>a younger me was convinced that eventually you could become worth enough that people wouldnt fuck you over

I used to have simular thoughts, although mine shifted more towards seperating were I get my happiness and selfesteem from and making it a more internal thing. it is still and on going process.

again I do agree with you on people fucking around as I had some of that happen to me although in my case it wasnt as serious.

>i regret not killing some of those people in rage
I feel more sorrow than anything else towards people from my past, maybe this will change in time along with my perspective.

>when i should have been making the world better
this appeals to me, but I never feel like I do enough