Lauren Southern is NOT jewish

why do so many people say she is?

Attached: le98percentface.jpg (419x700, 69K)

If you're 98% Euro, you're probably 100%. Very unlikely to have a single % as that'd go very many generations back and people didn't use to racemix.

she's the one that made it seem that way. She needs to post std results after burning coal. not that it's forgivable anyway

>Daily JIDF shitpost implying that Jews are a race
>why do so many people say she is?
Anyone who takes money from a Jew to do Jew things is also a Jew.

Attached: Jews not a race.png (772x685, 94K)


Still fucked spics and blacks. Worthless.


>No genotype
That's the same shit argument people make to try to say races in general don't exist. Clearly there's a jew ethnicity
You don't get to give yourself a regular anglo name and then magically become a non-jew. Most everyone can still tell by looking at you.

So am I not a Jew? Please tell me I'm not a Jew

Attached: Screenshot_20190203-162107~2.png (1080x1143, 87K)

>Clearly there's a jew ethnicity
You don't get to give yourself a regular anglo name and then magically become a non-jew. Most everyone can still tell by looking at you.
No, keep trying kike. I think you're underestimating how many "anglos" are actually Jews who converted a few hundred years ago and changes their names.

Attached: Jews not a race.jpg (1080x706, 87K)

So this isn't a jew in your mind?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 110K)

Don't mind me, chosen person coming through.

Attached: Screenshot_20181216-145813.png (1440x2560, 378K)

Clearly not, even though he has Ashkenazi ancestry.

(((iberian peninsula))) got a Sephardi on our hands

And while we're at it here rabbi, explain higher jew rates for Bloom Disease, Branched-Chain Ketoaciduria, Canavan Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Familial Dysautonomia, Fanconi Anemia Type C, Gaucher Disease, Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1A, Mucolipidosis IV, Niemann-Pick Disease Type A, Tay-Sachs Disease, Walker-Warburg Syndrome, etc.

lol the government now has her dna kek

>he has Ashkenazi ancestry
That's the same fucking thing you autist.
>inb4 there are Spanish jews too
I know, I don't care. Stop being such a pedant.

womp womp, nice try

>explain higher jew rates
Hi Mohel, this applies to Ashkenazis, not Jews as a whole. Nice try though.
Ashkenazi doesn't imply Jew and Jew doesn't imply Ashkenazi.

>That's the same fucking thing you autist.
No, I know that your small mutt brain has trouble understanding it but Ashkenazi doesn't imply Jew and Jew doesn't imply Ashkenazi.

I don't know if she a jew, but her sister isn't sporting a white girl's booty

Attached: 8lpu8a37mgrz.jpg (1242x1213, 252K)

Post her sister

Attached: jess.webm (852x480, 2.88M)

Her penis is circumcized

Because Jew call people they don't like Jews to discredit them

>Ashkenazi doesn't imply Jew
You're using a make believe rule that "jew" means "religious jew" and not "ethnic jew." What you're really trying to say is you can be an ethnic jew who isn't a practicing member of the jew religion, or you could be ethnically non-jew but a convert to the jew religion through marriage.

her real last name is simonsen. thats a jewish name

I doubt you are. You are part polish, and ypu know they like to throw shit in there. They say I'm .5% Congo, no matter what I set the confidence level to. Every other percentage changes but that one.

>Asia South

Attached: shariaa.jpg (1120x1120, 177K)

>why do so many people say she is?
Because she is effective and their main strategy for divide and conquer shilling is "He/she is a kike and a zionist"

>What you're really trying to say is you can be an ethnic jew who isn't a practicing member of the jew religion
No what I'm saying is that you can be an ethnic Anglo (or other) without even knowing that you were Ashkenazi until you do a genetic test.


Attached: lozc.jpg (1024x576, 118K)

e-thottery is degenerate

Da harrible shoah.

Attached: DVtnO7dVoAAF1yt.jpg (600x216, 27K)

“Jew” isn’t a coherent ethnicity. Ashkenazis overlap with Southern Mediterranean folks making them, more or less, European from a genetic perspective.

Attached: C510D62E-2E7D-4BCF-9912-AC72A8B4D5CD.png (1334x1067, 117K)

>that DNA
they overlap with east "med" mongrels who are armenoid arabed bitches. nothing European about the jews

I also chose myself to win all the company pools, doesn't mean I will.

Kind of proves she's not Jewish to make such an obvious error.

Italy and Greece are in Europe you know ...

you know how some gym bros work on nothing but biceps? i think some girls do nothing but squats these days

Attached: 1539404569799.jpg (750x938, 102K)

Into the oven with you. Jew. One drop. We know your kind diaspora kike

>Italy and Greece are in Europe you know
So? Hugh Jackman is in Australia. Is he aboriginal? jews, gypsies and tatars in Europe too not to mention recent third world coons.

did you really think that subhumans started coming to our shores recently?

>implying that Jews are flawless
>fucking jew

what is the matter with Canadians?
first drinking out of mason jars and now eating pudding without a spoon

Attached: jessu consumes pudding cup.webm (936x720, 2.84M)

It's the high taxes. They can't afford luxuries like cups and spoons.

>Still fucked spics and blacks. Worthless
Would you say any White guy that ever banged a gook is out too?

They sell their surplus spoons on the black market to us bongs without cutlery licenses.

>People didn't use to race mix

How fucking naive to history is this? Division was more about religion than race before the 17th century

she's doing an extreme tippy-toe posture for that you fucking brainlet. any woman can make their ass look better by standing certain ways / wearing certain shoes.

it puts food on the table for many families over there. it's not their fault the country is in crisis.

You're not but it seems some Chad Jew has cucked one of your euro ancestors several hundred years ago

1% of you goes into the gas chamber, so we'll take one of your toes

>Division was more about religion than race
in southern European shitholes your wog leech rat parents came from - absolutely. not like 70%+EEF part nig genetics are worth preserving anyway

other European states had codified ethnic and racial legal systems

>>People didn't use to race mix
>How fucking naive to history is this? Division was more about religion than race before the 17th century
It's a fact. 95% of White Americans have zero non-White ancestry.

23andMe add "1%" fake results.

L m a o it was even more true of northern Europe. A quarter of the Germanic population died because of Catholic vs Protestant fighting in the 30 years war. Catholics only married Catholics and protestants with protestants. There was a huge divide in my family because my Catholic German great grandmother married a Protestant German, she would have been better off marrying a Catholic of any race as she used to say it. You know we've had 2 nigger popes right?

>Pre-17th century

It's like having a discussion with a literal nigger you're that fucking dense.

I'm sure she did that out of a lack of cutlery user.

>It's like having a discussion with a literal nigger you're that fucking dense.
LOL the irony. If they have zero non-White ancestry now they never did, ant brain.

German married people from their own towns and regions, south being mainly catholic and northern/central parts more protestant. it was a matter of mobility and local dialects.

"""""your"""" grandmother (whom are you trying to fool dumb greekroach) didn't write the racial laws for the Holy Roman Empire or Prussia, so your anect
>You know we've had 2 nigger popes
pureblooded? not really. but sure, popes were mostly shitalian so

nice braaper

Because the Asian troll and YouTuber Johnny Gat made a video claiming Lauren Southern was Jewish.

Just like he made a video claiming Black Pigeon Speaks was Jewish

Of course

Because people don't have reading comprehension skills. She was commenting about how some groups claim victimhood for generations, while others who have nothing bounce back straight away. She tweeted a comment that jews who lost everything in WW2 recovered within a generation, and her grandparents who had their trucking company seized by the nazis so they fled to Canada recovered in their lifetime. People who don't understand clauses and commas took this to mean that jews and her grandparents were one in the same.