What does Jow Forums think of America's next president?
Tulsi Gabbard
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Kamala isn't gonna be the nominee...
Cute, can't wait for 2024
Climatr change is big on her agenda. No thanks.
I would go down on her after a hot sandy day at the beach.
BASED. Mommy knows her shit. And she's not running on sjw fee fee crap.
She doesn't stand a chance.
The Democrat establishment hates her. She's a super lefty so Republicans hate her too.
That's why she's gonna win the nomination.
dat belly
You cannot win as a Democrat if you don't have their media team behind you.
The Democratic Party is essentially a collection of news corporations at this point. If they don't endorse you, you're finished.
/ourgirl/, Tulsi 2024
Would rather mommy than Trumpenstein at this point tbqhwyl.
fuck off
yes you can
She was endorsed by David Duke and Richard Spencer.
She has zero chance. Add to that top Democrats are saying shes the least qualified out of everyone who has announced they are running.
All you have to do is say "david duke endorsed her" and it will turn everyone away
endorsed by the duke of Hazard, david duke
Has she apologized for believing in conversation therapy yet?
so what you are saying is
that you wouldn't mind a little bit of sand in yo mouth
Based mommy
>endorsed by the duke of Hazard, david duke
Yeah because duke is a deep state asset
No you can't.
Democrats are dumb as fuck and believe whatever the TV tells them.
If their bought and paid for news corps don't endorse her, she will never win.
Lmao the majority of the people retweeting this are Republicans, Tankies, and Libertarians. Hardly any actual democrats like her.
Cry more bitch
Sorry you can't handle reality.
Styx literally made a video on the tulsi shilling that was to come on here.
you fags are way too predictable
David Duke is controlled opposition who is only there to ruin people's reputation by endorsing them. He ''endorsed'' Trump too.
fukkin saved
>Styx literally made a video on the tulsi shilling that was to come on here.
Who cares about what that degenerate Satanic tranny has to say? Are you a faggot or something?
reality is that nobody believes the media especially when their playbook is identical to how they attacked Trump in 2016. You're so blind because of censorship.
Who? Some cum dumpster
fuck off with ecelebs lmao
Imagine writing that post after seeing this Truly the lowest of the low IQ.
He did predict this and other shit that has come to pass. His degenerate lifestyle is not whats at hand here
>bitching about an ecleb
>on a tulsi mummy thread
Hillary 2.0
Based Mommy.
The DNC will bend her over and fuck herr in the ass so hard she'll start thinking gay conversion therapy works again.
>she has my vote.
If its her sand, I would not mind it at all.
He said what he said because he has an agenda, and sucks Trump's cock just as much as T_D fags. He knows Trump won by a small margin, he knows Trump is fucking up hard, and he knows the one candidate right now that could easily beat Trump is Tulsi Gabbard. He knows Tulsi Gabbard could easily gather support from pissed off former Trump supporters, anti-Trump republicans, centrists, and democrats. He knows she would lead a landslide against Trump, and he's afraid.
She has good ideas, perhaps she'd make an food secretary?
>all this projection and shit pulled from your ass
go home Shariablue it's obvious
not a coincidence that the loser in this thread citing his glow in the dark e-celeb and calling people shills sounds just like a dumbfuck democrat screaming about russia
Inb4 the Russians did that too.
You have to go back.
>the one candidate right now that could easily beat Trump is Tulsi Gabbard
Delusion off the charts. Both parties hate her.
Is that Danny Devito? wtf
The Clinton machine.
What the fuck happened to this place
Where were you when the Democrats become the party of war?
I'm well aware she could very likely get cheated in the Dem primary like they did to Bernie Sanders. That however doesn't change the fact that she could easily beat Trump if she were to be his opponent.
Neither side want her because she doesn't want Israel meddling he in this country
There's more than left vs right...
I'm on the Gabbard speedboat.
Well, who's turn is it this time around?
I think she'd look a lot more presidential face down ass up
Another cunt.
She needs to team up with lovable but unreliable Bernie.
At least she's actually attractive, unlike horserace aoc
>retweeting shaun kangz
literally fucking dropped that instant
Its happening.
How can a Democrat be this right
Are there any Democrats that believe in the Illuminati?
>he doesn't watch jimmy dore
old news
In our politics? Not really
It's easy, unless they want to run for president.
>watch jimmy dore
I only know of his radio show.
She has my vote
Yes there is...
The same Democratic propaganda wing in CNN and MSNBC refused to give Sanders much attention, but he became a sensation anyway by the power of independent media and Twitter.
Tulsi knows how to play the game. She's a millenial and understands our demographic more than anyone else running. Her base may not be enough to win against Kamala's money and media coronation, but it will be more than enough to start a fire that everyone will see.
Same. At this point I'll take any nominee willing to glass israel
So are we all registering Democrat so we can vote for mommy in the primary?
She wont be the next president.
I wish some bad ass 100% Cherokee engineering chick would run...
She is a democrat plant mean tot take votes away from Trump. Anyone who says otherwise is obviously a blueshare shill
The life of being a liberal.
You can't be center left and make jack shit in the Democratic Party anymore, Jim Webb is a perfect example.
I think she has a good chance if winning in 2024 with the right support.
Yes fellow pol/tard MIGA!
I'd fuck her.
>Sweden but she doesn't have a penus.
I'd rather a sincere and relatively un-SWAMPED candidate like Gabbard, socialist (more social-democrat than socialist t b h) or not, than President Trump at this juncture.
Candidate Trump was a different story, that guy is MIA though and has been since January 2017.
currently averaging at
Kamala is going to be the DNC's pick whether you like it or not. And, Trump is winning again in 2020.