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Why did they have to build a wall to stop people from escaping to evil capitalist West?

>muh wall

Not an argument

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Glad to see this thread is going nowhere, good job admitting you're a retard.

>Syndicalist corporatism and civic nationalism infused with Catholic social teaching

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answer his question, tick


>communism bad you is stupid

Not an argument

Wrong pic

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>Jason Unruhe

Not an argument

>commies are brutal human right's abusers
It actually is an argument


>attacking the source not the argument

Some sources *can* be dismissed off-hand, like MaoistRebelNews or Jow Forums infographics.


Not an argument

Far more people in Vietnam,India,Bangladesh,Egypt,Algeria and many other countries wanted to be friends with Soviets that reactionary scum that fled.

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Because a lot of people were infected by Western propaganda, and believed that the West was some land of plenty where everyone was perfectly free and everyone had everything they wanted. As people have learned after the fall of communism, fizzy corn juice, blue pants, and negro music aren't worth absolute economic slavery and the destruction of your culture/ethnicity.

People often don't know what is best for themselves, so they need to be stopped from making pisspoor decisions. So basically the same reason governments make scams illagal - to protect people from their own idiocy.

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Not an argument

>West Germany freely allows people to move East if they so desire
>East Germany shoots you if you try to cross the border

You're proving yourself wrong.

if you would at least go to wiki, you would see that this is false. There were people who received free education and then left. Some returned, some were reactionary scum and never looked back.

Not an argument

>Some sources *can* be dismissed off-hand,
No, they can't. Everything he said is verifiably true. You can look it all up.


I just watched that. Half of the video is crying about Nazis in WG government (which is somewhat true), and the other part is some bullshit argumentation about how wall is actually ''defense''...defense against what?
Where are HIS sources for alleged bomb attacks, shooting of EG guards and so on?
He's also lying, I just checked Wiki article, it is properly sourced.

see Links are all in the video description.

Also, the AUDACITY of people who even begin to claim Berlin Wall was meant for something else other than preventing your own citizens escaping from the ''paradise'' you built.
It was pretty much an open secret, a notorious fact, why the wall was built.
This isn't something that happened 1000 years ago. You retarded fucks.

Nothing about shootings, killings, West Germans infiltrating and so on.

at least read a wiki article, you illiterate idiot.

P.S. Majority of east German miss the GDR times.

Communism is very likely the future, but we don't have the social technology to make it work just yet.
The Republic was tried as early as 500BCE but it only really took off 2 centuries ago. Communism might have centuries yet before it becomes viable.


Which is really just Humanism.

Yikes. Anyone who seriously thinks that this is not the past is demented.

>Communism is very likely the future

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then why are they voting right-wing instead of gommie if they miss it so much?

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>omg i can't even

That's just espionage.
Show me terrorist acts and similar, shit he talks about.

Not an argument

because of a)most old people are dead b)east germans also vote for die linke c)people in general vote on promises. afd is populist party.

I can though, I just see you as fucking retarded.
It's one thing to be a Marxist, it's another to outright fake history to make godawful regimes look better.
In the end, Western worker was far better off than worker in communist states.
Nothing is more embarrassing for a system which is centered on workers.
Marxism-Leninism was an abysmal failure. It's over.

Not an argument

They are both
1. commies sympathizers who miss the GDR
2. nationalistic racists fascist neonazis

Because Soviet style communism was highly nationalist, and far-right parties are highly nationalist? Try seeing what kind of voter share center-right right parties get in old Eastern Germany.

You know what? Not an argument

>fascist neonazis
Here we go again...


>9th CONSIDERATION. Who is aggravating the situation?

>The wall? It stands there quite calmly. Former French Premier Reynaud said already on 19 August 1961, according to UPI: “The sealing-off measures of the East Berlin government did not increase, but lessened, the danger of a third world war.” In reality, the situation is being aggravated by persons who play at being the strong man on our state frontier, who are turning West Berlin into a NATO base and daily inciting West Berliners against the GDR. Municipal railway cars are being destroyed, frontier guards attacked and brutally shot, tunnels dug for agents and bomb attacks made on the GDR’s frontier security installations. Does that serve relaxation? One must really ask why attacks on the GDR state frontier in West Berlin are not subject to court prosecution as in other states. The Brandt Senate even presents “its respects” to the provocateurs.

>Because Soviet style communism was highly nationalist
It wasn't.
The only reason East Germany is so racist is because the commies believed that their commie ideology automatically negated racism, and to some extent the GDR was a racist institution itself. For example the guest workers from friendly commie had many restrictions put on them on what they can and cannot do.
But it wasn't out of nazi style nationalism.

>racism is like when foreigners can't do things

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Forbidding interracial marriage is racism.

>Border control is bad

Why don't you dismantle your own border checks first.

you are a modern kulak
prove me wrong

Lol at all the ANTIFA faggots that cannot accept the fact that most of Eastern Europe is both leftist and racist.

It is until nations start making laws for eachother.

Except this pic is more about the keynesian western cold war economies versus current neoliberalism.

>things the DDR never did are racism

>racism is bad

It is documented. Also in practice all of the DDR was extremely racist against guest workers. You know that there were riots in which many where lynched, right?

Well I guess what they say about /his/ is true, it's actually just /leftypol/

Lynchings aren't necessarily racist. Maybe they disturbed the locals and that's what caused the riot?

It was a racist lynching.

A magical place

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>Lynchings aren't necessarily racist
Yes it just turns out that 100% of all guest workers ended up being rapist criminals. How convenient
Fuck off.

Sources for that. Show me an example of those bombings, attacks on frontier guards and so on.
>Soviet East German ambassador Mikhail Pervukhin observed that "the presence in Berlin of an open and essentially uncontrolled border between the socialist and capitalist worlds unwittingly prompts the population to make a comparison between both parts of the city, which unfortunately does not always turn out in favour of Democratic [East] Berlin."[38]
>The 3.5 million East Germans who had left by 1961 totalled approximately 20% of the entire East German population.[40]

nah, it's just a few shitposters thinking they can convert a board bigger than their own echo-chamber, same as the neo-nazis who also pollute this board.

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tried to take over and it back fired

>civic nationalism
thought you were better then this user...

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Believe it or not there are leftist posters on Jow Forums that never browsed /leftypol/ nor give a shit about converting anyone. You know, there is bound to be some of us.
Actually I say leftist but I'm not even leftist.
I just don't buy the established narrative.

If GDR wasn't racist then how come it is now the region that is full of neonazis?
You think they magically emerged in the last 20 years?

Go back to your discord you tranny freak

Fuck yeah it's a socialist thread on /his/

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Because the Soviet Union was poor while the USA was rich and intentionally rebuilt West Germany to embarrass the Communist East Germany.

>muh radical centrism

Totally wrong.

like pottery

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Only lolbertarian shits make that equivalence. Never in my life had I come across anyone who believed that you can equate NAZI Germany to the U.S.S.R. Not even in the US.

Because they were contrarevolutionaries.

The French premiere Reynaud is the source for that quote.

Because the USSR was a solid project for the betterment of mankind. There were plenty of mistakes. Sure. But aren't mistakes allowed when you pursue something that will make it all worthwhile?

I wish. Still too many fascist scum here.

It is. Are you familiar with dialectical materialism? It's a scientific way of seeing history and predicting what will happen. It's not exact since it's easy to miss something that will affect the result but it's good enough to get a general idea to where things will go and communism is the future once late stage capitalism fails.

because this isnt like /leftypol/ where its tranny BO deletes everything xe doesnt like

>implying /his/ wouldn't be a lot better if right wingers weren't banned on sight
They don't even read. They only come to ruin our board.

You're part of the problem.

t. machito scum

Why don't you go back to Jow Forums and leave our board alone?

>if you disagree with then you are
how are you not part of the problem again? I hate Jow Forumsniggers as much as the next person but /leftypol/niggers can be equally as annoying, i dont see what's wrong with wanting both gone

Because Jow Forumstards don't add anything to the board while leftists actually read and pursue intellectual interests.
>I hate Jow Forumsniggers as much as the next person
Yeah. Sure thing. Now leave.

>capitalism and social democracy are somehow opposed to each other
Gas all mutts

>brain drain means no one was shot at the border
At last I truly see

Although I mostly disagree with Christians, Conservatives, Liberals and Libertarians, I would not want to ban them. The only people I would ban are the outright racists.
And although I might have some leftist views, I don't like a leftist echo chamber like /leftypol/. Without opposition the user base becomes incredibly dense and close minded.

The German left (like most of the western left in general) has lost lots of credibility to bullshit gender and idpol issues most people don't care about. The people in East Germany fear downward social movement, not the absence of gender neutral bathrooms

> I don't like a leftist echo chamber like /leftypol/. Without opposition the user base becomes incredibly dense and close minded.
>it's bad that everyone is right
Do you even read the retarded shit you write before posting?

go to fucking wiki and read a fucking page stupid brainlet.

>Als Todesopfer an der Berliner Mauer (auch Maueropfer oder Mauertote) werden Personen bezeichnet, die zwischen dem 13. August 1961 und dem 9. November 1989 bei der Flucht aus der DDR an der Berliner Mauer infolge der Anwendung des Schießbefehls durch Soldaten der DDR-Grenztruppen oder durch Unfälle ums Leben kamen
>Nach Erkenntnissen des staatlich geförderten Forschungsprojekts des Zentrums für Zeithistorische Forschung (ZZF) und der Stiftung Berliner Mauer gab es mindestens 140 Maueropfer, darunter 101 DDR-Flüchtlinge, 30 Personen aus Ost und West, die ohne Fluchtabsicht verunglückten oder erschossen wurden, und 8 im Dienst getötete Grenzsoldaten.
What exactly am I supposed to read?

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