So why wmaf kids are worse than the wfam kids? I don't understand the process. It's scientifically proven that children inherit equal set of genes from both parents - 50% on 50% from man and woman. So why the fuck wmaf children are so retarded?
Also the question: I heard somehere that the more parents differ genetically, the more their children are superior because parental genes complement each other and healthy genes replace unhealthy ones. It's like with the children of siblings but vice versa. Doesn't it mean that Americans one day will become a masterrace because of the most enriched gene pool in the world?
mail order brides in wmaf case. meaning old man with low quality sperm and uneducated poor woman. also, disfynctional family leading to all kind of psychological issues wfam: most white women go for their race and despise asians so am should be exceptionally atractive to breed with wf
Nathaniel Murphy
Beta Asian women are cunning and manipulative and mean. They are predatory. They go after the easy prey---they have to, Asian men have already figured them out and don't want them. So these Asian women have to go out of their way to find partners. Along come beta white males, aka suckers.
These two groups, beta Asian females and beta white males, wind up having offspring that are shit tier children. Crazy, often stupid, violent, rude, entitled, and straight up weird.
You don't get the opposite because white women don't marry beta Asian males---they go after the alphas.
Julian Peterson
Y-DNA vs mtDNA. That is what matters in real world. Y-DNA is a chromosome containing a group of male genes. The female counterpart is mtDNA - a chromosome containing female group of genes.
Fuck! i remember Жигyлёвcкoe from soviet times, it was dark and very bitter Have the taste changed?
Adam Collins
Children look like their parents. Men on the right look more white than their counterparts on left. Women on the right look more white than their counterparts on the right.
There have actually been studies done on the issue and children generally inherit more features from their parent with the same gender. The rest is pretty much conjecture.
Leo Davis
I too, can cherry pick and exaggerate bad or good features.
Gabriel Morales
A beta loser white male rejected by white women who can land an easy asian woman for simply being white
A trash low tier asian woman who hates her own race.
What do you expect?
Isaiah Cook
You get more dna from your mother.
Justin Allen
How the fuck it happened to you to taste Zhigulyovskoe? I bet you prefer not to repeat this expirience
Elijah Richardson
>So why wmaf kids are worse than the wfam kids? they are all not very good looking, to be honest. you're comparing types of shit.
Carter Cox
was on Metallica concert in Moscow 1991, a mounth after tanks shoot at White House (Russian parliament)
Jayden Sanders
Your description of genetics isn't quite right. You get a complete set of genes from the mother and a complete set from the father. You have two of every gene, but only ONE gets expressed (activated). You will pass one half of your genes to your children (this is the part that is believed to be random) including some that you were merely carrying and not expressing. It is totally possible for you to express more of the genes from one parent than the other, even though you carry both genes.
That aside, the reason for your example is most likely that the white women paired with alpha asian males while the asian women paired with beta white males.
Angel Williams
they aren't fuck off eurasian tiger
Anthony Evans
and btw random pics of people aren't proof ET, you need statistics, if you don't have them than fuck off
Ryder Turner
>(this is the part that is believed to be random)
There is absolutely NOTHING, that is "random". Everything has a cause and effect.
Xavier Rogers
yes AMWF women look like average gook shit, have you ever seen fags from r/anzidentity praise AMWF hapa women? never.