Can someone explain?
How is the holocaust fake?
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Zionists did the holocaust and blamed hitlre
Official Holocaust narrative suggests there were 6 gorillian Jews genocided.
The holocaust is such a ridiculous non-sense it should be called a conspiracy theory.
>Muh gnatzis killed six gorillion but they burned the bodies n shit so conveniently there's no evidence
>How is the holocaust fake?
There's literally no evidence for it.
I will explain but only if you post again in this thread, which I don't think you will.
It didn't happen, but it needs to happen again. where are they then?
The Holocaust is one extremely specific thing. It is not Jews being put in camps. It is not Nazis killing Jews by working them to death, shooting them, making them die of exposure, starvation, or any other random cause associated with internment during wartime.
The Holocaust is the German plan, and action, to systematically exterminate the Jews by use of poison gas. It is nothing but this. Without genocidal gassing there is no Holocaust. No hairsplitting can change this. No one denies that work camps existed. No one denies that typhus and starvation killed many.
Display cases full of hair, shoes, and clothing do not prove that gassings took place. Totally fabricated accounts of human bodies being burned in massive piles, or flames shooting out the top of crematory chimneys do not prove gassings happened. Propaganda myths of human soap and skin lampshades do not prove that gassings happened.
Demonstrably much testimony used at the Nuremberg Trials was completely false.
There is no substantiated evidence that mass gassings took place. This is why the official narrative is questioned.
It wasn't fake, but neither are any of the other crimes against humanity the , man butchering man,century ushered in. Our epoch represents secular humanism and it is far from over.
Almost 200k in Israel alone. 70 years after the war. All would have been children.
Last week I took a look at an old lexicon from 1965 and there was no such term as "Holocaust". It must have been invented later than 1965, and WW2 was 20 years over by then.
It came about basically as media PR thing to push made for TV movies about WWII. It was popularized either in the late 70s or early 80s. I forget which.
coal furnaces can't melt 6M jews
Where's the 42mill come from? Everyone says the total number killed in concentration camps was ~12mill and thats across multiple camps
Notice that OP still hasn't posted again in his own thread. I recommend to never bother posting an engaging argument an in a "controversial" thread where OP does not post twice.
Russians did the genociding then blamed Germans after the war.
German camps had theatres and swimming pools.
Took you long enough. Riveting comeback.
Sas it with me: POLISH DEATH CAMPS.
How so?
Kek. Fuck toe rogan tho
OP - To deny the Holocaust means to accept that there is zero evidence that the Germans planned a mass murder of the Jews, specifically through gassing, and that not even close to six million died during the war. See pic related
Prove it happened.
If they didnt die from gas, how did they die, what did they do with the bodies if they didnt burn them?
Where did you find this quote?
>by use of poison gas
It's everything you wrote combined.
It's from the bible. It's where an israelite would burn an offering to complete ashes at an altar for God, hence why it's so important to the story that they were burned. Modern rabbinic Judaism also has a fascination with the number 6 (satanic esoteric reasons) hence the number being so important
Shut the fuck up, Jew
From one of his speeches
He wasn’t atheist in fact
I see a lot of people saying that he was against the church, it's amazing what you learn by yourself. Thanks
No problem
Don’t believe everything they tell you without verifying it yourself first.
No its not, you lying kike.
There is no alleged plan by the Germans to commit genocide by working Jews to death. The singular genocidal plan alleged to be attempted by the NSDAP is the gassing of Jews. The Holocaust is nothing but this. This is the singular event which is put forth by Holocaust historians.
If no genocidal gassings took place then the Holocaust did not happen.
There is no substantiated evidence that genocidal gassings took place.
There is no evidence that the Holocaust happened.
>The second interesting thing that emerges from Eichmann's own papers is that he's chewing over in his mind -- he's frightfully repetitive -- he keeps on coming back, again and again, in his manuscripts and in these conversations to who was behind it, and what was behind it. What was behind the "Holocaust" (if we can use that word loosely here now)? He keeps coming back to the appalling thought: Did they manage to use us? Did the Zionists use the Nazis to further their own ends? Was the Holocaust something that they themselves inflicted on their own body, in order to bring about their Zionist cause in the long run?
>Can someone explain?
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there...
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.