Anyone up for random talk?

Anyone up for random talk?

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Hey there.
Just listening to some +

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What's troubling you, OP?

Dunno, just browsing on Jow Forums. Have no idea what I want to do.

Make some brownies. Bake something.

stop craving attention
you dont need it
youre only doing it from boredom

Don't know what I want to do with life. Looking for a direction but I'm still clueless. So I just wanted to talk with random people on this site.

When I improve myself, I will no longer want him. He doesn't want me at my worst so he won't get me at my best. I was under a spell.

Not op but I feel like I always crave attention and it annoys people. I don't really feel like doing anything productive though so its on me

thats because people are always looking for answers
they get hurt once
and they try to find the answer in someone else
eventually it becomes an unhealthy compulsion
we end up switching between people constantly hoping for answers to different problems
relationships are transient and meaningless
just an effort to fill a void


I'm the same way as you. I'm compelled to shitpost whenever I'm bored just to get a reacttion from someone and I tend to make a real fool of myself. Just think of how much useful shit you could get done if you focused that pent up retardation into something you actually enjoyed.

What’s there to talk about? I can’t think of anything

Yeah nice existential crisis, but in reality social relationships are meaningful. They reduce stress, and studies show human contact is beneficial to the brain.

Yes, it would be nice if we weren't constrained to emotional bullshit. We could just do what we think would be best for us. But, I think, over the years of humans being a social animal, we evolved to desire relationships because it keeps us safer.

Anybody else wish Jow Forums had more categories than they do? I often don't know where to post what I want to talk about. It just doesn't fit.

We need a religion + philosophy board

>Yeah nice existential crisis, but in reality social relationships are meaningful. They reduce stress, and studies show human contact is beneficial to the brain.
you have changed my perspective by citing obvious studies on human physiology
thank you soothsayer
the veil is lifted
no longer shrouded by wool
third eye awakened
witnessed the birth of the universe
all thanks to you mighty oracle

what you said doesnt disprove anything ive said
people transiently seek becoming whole from other people


Yeah I guess you're right. Still, I didn't want people to think it was pointless to make friends and talk to people. A healthy person should have a mix of internal validation and external validation from healthy relationships, I feel.

at least you had a chuckle from my spiel :)

Yeah though I'm pretty limited. I like all 3 dark souls and bloodborne. I like deep conversations about stories and characters in animu, books, TV shows, and movies. I like gardening, but it's less of a talking topic and more a doing topic. PVP is my life blood nowadays.

What in the actual fuck do you want to talk about?

You sound like some lonely loser douchebag who doesn't have any friends. So why the fuck should anyone talk to a bum like you?

There is always this immature part of me that is like ... think of all the wonderful things you'd do if you weren't shit posting. Imagine if you could channel that energy into something useful.

Another part of me is I'm doing exactly what I want to do. What wonderful things? Define useful? Useful to who exactly?

A lot of general unhappiness and anxiety has been in my life due the constant nagging feeling that I'm wasting my potential, not being constructive, cool, hip, happening, whatever. The reality is that often there isn't anything more constructive that I'd rather be doing and to be honest most of the things that I would go out and do would be born of anxiety of not appearing cool in the eyes of others. I'm ok with not appearing cool now.

Damn, do you like souls pvp?

I don't have a soul but thanks for asking

why am i banned

A this is why everything is fine user.

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Broke up with someone three weeks ago. Still hurts, watching (500) days of summer.

You’ll find that on X but then it’ll turn into them talking about fucking demons

No problem, do you have lood echoes?

No, the only lewd shit I have is a book of nude paintings and my daily /aco/ habit. Sometimes I fantasize in my imagination about my childhood friend who is now a nurse. I like to imagine her jacking off her patients sometimes.

You're fucking welcome.

A whole bunch of people...

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Oh shit you took b*lood echoes an entire different route XD gave me a good laugh though. There's shame in jerking it to old and/or current friends but there is no harm. You seem unhappy though; are you alright?

Check out /his/, /lit/ and /sci/