Not all men who clean their rooms are king, but all kings had clean rooms

Powerful. Let that sink in.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not all Trump supporters are Nazis, but all Nazis are Trump supporters.

Peterson is a UN collaborating piece of shit. Let that sink in.

Holy shit I feel so empowered now!

>all Nazis are Trump supporters

This is not true, I'm a Nazi and I hope the US is getting destroyed. A US on the level of any other South American country wouldn't be able to oppress the rest of the world anymore.

Did the kings clean their own rooms or did someone else do it for them?

they didn't clean them though

Sorry boss. We spark joy now.

>I'm a Nazi
That's like supporting the worst team in the league. Literally 0 wins.

Are you going to get a visit from the Merkelwaffen after posting that?

Jordan Peterstein is a hypocrite and probably a kike as well. Praise Tidy-chan

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Show tits

Not all men are gay but all gay men are guys.

Gotta post this in all Peterstein threads, even the shitposts.

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>sports analogy

Not all men who drink water are king, but all kings drank water. Do you realize the implications? Holy shit.

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ooooh Wisdom


Can you prove that? I actually doubt that’s true.

Her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Cleansing Your Nation of Degenerate Filth is really good.

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and thats a good thing

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wait, I have one:

Not all British are Irish. But all Irish are British.

>Jordan Peterson, are you a cuck?
>>Well, depends with what you mean by cuck.

Oh my god you ruined my entire life

I'm confident that you'll provide just as much cultural enrichment to the west once we're gone, Hans.
We raised you well.

you have to go back, faggot

>Kings drank water
lmao look @ dis bluepilled nigga

king got all of their hydration from food. Only peasants drank water because they lived on dry breadcrumbs.

Stop drinking the Hebrew2Oh

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Not after last night, Seamus.

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Not all lobsters are leaders, but all leaders are lobsters.

Right wing sjws don't like Jordan Peterson, what a shock!

Poland wouldnt say so

not all colors are green but green is a color.

Jordan Peterson reminds me that: "Empty kettles make the most noise." He offers nothing of value.

Not all niggers are black but all blacks are niggers.

Does a king wash his penis?

>his papers have +10k citations
>his book has sold 2M copies

>he offers nothing of value
>clearly salty as fuck
There are so many valid criticisms you could've gone with yet you decided to go full retard and pic one that doesn't make any sense.

I think it's time for you to go wash your dick.

he's right. we should all clean our rooms and be good boys.

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I already did that for today. My dick is clean and you're still so retarded it's painful to watch.

Fuck that boomer Juden Petersen

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How the fuck do I make patreon shekels like this nigger?
Do traps make a lot? Should I try that?
My NEET lifestyle will soon end if I don't get some shekels and fucking Jow Forums lied about Bitcoins

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/pol and hygiene don't go along too well

>supporting the winning team over your home team
is this peak cuck?

>manchildren throwing a tantrum at an authority figure
Using obscenities only further accentuates this point.

low iq peterson

there is nothing unhygenic about piss bottles

I'm not sitting here typing out everything that's in the video because your head's fried from smoking weed or som shit because we've had this exact thread before and you seem to have learned nothing.

Within Peterson's metaphysical categories of Being, Order, and Chaos one must never forget the permanent hierarchy of IQ, even devoid of character. They are your masters.

NEETs are worthless to everyone in society.

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I think you're projecting. I've never smoked weed.
>we've had this exact thread before
>because I'm the only Finn on Jow Forums
I knew you were a brainlet to begin with but c'mon.

Go suck schlomo's dick some more, your wife's bull and son isn't going to pay itself.

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Funny thing, it's primarily the NEETs and the soïbois who get truly triggered by him, not roasties. The reason is obvious: they turned out that way (NEET/soï) because they had no fathers, and here comes Peterson, an older male of authority who unapologetically calls them on their shit - the rebellion, rejection and the obscenities are so textbook it's sad.

Same posting style, same "Wah insults" arguments instead of refuting anything. Is he or isn't he a gatekeeper? The evidence points to yes, you just want to be spoonfed.

not even when killing a maid

I think he has had mental problems from since his childhood and that it has rendered him incapable of viewing collectivist ideas outside the context of six gorillion joos. He's supposedly against collective blame yet he'll levy those exact charges against all memesters for RL counter-semitic attacks at a drop of a hat.

But to call him a deep cover Marxist and that the Jews were playing 9000-dimensional chess in planting him into the spotlight is absolutely fucking retarded. You'd have to be the drooling type of retard, or a literal /x/ paranoid schizophrenic. This is nothing short of flat-earther tier.

The reason a lot of Jow Forumsacks are so hostile at him is because they went in with way wrong expectations. They were looking for an e-daddy, when in reality he's a clinical psychologist with a shit-ton problems of his own.

Wash your penis!

So he sat and watched marxism infect and corrupt education for 20 years and did nothing, just when the next generation of the far right was starting to surface in the form of the meme wars that was the time to speak out? A bit too perfect if you ask me, you are a fool to trust this man.

Sterilized protestant inanity

>So he sat and watched marxism infect and corrupt education for 20 years and did nothing, just when the next generation of the far right was starting to surface in the form of the meme wars that was the time to speak out?
See this is the 9000-dimensional chess I was talking about. He's supposedly a deep cover Marxist who seemingly commits career sudoku with anti-Marxist rhetoric, and is suddenly launched into global awareness (in the West) as the only real voice pointing out the Marxists are in fact ideologically the same ones that committed genocide. But he's a pro-Marxist himself. Do you not understand how schizophrenic that sounds?

>you are a fool to trust this man
Who said I trusted him? Did you even read my post?

Most kings never even wiped their own asses.
And they didn't have to earn their asswipers in that life either.
Let that sink in. into your loose fag hole.

>this brings joy

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>And they didn't have to earn their asswipers in that life either
>implying failing your kingdom didn't mean you got either imprisoned for life or beheaded
The 2k wipes were free but that's about it.


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>commits career sudoku
HA, he doesn't have to work another day in his life and he was never actually fired.
>the only real voice pointing out the Marxists are in fact ideologically the same ones that committed genocide. But he's a pro-Marxist himself
Are you aware of what a fabian socialist is? It's a socialist who believes it should be gradually implemented to avoid a violent reaction from the right, The Labour party are fabian socialist, who he has shown support for. He also worked on a UN document on "Sustainable Development", AKA globalism.

>a man of power and status who repeatedly names the Jew and gets called every name in the book by (((them))) - even posthumously
What does AH and MJ have in common?

New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies Through Sustainable Development, yeah, that has a nice anti-marcist ring to it, doesn't it?

>wouldn't be able to oppress the rest of the world anymore.

Are you fucking retarded? See how a nuclear world pans out without big daddy U.S policing it.


>Authority figure

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>HA, he doesn't have to work another day in his life
Like I said, 9000-dimensional chess. He didn't make $1M+ a year at the time the shit hit the fan for him.

>he was never actually fired.
The only reason he didn't get fired was because the video of him starting this wildfire went viral, and people, not journalists, reacted.

>Be king
>Make mess in room
>Order servant to clean


If I was making over $80,000 a month from patreon, I'd have a clean room too. I'd have a whole roster of paid servants to clean and tend to my every need.

JP is great. My personal favorite is his work on his grandmother in Maps of Meaning. Truly a man whom sets an example to follow!

Attached: grandmas-pubes.jpg (898x1600, 180K)

>king got all of their hydration from food. Only peasants drank water because they lived on dry breadcrumbs.
>Stop drinking the Hebrew2Oh

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>It's a socialist who believes it should be gradually implemented to avoid a violent reaction from the right
Okay. So he's a socialist and a Marxist who uses advanced techniques to first draw the bullseye on the Marxists for the Nathzees to go after (let's keep in mind he has contributed tremendously to identifying the group as it is, instead of just random groups of "liberals"), and then he pulls on the breaks knowing he's going to stop the Nathzees he himself helped to mobilize in the first place ... all in the name of hand-rubbing three to seven decades into the future?

Like I've said before ITT, this is paranoid schizophrenia, you should look up the symptoms.

>Right wing sjws don't like Jordan Peterson, what a shock!
Retard confuses tactics with strategy, what a shock!

The soviets did not become nazis when the adopted blitzkreig tactics

Not true, I sympathize with Nazis, my grandfather was a German soldier yet I think Trump is a way of creating a superficial opposition and his fans are desperate useful idiots.
Never supposed a isræl lover.


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I'm trying to make myself listen to his new video with McChrystal, but the book in question looks like trash based on flipping through it at the store and Peterson lost me with all his gatekeeping bullshit. I might just read a transcription or something.

>low iq peterson

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Peterson is a little useful. He is normie friendly and popular.
Like a gateway drug to open peoples eyes to left wing faggotry.

>hahaha he's not an authority figure
Yes, white, Ivy League educated, renowned senior experts with wealth, status and families of their own do not constitute authority figures in the West.

Seriously, how crippling is the autism?

I find it hilarious when I see the number of "adults" getting impressed and mesmerized by Jordan P or DJT. People are really desperate to have a day that will tell them how to live and what to think and how. Catholics really failed. People are begging to be led and be sheeps.

>Like a gateway drug to open peoples eyes to left wing faggotry.
he is not a gateway, he is a gatekeeper. he's a centrist does not let anyone get farther right than him. because he's terrified of what a strong right wing will do. it's all in the video. he explicitly says this. just watch it.

without him those men would be hard right, he keeps them bogged down in the center

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>judging a person by what they dream at night.
We got a lil' genius here

>If it is true that Peterson applied to law school but did not get in, then he is lying about his supposed high level of intelligence

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Just because JBP was your personal introduciton to politics doesn't mean he is a fucking alpha and omega. I don't even know where to begin:
- nazis didn't need that faggot to go after sjws, the've been doing it before
- "cultural marxism" was a meme long before jbp "named the marxist", lol
- jbp is a hack who doesn't even know the difference between marxists and postmodernists
- he isn't stopping shit, nazis don't care about this clown

It's called "narcissism", look it up. And you are being mislead by taking his symptoms at face value.

>a day that will lead them
*a daddy that will lead them

>Not all white men are Nazis, but all Nazis were white men

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He didn't paint shit he just told people what they wanted to hear, Goobergate is what actually painted the bullseye on marxists for the meme generation. Pic very related.

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>- nazis didn't need that faggot to go after sjws, the've been doing it before
>- he isn't stopping shit, nazis don't care about this clown
I see you're quite confused about the topic at hand and what my stance is. Read back the thread before replying.

>He didn't paint shit he just told people what they wanted to hear,

>all kings had clean rooms
what is a maid?