What's this guy up to...? He's out and about scheming on ways to bring (((peace))) to the Middle East and is constantly hyped as the only one that can do it. Not to mention there are countless news articles hyping him up as a potential leader.
He seems different from all the other Jews. Unlike the other Jews, he is probably smart. He also don't kvetch about every dumb thing like all other Jews do.
I personally think he thinks himself as the Antichrist, whether or not he is is irrelevant. He seems to actually take the role seriously since he purchased the 666 building in New York.
Chase Fisher
he ruined trump
Angel Scott
kushner is literally /ourguy/. he's probably the next hitler
Ayden Rogers
he knows the high top israeli scum on both sides , so he is the only one that can speak freely to them.
Alexander Price
Kushner is a psychopathic and genocidal Jewish supremacist, and has been chosen to be the Zionists' new messiah.
It will be his role, when the Zionists make Kushner the first Israeli US President in 2024, to lead the Israelis to open control of the entire Earth - and to lead 6 billion goyim to their deaths.
Military equipment supply to SA deal of $115bn, >mediator-advisor in Kashogi killing to the prince .. Iron Dome purchase from kike's (again). (((($Xxx)))) Let's say he pockets 1% from each piss brokerage deal, he'll be able to fund official presidential campaign for the next 10 elections.
Julian Ortiz
He is the head of the NWO. Who knows what he is up to. Whatever he does you can best bet there are big plans behind them
Robert Ross
I wonder if Trump even knows. They probably saw Trump as their biggest goy threat(or asset) a long time ago which is why he married trumps daughter. Jews think he is their messiah and he has been groomed to be the head of the NWO since his teens