
When someone posts a thread and says "pol" or "POL" or anything besides Jow Forums this is most likely who's posting the thread.

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>When someone posts a thread and says "pol" or "POL" or anything besides Jow Forums this is most likely who's posting the thread.
No actually JIDF is the people who spells the board name wrong.

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Me on the right sitting next to Sid

Remove the (((TRUMP)))

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kys faggot

Stay on reddit where you belong, retard. This is an antisemitic board.

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>Stay on reddit where you belong, retard. This is an antisemitic board.
Kek. Israel isn't gonna have the support of the Diaspora. You're fucked.

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kys fag Jow Forums welcomes all, including Israelis

Are you fucking retarded???

Go suck "God Emperor" Trump's dick until the end of days.

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Nice proxy, shlomo

so how did the pudgy mutt wind up there? I thought she was a huge e-celeb.


Did you even watch the SOTU? Look, the West as a whole is no longer in our hands and it never will be again. You just haven't realized it yet.

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What do you have against the Jewish people? They're our greatest ally.

I don't live in Queens

So you're telling me that no one brought their laptop to a Jow Forums meeting? Fake and gay.

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Who was your favorite character?
Hard mode: No Jesus

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Pol.... Am I a Jew now?

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Bullshit. I just say pol because I'm lazy.

>these are the guys that call you a subhuman

u r faggit

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I live in queens fuck off

Yeah, because New York is representative of all cities where Jow Forumsacks live.

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Exactly. Then a bunch of antifa white faggots come into the threads accusing them of racism. The fuck...

reminder that OP's photo is as white as people on this board get