I'm so goddamn lonely. I feel like an alien. I haven't any friends, and I avoid women. Plz help faggots. My hobbies include playing blackjack and drinking brady.
Farmboy moved to the big city
I recommend trying Yukon solitaire. It’s a lot more challenging than standard solitaire.
there’s usually two or three hip areas near universities with bars, clubs, and concert venues in cities. I go to crowded hipster bars on the weekends by myself, when you’re around drunk people everyone talks to eachother. You’re not really alone, unless you look like a fucking dork
That's me in the pic. I try to avoid bar scenes. I'm a loner type. And I'm awkward and dorky. So, Yeah...
Well try going solo anyway. My friends all moved away so I go out to the clubs just to socialize and it’s a pretty good alternative
Churchill > Yukon
Lol play blackjack at a bar. Jokes aside just try talking to some people about normal stuff. I'm sure there is more to you than blackjack and brady.
>Klondike solitaire with two decks
>better than Yukon
I mean, I guess you could play Yukon with two decks.
You're right. There is more. Thanks for the uplifting words.
Surely you've got a football team playing tonight. Go to a sports bar and watch it.
Don't avoid women, you're not ugly and I think there's a good amount of women who are into country dudes. What do you like to do for fun? Maybe you can meet people through that.
My bad, what ELSE do you like to do for fun? Ignore my retardedness.
My nigga women are so into country boys right now it’s crazy. And cities are crazy expensive too I understand wanting to be closer to civilization but god damn do you pay for it.
What are you doing in the city farmbro?
Working at a factory. It's a bleak existence, but I'm moving up quickly.
It's all good. I like to read and write. Most of my hobbies are things I can do solo. I'm not into traditional sports. Fishing and hunting... because ya'know. Other than that, I'm not sure.
Take up some new hobbies dude, or try to bond with your new work/school colleagues, assuming you're either a student or a new worker in the city you moved to. Then go do shit with them, I know big metropolitan areas usually have a lot of stuff to do. Depending on the state you live in, meeting people can be extra hard. California is extra anti-social, and Californians don't enjoy being approached a lot. But you're a good lookin dude and dorky personalities aren't a bad thing at all, you should be fine. Make some online buddies in the meantime.
Jesus. You guys make me feel so much better. Thanks.
We feel it, guy. It's difficult to go out and meet people, especially when you've moved to a new place. Grew up in a small city with one school and my family didn't want me to go out much because they were scared I'd get raped or kidnapped or something, so I've got like 4 friends that I don't talk to very often. Online friends are a great substitute, but don't lock yourself inside, okay? It's important to go out and talk to people face to face. I like to volunteer places in my spare time, you meet a lot of kind people. Try it sometime
For some reason it is so easy to get down on myself. I need to isolate less, but it is so easy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Damn! Okay. I know a few places I could volunteer. It's nice knowing someone else is in the same boat.
I agree, it is easy. You just have to find something and then stick to your guns about going. My boss told me, "set a goal for yourself. Go out somewhere and tell yourself, 'I'm going to talk to x amount of people today and find out 1 thing about them'. Take it a week at a time, going to a new place/event each week, and increase the number each week. And then you just fuckin wing it talking to them, make a conversation out of whatever you can and be an active listener.
You're not alone my dude, more people are in, and have been in, the same position than you know. I find solace in knowing that there has had to been someone with a similar problem to me, if not essentially the same problem, in the past who overcame it. If they could do it, so can I.
The thing to do about bars is go out in the late afternoon and find somewhere with an ugly male bartender who has everyone at the bar talking with each other. These are the places that later on are full of regulars who are there to see their friends and meet people and enjoy life, rather than swagger around and try to fuck. But you don't ever have to do that. Just having somewhere to go and see people who know you and are pleased to see you, and having someone to talk to, are really important.
The important point is to become a regular somewhere and stick with it unless you're sure it's a waste of time. Don't flit out of mere boredom. This takes quite a while.